You told it to create a table named CONTACTS.
If you do that 23 times only the last version of it will exist since the previous versions will have been replaced.
But since the table you are generating does not vary based on the date why both making the other 22 anyway?
What are you really trying to do?
Thanks for your input. I'm trying to create a table
Date | Members
Jul2021 | x
Aug2021 | y
Sep2021 | z
Jun2023 | w
i just realized I missed a where condition that makes output dependent on the date
%LET StartDate = '01Jul2021'd;
%Let EndDate = '01Jun2023'd;
%macro Members(start,end);
%let dif=%sysfunc(intck(month,&start,&end));
%do i=0 %to &dif;
%let date=%sysfunc(intnx(month,&start,&i,e));
proc sql;
create table Contacts as
put(&date., monyy7.) as Date,
count(Id) as Members
from Contact
where CreatedDate <=&Date.
%mend Members;
%Members(&StartDate., &EndDate.)
So make the dataset once and then INSERT the new observations.
%macro Members(start,end);
%local i date ;
data Contacts;
length DATE $7 Members 8;
proc sql noprint;
%do i=0 %to %sysfunc(intck(month,&start,&end));
%let date=%sysfunc(intnx(month,&start,&i,e));
insert into Contacts(Date,Members)
select put(&date., monyy7.) as Date
, count(Id) as Members
from Contact
where CreatedDate <=&Date.
%mend Members;
%LET StartDate = '01Jul2021'd;
%Let EndDate = '01Jun2023'd;
%Members(&StartDate., &EndDate.)
That's a good idea. I tried that but SAS threw an error after inserting the first row of Jul2021:
"ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order."
Do you know what caused the error?
You can't just show us error messages, and not the code that caused the error.
Please show us the LOG for this step (every line in the log for this step, not partial logs for this step). Please copy the log as text and then paste it into the window that appears when you click on the </> icon.
Also please show us a portion of the data in data set CONTACT.
Sorry my first day here so I'm still learning things. Here is the code I ran using what Tom suggested [I'll post the log shortly. I can't seem to include it here]
%LET StartDate = '01Jul2021'd;
%Let EndDate = '01Jun2023'd;
%macro Members(start,end);
%local i date ;
data Contacts;
length DATE $7 Members 8;
proc sql noprint;
%do i=0 %to %sysfunc(intck(month,&start,&end));
%let date=%sysfunc(intnx(month,&start,&i,e));
insert into Contacts(Date,Members)
put(&date., monyy7.) as Date,
count(Id) as Memebers
from Contact where CreatedDate<=&date.
%mend Members;
%Members(&StartDate., &EndDate.)
You moved the QUIT statement before the %END. It needs to be after the %END, as in Tom's post. As you have it, the QUIT executes after the first INSERT statement, and ends the PROC SQL step. Then the second INSERT statement is an error, because it's not part of a PROC SQL step.
You also have a typo
count(Id) as Memebers /*should be members*/
But I don't think the typo matters.
@HG66 wrote:
Sorry my first day here so I'm still learning things. Here is the code I ran using what Tom suggested [I'll post the log shortly. I can't seem to include it here]
I also asked you to explain what you are trying to do, I don't see that. I still don't know what this confusing loop using macros is trying to do. Please explain in words. Please explain what the output values of w x y and z are, you haven't told us.
I have a startdate of Jul2021 and enddate of Jun2023. I want to:
So desired results are
Date | Sum(A.Amount) – a field from dataset A | Count (A.Contact) - this depends on table CONTACT so that’s why I want a whole table for 23 months or 23 separate tables | Count (Id) for each of the months - Join the COUNT table on Date |
Jul2021 |
| 10,000 | 100,000 |
… |
| … | … |
June2023 |
| 15,000 | 120,000 |
Sorry, this is still hard to understand the big picture. Could you post the code to generate example input datasets, and then show the output you would want from that example data? Just a small example, so CARDS data steps, with maybe 3 months of data, and and 3-5 IDs for each month.
Agreeing with @Quentin , this is still hard to comprehend. For example, you say:
You want code to create a table? Or do you already have data in a data set, and you want to do analysis on it? Even this basic understanding eludes me. Also, we have asked to see your data, can you show us a portion of the data? (Or do we have to help you create the data, which seems to be what you are saying)?
In any event, in this thread and future threads, please do not specify that a certain method be used (in this case, you have repeatedly said you want a loop). It may be that a loop is unnecessary, or that its inefficient. Just describe the problem clearly and completely, and ask for help with a solution.
@Quentin @PaigeMiller This is what i started with. For each of the Year&Month in Amount_By_Year table, I want the &members. for that period and Producers for that period (which is conditional on Contacts table). This code is not working as expected so that's why I need help. Thanks!
%let StartDate = '01Jul2021'd; %let EndDate = '01Jun2023'd; proc sql; create table Contacts as select Id, Name, First_Issued_Policy__c from Contact where ((RecordTypeId='hKQCQ' and CreatedDate<=&StartDate.) or (RecordTypeId='fgQCA' and CreatedDate<&StartDate. and (First_Issued_Policy__c>=&StartDate. or First_Issued_Policy__c is null)) ; quit; proc sql; select count(Id) into :Members from Contacts; quit; proc sql; create table Amount_by_Year as select year(a.Record_Date__c) as Year, month(a.Record_Date__c) as Month, sum(b.Amount) as Amount, count(distinct b.Contact__c) as Producers, sum(b.Amount)/count(distinct b.Contact__c) as Avg_per_Producer, &Members. as Members, sum(b.Amount)/&Members. as Avg_per_Member from Policy_Std a left join Policy_Agent_Std b on a.Id = b.Opportunity__c where b.Contact__c in (select Id from Contacts) and '01Jul2021'd <= a.Record_Date__c < '01Jul2023'd group by 1, 2; quit;
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