Hi all,
The mostly Base SAS script below calculates the average time between purchases for a customer based on transaction dates in one variable. What I would like very much to do is rewrite this using just Proc SQL and to do this all in just one pass. Here is the full code plus I have broken the script out step by step below.
proc sort data=have ; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date order_id ;run; proc sort data=have out=purchase (keep=mstr_customer_id order_id transaction_date ) nodupkey; where transaction_sub_type=1 ; by mstr_customer_id order_id; ;run; data single multiple; set purchase; by mstr_customer_id; if first.mstr_customer_id=1 and last.mstr_customer_id=1 then output single; else output multiple;run; proc sort data=multiple; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date;run; data multiple1; format first_multiple_td_p last_multiple_td_p ; set multiple; format l_transaction_date date8.; retain first_multiple_td_p; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date; l_transaction_date = lag(transaction_date); if first.mstr_customer_id then do; l_transaction_date = .; date_diff=0; end; if not first.mstr_customer_id then do; date_diff = transaction_date-l_transaction_date; end; if first.mstr_customer_id then first_multiple_td_p = transaction_date; if last.mstr_customer_id then last_multiple_td_p = transaction_date; if last.mstr_customer_id then first_last_diff_p = last_multiple_td_p-first_multiple_td_p;run; proc sql; create table avg_bw_purchase as select distinct mstr_customer_id, transaction_date, date_diff, first_last_diff_p as first_last_diff_pur, avg(date_diff) as avg_time_bw_pur from multiple1 group by mstr_customer_id;quit; proc sort data=avg_bw_purchase; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date;run; data avg_bw_purchase(drop=date_diff transaction_date); set avg_bw_purchase; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date; if first_last_diff_pur>=0 then output;run;
Again, I need to rewrite the above his using just Proc SQL and to do this all in just one pass. Thanks!!
The data I start with looks like this ....
46862 | 12-Aug-17 | 00500009201708120000257749 | 1 |
46862 | 12-Aug-17 | 00500009201708120000257749 | 1 |
46862 | 25-Nov-17 | 00400027201711250000402816 | 1 |
46862 | 25-Nov-17 | 00400027201711250000402816 | 1 |
46862 | 25-Nov-17 | 00400027201711250000402816 | 1 |
46862 | 25-Nov-17 | 00400027201711250000402816 | 1 |
46862 | 25-Nov-17 | 00400027201711250000402816 | 1 |
54691 | 10-Jul-17 | 00100140201707100000271298 | 1 |
54691 | 10-Jul-17 | 00100140201707100000271298 | 1 |
54691 | 10-Jul-17 | 00100140201707100000271298 | 1 |
54691 | 10-Jul-17 | 00100140201707100000271298 | 1 |
54691 | 10-Jul-17 | 00100140201707100000271299 | 1 |
54691 | 10-Jul-17 | 00100140201707100000271299 | 1 |
54691 | 10-Jul-17 | 00100140201707100000271299 | 1 |
54691 | 22-Jul-17 | 00400140201707220000312323 | 1 |
54691 | 22-Jul-17 | 00400140201707220000312323 | 1 |
54691 | 22-Jul-17 | 00700140201707220000397098 | 1 |
54691 | 26-Nov-17 | 00300140201711260000225399 | 1 |
54691 | 26-Nov-17 | 00300140201711260000225399 | 1 |
54691 | 26-Nov-17 | 00300140201711260000225399 | 1 |
54691 | 26-Nov-17 | 00300140201711260000225399 | 1 |
54691 | 26-Nov-17 | 00300140201711260000225399 | 1 |
89553 | 7-May-17 | 00200013201705070000243369 | 1 |
92118 | 26-May-17 | 00300273201705260000126004 | 1 |
143541 | 28-May-17 | 00200091201705280000399615 | 1 |
143541 | 28-May-17 | 00200091201705280000399615 | 1 |
143541 | 12-Jun-17 | 00100091201706120000361014 | 1 |
143541 | 14-Jun-17 | 00300091201706140000338020 | 1 |
144239 | 10-Sep-17 | 00400202201709100000007705 | 1 |
144239 | 10-Sep-17 | 00400202201709100000007705 | 1 |
162339 | 19-Sep-17 | 00600092201709190000442273 | 1 |
Step 1
proc sort data=have; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date order_id ;run; proc sort data=have out=purchase (keep=mstr_customer_id order_id transaction_date ) nodupkey; where transaction_sub_type=1 ; by mstr_customer_id order_id; ;run;
12-Aug-17 | 46862 | 00500009201708120000257749 |
25-Nov-17 | 46862 | 00400027201711250000402816 |
10-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00100140201707100000271298 |
10-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00100140201707100000271299 |
22-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00400140201707220000312323 |
22-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00700140201707220000397098 |
26-Nov-17 | 54691 | 00300140201711260000225399 |
10-Dec-17 | 54691 | 00900140201712100000334607 |
28-May-17 | 143541 | 00200091201705280000399615 |
12-Jun-17 | 143541 | 00100091201706120000361014 |
14-Jun-17 | 143541 | 00300091201706140000338020 |
Step #2 : separate multiple purchasers from single purchasers
