I need help. I am just learning proc report. I have created a demo of my data and desired output. Numb is the count of boys in table 2796 who are active. I would to use PROC REPORT to generate this output. Thanks
data test;
input serv$ 1-5 table$ 6-10 comp$ 11-18 numb 19-28;
Boy 2796 Active 41043
Boy 2796 Reserve 7024
Boy 2796 missing 72
Boy PHA Active 274220
Boy PHA Reserve 95291
Girl 2796 Active 3200
Girl 2796 Reserve 1231
Girl 2796 missing 5
Girl PHA Active 121634
Girl PHA Reserve 36043
Dad 2796 Active 9915
Dad 2796 Reserve 310
TOTAL 2796 Active 77283
; run;
desire output
Comp | |||||||
Serv | Table | Active | Reserve | Missing | |||
N | % | N | % | N | % | ||
Boy | PHA | ||||||
2796 | |||||||
Girl | |||||||
PHA | |||||||
2796 | |||||||
Dad | |||||||
PHA | |||||||
2796 | |||||||
TOTAL | |||||||
PHA | |||||||
2796 |
Regarding the columns for %
To compute a percent, we need a numerator and a denominator. Please state clearly the numerator and denominator of this percent.
Also, your code does not work as shown. Please test your code before you post it. Testing is a good thing, and should be considered mandatory. The code shown needs to be fixed. By providing properly tested code, you won't be wasting our time and you will get faster answers.
@PaigeMiller Thank you. I created the dummy code in sas, so I tested it. I just copied directly maybe there is something am not doing right, i will appreciate your guidance.
My numerator is each active, server and missing, while denominator is the total.
e.g (active/active_total)*100 as active_pct
I am trying to find the count of each group which i was able to do with proc freq but i dont know how to use proc report.
Your code produces a lot of missing values, I assume you don't want that. So it needs to be fixed.
My numerator is each active, server and missing, while denominator is the total.
e.g (active/active_total)*100 as active_pct
So for Boy PHA Active, the percent is Boy PHA Active N divided by Total PHA Active N?
@PaigeMiller Yes that is correct.
Yes I will take care of the missing after I see how it impact the final output. Thanks
@CathyVI wrote:
@PaigeMiller Yes that is correct.
Okay, this doesn't seem to me to be something that can be done (easily) in PROC REPORT. What I typically do is calculate the percents in a DATA step or SQL before I run PROC REPORT. Once those calculations are done, then getting PROC REPORT to display the table you want is much easier.
@PaigeMiller I think the table messed up when I copied into SAS. This is how table should look like.
@CathyVI wrote:
@PaigeMiller I think the table messed up when I copied into SAS. This is how table should look like.
That's good to know, but I still don't think PROC REPORT will do the calculations (easily). I still think you are better off doing the calculations of percent in a DATA step or SQL, and then use PROC REPORT to display the table.
When I tried to read your file, the issue I ran into was the tabs generated missing values with your type of input. This worked better for me.
data test;
length serv $5 table $5 comp $8;
infile datalines dlm=',' dsd;
input serv $ table $ comp $ numb ;
dataord = _n_;
I added a "DATAORD" variable to capture the original order of the variables, thinking it might help, but your input data is not in the order shown in your desired results, so I'm not sure it is useful.
However, without some direction or a helper variable, to assure the desired ordering, PROC REPORT would not be able to do the type of ordering you show. What PROC REPORT code have you tried?
I tried to transpose then calculated % i could have the desired table format- just as @PaigeMiller said. But I encountered an issue.
proc sort data= test ;
by serv table comp ; run;
proc transpose data= test out=trans (drop=_name_);
by serv table ;
id comp ;
var numb;
proc sql;
create table test2 as
select a.*, b.Active as Active_total,
(Active/Active_total)*100 as Active_pct
from test a
left join trans1 (where=( service='TOTAL')) b
on a.table=b.table;
First issue: With the transpose, how do I get a single column for Active, reserve and missing. i dont want them repeated.
Second issue: How do I calculate the % with my suggested code. I encounter an error
ERROR: Ambiguous reference, column Active is in more than one table.
How can we know what you did wrong if you don't show us the code? How can we know what you did wrong if you don't show us the fixed code to read in the data? By the way, you seem to be calculating percents in your PROC SQL, but then your table doesn't show percents.
Also, If you get errors from running a PROC, you need to show us the log for that PROC — and we need to see every line in the log of that PROC, including code, errors, warnings and notes.
@PaigeMiller @Cynthia_sas I posted the code here
proc sort data= test ;
by serv table comp ; run;
proc transpose data= test out=trans (drop=_name_);
by serv table ;
id comp ;
var numb;
proc sql;
create table test2 as
select a.*, b.Active as Active_total,
(Active/Active_total)*100 as Active_pct
from test a
left join trans1 (where=( service='TOTAL')) b
on a.table=b.table;
28 proc sql;
29 create table test2 as
30 select a.*, b.Active as Active_total,
31 (Active/Active_total)*100 as Active_pct
33 from trans1 a
34 left join trans1 (where=( service='TOTAL')) b
35 on a.table=b.table;
ERROR: Ambiguous reference, column Active is in more than one table.
NOTE: PROC SQL set option NOEXEC and will continue to check the syntax of statements.
37 quit;
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
When you join two (or more) tables in SQL, and there is a variable (in this case ACTIVE) that exists in both tables that has the exact same name in each table, you have to refer to the variable as a.ACTIVE or b.ACTIVE so that SQL knows which one you mean. Referring to the variables as ACTIVE is ambiguous, SAS doesn't know which one you mean, and so you get this error message.
I am getting an error here. please what am I doing incorrectly
proc sql;
create table test4 as
select a.*, b.Active as Active_total,
(b.Active/Active_total)*100 as Active_pct
from test3 a
left join test3 b
(where=( b.serv_ord='TOTAL'))
and a.table=b.table;
NOTE: Writing HTML5(EGHTML) Body file: EGHTML
28 proc sql;
29 create table test4 as
30 select a.*, b.Active as Active_total,
31 (b.Active/Active_total)*100 as Active_pct
33 from test3 a
34 left join test3 b
35 (where=( b.serv_ord='TOTAL'))
ERROR 73-322: Expecting an ON.
ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.
36 and a.table=b.table;
NOTE: PROC SQL set option NOEXEC and will continue to check the syntax of statements.
38 quit;
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
You can't use
(where=( b.serv_ord='TOTAL'))
after the letter B. This is a DATA set option, it must go after the data set name. And since it is a DATA set option, you want the proper syntax here, which is
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