Can anyone help me with the following?
proc export data=have
I have my libname created. But this one is not working
Your PROC EXPORT creates a text file with a .dat extension not a SAS7BDAT file.
If you want a SAS7BDAT file you place it into that library and the file is created. If you want a text file you use a PROC EXPORT and ensure you have the path correct.
"Export"/Save to a SAS7BDAT file to the myfolders folder.
libname myFiles "/folders/myfolders/";
proc copy in=work /*library of input files*/
out=myFiles; /*library of output files*/
select WANT; *dataset to copy is called want;
Export to a text file - Tab (09x) delimited, if you want a different delimiter change the delimiter statement.
proc export data=sashelp.class
outfile = "/folders/myfolders/class.dat" dbms=dlm replace;
delimiter = '09'x;
Make sure you code works before you add macro variables and then add the macro variables once it's working.
@abdulla wrote:
Can anyone help me with the following?
proc export data=have
I have my libname created. But this one is not working
In your example, have is already a sas7bdat file since it is in the work library.
If you want to copy it to a permanent library you can use proc copy, or just another data step.
libname dest "&output"; data dest.want; set have; run;
The export procedure for creating non-SAS files.
You asked to:
export dataset to a sas7bdat
SAS7BDAT is the extension for a SAS dataset.
What format do you want output, and where?
%let output = C:\temp\;
data have;
x = 1;
proc export data=have
Is this what you are trying to do?
Is there anything further up the log that gives more information?
Did you change the line:
%let output = C:\Temp\
To a location that exists and that you have write permission too?
Yes, that code runs exactly like it is posted.
Are you making sure your path ends in a \ ?
If your code isn't working after this, post the exact code and log.
@abdulla wrote:
Yes. I made sure that. I will close my all files and run the data again. I will let you know it it works or not
Your PROC EXPORT creates a text file with a .dat extension not a SAS7BDAT file.
If you want a SAS7BDAT file you place it into that library and the file is created. If you want a text file you use a PROC EXPORT and ensure you have the path correct.
"Export"/Save to a SAS7BDAT file to the myfolders folder.
libname myFiles "/folders/myfolders/";
proc copy in=work /*library of input files*/
out=myFiles; /*library of output files*/
select WANT; *dataset to copy is called want;
Export to a text file - Tab (09x) delimited, if you want a different delimiter change the delimiter statement.
proc export data=sashelp.class
outfile = "/folders/myfolders/class.dat" dbms=dlm replace;
delimiter = '09'x;
Make sure you code works before you add macro variables and then add the macro variables once it's working.
@abdulla wrote:
Can anyone help me with the following?
proc export data=have
I have my libname created. But this one is not working
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