First I select all variabel names from a data set edc_recipe. Afterwards i select the names that i want seperated by #.
Then I want to loop through the list and print for every variable an XML Tag <name> value </name> (see orange part)
Who can help me?
data colnames(keep=vname);
set RF300l3.edc_recipe (obs=1) ;
array n{*} _NUMERIC_ ;
array c{*} _CHARACTER_ ;
do i = 1 to dim(n) ;
vname = vname(n{i}) ;
output ;
end ;
do i = 1 to dim(c) ;
vname = vname(c{i}) ;
end ;
run ;
proc sql;
select vname into:test separated by '#' from colnames where vname not in ('Date','Datim','Serial_No','NrWafers','col_ins_row_id','Facility','LotId') ;
%put &test;
Data _null_;
file outxml;
%let tab=" ";
set output_data_keep NOBS=Lst;
if _n_=1 then do;
put '<?xml version="1.0" ?>';
put '<lot>';
put '<Row>';
if type = 'RECIPE' then do;
put &tab'<Params>';
j = 0;
do while (scan(&test,j,'#') NE '');
Temp = scan(&test,j,'#');
put &tab &tab '<Temp>' vvaluex(Temp) '</Temp>';
j= j+1;
put &tab'</Params>';
put '</Row>';
if _n_ = lst then do;
put '</lot>';
ods xml close;
Instead of generating the list with # delimiter generate it as a comma separated list of quoted strings.
Then you can just use a DO loop to output the tagged values.
%let vlist = 'Name', 'Age', 'Sex' ;
data _null_;
set sashelp.class ;
do _name = &vlist ;
_val = quote(strip(vvaluex(_name)));
put _start _val _end @;
I can help you with the first part. Why not just use something like:
proc sql noprint;
select name into:test
separated by '#'
from dictionary.columns
where libname="RF300L3"
and memname="EDC_RECIPE"
and name not in ('Date','Datim','Serial_No',
As for the second part, you use the file statement, but never associated it with a file name. Was that intentional. Then, at the end, you close ods xml, but never opened it. Aren't you just trying to write a text file with an xml extension?
filename tmp temp;
ods xml file=tmp;
/* using ods will add some tags you may not want by default, I do not know of options to remove these tags but it doesn't mean they don't exist, possibly using proc template... */
proc print data=sashelp.class; run;
ods xml close;
Reference materials concerning the SAS XML Libname Engine:
You haven't responded to my earlier questions, but I just noticed something else that you will have to change. Within the same datastep you use %let to assign a value to a macro variable and then try to use that macro variable within the same datastep. That won't work! You will have to move the %let statement outside of the datastep.
without the data step specifying the tags, you might achieve what you need with the XML libname engine.
Have a look at for SAS9.3 XML Guide or for exporting to XML in SAS9.2
Instead of generating the list with # delimiter generate it as a comma separated list of quoted strings.
Then you can just use a DO loop to output the tagged values.
%let vlist = 'Name', 'Age', 'Sex' ;
data _null_;
set sashelp.class ;
do _name = &vlist ;
_val = quote(strip(vvaluex(_name)));
put _start _val _end @;
@Art: I didnt post all my code. My XML is generated fine, I just have a problem with the orange part I want to solve.
@FriedEgg: I want really specific XML which i think can not be generated by a proc print or something else.
@Peter C.: I work with 9.1.3 here. At other project I worked indeed with XML Libname engine, but not here because i really need specific XML
@Tom: your reply is a possible answer to my question, i'm going to try it out now..
EDIT: Tom, I created my own VLIST:
When i want to loop through the list it seems to cut these long parameternames somehow, any idea what this could be?
Variable like ProcessPlan, Maintool, User all goes ok till Recipename_1..
EDIT: Solution: Adding a format for _name
Thanks Tom!
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