data single multiple; set purchase; by mstr_customer_id; if first.mstr_customer_id=1 and last.mstr_customer_id=1 then output single; else output multiple;run; proc sort data=multiple; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date;run;
12-Aug-17 | 46862 | 00500009201708120000257749 |
25-Nov-17 | 46862 | 00400027201711250000402816 |
10-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00100140201707100000271298 |
10-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00100140201707100000271299 |
22-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00400140201707220000312323 |
22-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00700140201707220000397098 |
26-Nov-17 | 54691 | 00300140201711260000225399 |
10-Dec-17 | 54691 | 00900140201712100000334607 |
28-May-17 | 143541 | 00200091201705280000399615 |
12-Jun-17 | 143541 | 00100091201706120000361014 |
14-Jun-17 | 143541 | 00300091201706140000338020 |
Step #3 :Calculate date_diff & first_last_diff_p
data multiple1; format first_multiple_td_p last_multiple_td_p ; set multiple; format l_transaction_date date8.; retain first_multiple_td_p; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date; l_transaction_date = lag(transaction_date); if first.mstr_customer_id then do; l_transaction_date = .; date_diff=0; end; if not first.mstr_customer_id then do; date_diff = transaction_date-l_transaction_date; end; if first.mstr_customer_id then first_multiple_td_p = transaction_date; if last.mstr_customer_id then last_multiple_td_p = transaction_date; if last.mstr_customer_id then first_last_diff_p = last_multiple_td_p-first_multiple_td_p;run;
first_multiple_td_p | last_multiple_td_p | TRANSACTION_DATE | MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID | ORDER_ID | l_transaction_date | date_diff | first_last_diff_p |
11-Aug-57 | 12-Aug-17 | 46862 | 00500009201708120000257749 | 0 | |||
11-Aug-57 | 24-Nov-57 | 25-Nov-17 | 46862 | 00400027201711250000402816 | 12-Aug-17 | 105 | 105 |
9-Jul-57 | 10-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00100140201707100000271298 | 0 | |||
9-Jul-57 | 10-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00100140201707100000271299 | 10-Jul-17 | 0 | ||
9-Jul-57 | 22-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00400140201707220000312323 | 10-Jul-17 | 12 | ||
9-Jul-57 | 22-Jul-17 | 54691 | 00700140201707220000397098 | 22-Jul-17 | 0 | ||
9-Jul-57 | 26-Nov-17 | 54691 | 00300140201711260000225399 | 22-Jul-17 | 127 | ||
9-Jul-57 | 9-Dec-57 | 10-Dec-17 | 54691 | 00900140201712100000334607 | 26-Nov-17 | 14 | 153 |
27-May-57 | 28-May-17 | 143541 | 00200091201705280000399615 | 0 | |||
27-May-57 | 12-Jun-17 | 143541 | 00100091201706120000361014 | 28-May-17 | 15 | ||
27-May-57 | 13-Jun-57 | 14-Jun-17 | 143541 | 00300091201706140000338020 | 12-Jun-17 | 2 | 17 |
Step #4 :Aggregate
proc sql; create table avg_bw_purchase as select distinct mstr_customer_id, transaction_date, date_diff, first_last_diff_p as first_last_diff_pur, avg(date_diff) as avg_time_bw_pur from multiple1 group by mstr_customer_id;quit;
MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID | TRANSACTION_DATE | date_diff | first_last_diff_pur | avg_time_bw_pur |
46862 | 12Aug2017 | 0 | 52.5 | |
46862 | 25Nov2017 | 105 | 105 | 52.5 |
54691 | 10Jul2017 | 0 | 25.5 | |
54691 | 22Jul2017 | 0 | 25.5 | |
54691 | 22Jul2017 | 12 | 25.5 | |
54691 | 26Nov2017 | 127 | 25.5 | |
54691 | 10Dec2017 | 14 | 153 | 25.5 |
143541 | 28May2017 | 0 | 5.666666667 | |
143541 | 12Jun2017 | 15 | 5.666666667 | |
143541 | 14Jun2017 | 2 | 17 | 5.666666667 |
Step #5 :Final - one row for each customer
proc sort data=avg_bw_purchase; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date;run; data avg_bw_purchase(drop=date_diff transaction_date); set avg_bw_purchase; by mstr_customer_id transaction_date; if first_last_diff_pur>=0 then output;run;
MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID | first_last_diff_pur | avg_time_bw_pur |
46862 | 105 | 52.5 |
54691 | 153 | 25.5 |
143541 | 17 | 5.666667 |
Again, any help rewriting this just using Proc SQL and in one pass will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I see. You're not interested in items per order, but the number of days between orders (which may contain 1 or 100 items):
proc sql noprint;
create table want as
select distinct a.MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID,
(max(TRANSACTION_DATE) - min(TRANSACTION_DATE))/b.orders_per_ID as average
from have as a, (select MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID,
count (distinct order_id) as orders_per_id
from have
group by MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID) as b
having orders_per_id > 1
Also, it looks like some of your counts are off. I see that ID 143541 has 3 distinct order ID's, while you have 4. Also you have 153 days for the difference for 54691, while there are only 139 days between 26NOV2017 and 10JUL2017.
