Hi All,
We are about to start using the SAP Data Surveyor product. I am interested in hearing anyone's experiences in using it. I am also a bit puzzled on some points and would love it if anyone could share some light on them;
According to the documentation, the extract wizards perform the following on Infocubes;
1. Metadata from SAP is extracted to dictionary tables.
2. Stores the fact table as a view so source data still resides in the BW system
and not SAS.
3. Denormalized versions of the Dimension, Master data and SIDs into a SAS
Dataset named D which implies that this data is stored
locally and not as a view
4. Stores texts as formats in separate format catalogs named according to
5. Creates a view of the new star schema.
If dimensions are stored as sas datasets, this creates some potential data governance issues;
a. Dimensions are repeated across cubes so does this mean I get multiple tables
of the same information in addition to what is stored in the database? E.G. If I
have 70 dimensions of 0BPARTNER each with 200 attributes, does this mean I
get 70 datasets of business partner in my sas repository? If I do CDC on this,
it's a nightmare to ensure reconciliation between systems and tables. Am I
correct here? Do dimensions get stored locally or does the Info Object get stored and dimensions as views?
b. If a separate format catalog is created for each extract, can I combine these
and store them in tables? Formats are shared across dimensions and facts so
where possible I see the logical solution is to consolidate this information as
much as possible. Its a similar issue to point a.
c. Do the dictionary table of SAP metadata get stored as physical table or do they
get stored in the metadata server? If they are on the metadata server, what sort
of growth should I expect from Business Content?
Thanks in advance and any help is appreciated.