Sorry, it seems it's confusing now. Let's start from beginning:
I have actually 5 variables that I want to put together. they are something like this as I mentioned before:
Var_1 who does the cleaning?
content: code
Myself 1
spouse 2
both 3
NA 6
NS 9
Var_2 who does the washing?
content: code
Myself 1
spouse 2
both 3
NA 6
NS 9
Var_2 who does the cooking?
content: code
Myself 1
spouse 2
both 3
NA 6
NS 9
Var_3 who does the caregiving?
content: code
Myself 1
spouse 2
both 3
NA 6
NS 9
Var_1 who does the teaching?
content: code
Myself 1
spouse 2
both 3
NA 6
NS 9
Let's say that I cannot disaggregate the data for sex due to confidentiality. Instead, I can combine all variables together as the total task and then compute how many percent of male vs female respond myself vs spouse vs both . But, I cannot simply sum up the contents because a respondent could reply myself for one variable, then spouse for another one and …… what I want to have at the end is a derived variable of total task from those 5 variables. Then I can do: proc freq data=my data; tables sex*total task; run; , and I will have the rate of total task for each sex. I need this by tomorrow and none of my codes seem work well. Thank you!