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This what you need? I'm dividing between the number of orders, but you may want to do number of orders -1.
If you have 2 orders 10 days apart do you expect the difference to be 10 days or 10 days/2 orders= 5 days? You can change "count(*)" to "max((count(*) -1, 1)" if desired (not tested). Use the max function so that if there is only 1 order, you don't divide by 0.
data have;
format transaction_date date11.;
46862 12-Aug-17 00500009201708120000257749 1
46862 12-Aug-17 00500009201708120000257749 1
46862 25-Nov-17 00400027201711250000402816 1
46862 25-Nov-17 00400027201711250000402816 1
46862 25-Nov-17 00400027201711250000402816 1
46862 25-Nov-17 00400027201711250000402816 1
46862 25-Nov-17 00400027201711250000402816 1
54691 10-Jul-17 00100140201707100000271298 1
54691 10-Jul-17 00100140201707100000271298 1
54691 10-Jul-17 00100140201707100000271298 1
54691 10-Jul-17 00100140201707100000271298 1
54691 10-Jul-17 00100140201707100000271299 1
54691 10-Jul-17 00100140201707100000271299 1
54691 10-Jul-17 00100140201707100000271299 1
54691 22-Jul-17 00400140201707220000312323 1
54691 22-Jul-17 00400140201707220000312323 1
54691 22-Jul-17 00700140201707220000397098 1
54691 26-Nov-17 00300140201711260000225399 1
54691 26-Nov-17 00300140201711260000225399 1
54691 26-Nov-17 00300140201711260000225399 1
54691 26-Nov-17 00300140201711260000225399 1
54691 26-Nov-17 00300140201711260000225399 1
89553 7-May-17 00200013201705070000243369 1
92118 26-May-17 00300273201705260000126004 1
143541 28-May-17 0020009120170528000039961 51
143541 28-May-17 0020009120170528000039961 51
143541 12-Jun-17 0010009120170612000036101 41
143541 14-Jun-17 0030009120170614000033802 01
144239 10-Sep-17 0040020220170910000000770 51
144239 10-Sep-17 0040020220170910000000770 51
162339 19-Sep-17 0060009220170919000044227 31
proc sql noprint;
create table want as
select MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID, max(TRANSACTION_DATE) - min(TRANSACTION_DATE) as days, count (*) as orders,
(max(TRANSACTION_DATE) - min(TRANSACTION_DATE))/count(*) as average
from have
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Thanks noling. It looks like that's taking the average time between order id and not transaction date
MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID | days | orders | average |
46862 | 105 | 7 | 15 |
54691 | 153 | 24 | 6.375 |
89553 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
92118 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
143541 | 17 | 4 | 4.25 |
144239 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
162339 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
All customer with just one purchase are excluded.
So if I customer has more than one purchase I'm looking for average time between each distinct transaction date.
MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID | first_last_diff_pur | avg_time_bw_pur |
46862 | 105 | 52.5 |
54691 | 153 | 25.5 |
143541 | 17 | 5.666667 |
Thanks noling.
It looks like that's taking the average time between order id and not transaction date
MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID | days | orders | average |
46862 | 105 | 7 | 15 |
54691 | 153 | 24 | 6.375 |
89553 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
92118 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
143541 | 17 | 4 | 4.25 |
144239 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
162339 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
All customer with just one purchase are excluded.
So if I customer has more than one purchase I'm looking for average time between each distinct transaction date.
MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID | first_last_diff_pur | avg_time_bw_pur |
46862 | 105 | 52.5 |
54691 | 153 | 25.5 |
143541 | 17 | 5.666667 |
I see. You're not interested in items per order, but the number of days between orders (which may contain 1 or 100 items):
proc sql noprint;
create table want as
select distinct a.MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID,
(max(TRANSACTION_DATE) - min(TRANSACTION_DATE))/b.orders_per_ID as average
from have as a, (select MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID,
count (distinct order_id) as orders_per_id
from have
group by MSTR_CUSTOMER_ID) as b
having orders_per_id > 1
Also, it looks like some of your counts are off. I see that ID 143541 has 3 distinct order ID's, while you have 4. Also you have 153 days for the difference for 54691, while there are only 139 days between 26NOV2017 and 10JUL2017.
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