I have a file it is combination of some columns a,b,c,d,e .
but i imported the file and then created a column in sam1
my output is like should be
account | a1 | b1 | c1 | d1 | e1 | reson |
125422114 | 520 | 90 | 88 | 90 | 22 | a1|b1|c1|d1|e1 |
1259852421 | 570 | 90 | 90 | 22 | a1|b1||d1|e1 | |
9987458 | 417 | 57 | 44 | 20 | 45 | a1|b1|c1|d1|e1 |
Here my final required output is reason1 has
values in reson a1 & b1 are 'Old_Var'
values in reson c1,d1 & e1 are 'New_Var'
if reson in a1 or b1 and c1 or d or e1 then it would be 'Old&New Var'
if reson any one in a1 or b1 then it would be 'Old Var' in to new variable.
Please help to create a variable by finding the reson values.
proc import datafile='C:\Users\HP\Desktop\datasamplecol.xls' out=sam dbms=xls
data sam1;
set sam;
if a1 then a11='a1';
if b1 then b11='b1';
if c1 then c11='c1';
if d1 then d11='d1';
if e1 then e11='e1';
reson=compress(a11 || b11 || c11 || d11 || e11 ) ;
proc sql;
create table sam2 as select *,
(case when reson contains ('a1') or reson contains ('b1') and reson contains ('c1') or reson contains ('d1') or reson contains ('e1')
then 'Old & New var'
when reson contains ('c') or reson contains ('d') or reson contains ('e') then 'New Var'
when reson contains ('a') or reson contains ('b')then 'Old Var'
else ' ' end) as reason
from sam1;
So did you try my code? Looks like you might need change which variables are considered Old and which are New but it should work.
Hi, @vinod4842
Many of us will not download Microsoft Office documents, as they can be security threats. Please provide your data using these instructions: https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Communities-Library/How-to-create-a-data-step-version-of-your-dat...
Also, please help us by going back and changing the Subject of your post to something meaningful.
account | a1 | b1 | c1 | d1 | e1 |
125422114 | 520 | 90 | 88 | 90 | 22 |
1259852421 | 570 | 90 | 90 | 22 | |
9987458 | 417 | 57 | 44 | 20 | 45 |
99877858 | 778 | 5987 | 45 | ||
9987458742 | 570 | 90 | 90 | 22 | |
9987458 | 417 | 57 | |||
99877858 | 5987 | 987 | 45 | ||
99e77858 | 43 | 987 | 85 | ||
9987458742 | 570 | 90 | |||
99754158 | |||||
45745787 | 887 | ||||
778745 | 552 |
Above one is data and my requirement is below like this
and i am struggling
the create the corec_reason column
here a1,b1 are Old and C1,d1,e1 are New
if combination of any letter in reson column a1 or b1 becomes Old
if any one values of c1 ,d1 ,e1 in reson becomes New
if any one value in reson column contains a1 or b1 and c1,d1,e1 becomes Old & New
Please help to create the column below dataset
account | a1 | b1 | c1 | d1 | e1 | reson | corec_reason |
125422114 | 520 | 90 | 88 | 90 | 22 | a1|b1|c1|d1|e1 | Old & New |
1259852421 | 570 | 90 | 90 | 22 | a1|b1||d1|e1 | Old & New | |
9987458 | 417 | 57 | 44 | 20 | 45 | a1|b1|c1|d1|e1 | Old & New |
99877858 | 778 | 5987 | 45 | a1||c1||e1 | Old & New | ||
9987458742 | 570 | 90 | 90 | 22 | a1|b1||d1|e1 | Old & New | |
9987458 | 417 | 57 | a1|b1||| | Old & New | |||
99877858 | 5987 | 987 | 45 | ||c1|d1|e1 | New | ||
99e77858 | 43 | 987 | 85 | ||c1|d1|e1 | Old & New | ||
9987458742 | 570 | 90 | a1|b1||| | Old & New | |||
99754158 | |||| | Old & New | |||||
45745787 | 887 | |||d1| | New | ||||
778745 | 552 | |b1||| | Old |
Again, I request the data be provided in the form requested
and I request you change the subject of this thread to a meaningful subject
So you want to test if any of A1,B1,C1 are non-missing and whether either of D1 or E1 is non-missing?
One way is to count the number of non-missing values using the N() function.
The CATX() function will let you build your resulting string from the two independent parts.
data want;
set have ;
length corec_reason $9;
corec_reason = catx(' & '
,ifc(n(a1,b1,c1),'Old',' ')
,ifc(n(d1,e1),'New',' ')
Sorry it is a1 & b1 are old values and c1 d1 e1 are new values then
for eg
reson Corec_reason
a1|b1|c1|d1|e1 | Old & New |
a1|b1||d1|e1 | Old & New |
a1|b1|c1|d1|e1 | Old & New |
a1||c1||e1 | Old & New |
a1|b1||d1|e1 | Old & New |
a1|b1||| | old |
||c1|d1|e1 | New |
||c1|d1|e1 | New |
a1|b1||| | New |
|||| | |
|||d1| | New |
|b1||| | Old |
Please help team.
Do you really need that column with the pipe characters? How does it add any value over the original columns?
Ya working
So did you try my code? Looks like you might need change which variables are considered Old and which are New but it should work.
Ya Its working thank you for your support
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