Recently I upgraded from SAS 9.2 to SAS 9.4 and noticed that my figures / graphs were all slightly smaller. The actual plot area was the same size, but the headers, footers, ticks, markers, values were all smaller.
I am assuming this may be down to increased DPI in SAS 9.4 or something completely different. Can anyone help? This affects both GTL and regular PROCs to produce outputs.
Hi Ballardw,
I tried what you suggested, and yiu are correct under preferences >> results the style in 9.2 = Default and style in 9.4 = HTMLBlue but this does not resolve my problem.
SAS however did get back to me,
It is typically the case that from one release of SAS to the next (SAS 9.2 to 9.4), R&D is constantly "tweaking" things, fixing bugs, adding new features, etc.
One issue that I have noticed over the years is that when going from one release to the next, the default VPOS and HPOS values (also referred to as rows and columns) do have a tendency to change.
In the past, while we have most commonly seen this issue when writing graphics output to PDF, this same HPOS/VPOS issue is also occurring when creating RTF output (as you are seeing here).
Apologise for this but the best way to get a similar output with SAS 9.4 is to modify the GOPTIONS statement in your SAS 9.4 code and use the same VPOS and HPOS values that SAS 9.2 previously used.
Example code: goptions device=xxx xmax=15 cm ymax=10 cm ftext='MS Mincho' htext=9pt vpos=30 hpos=73;
In my case setting VPOS=52 and HPOS=85 in the AUTOEXEC worked perfectly.
Its likely a template update. Do you have a specific custom made template that your company uses to ensure consistency across all outputs and versions of SAS, or do you use the default ones in SAS? My first thing to try to would be to create your own template, keep it simple just set some sizes and such like, then run that with your output in both. If they are the same, no problems. If they are different then there may be something else going on. Just thinking size 8pt Arial should be consistent across all versions for example.
All outputs in SAS 9.X use style templates in their output? It defaults to default template if one is not specified.
I did compare the default styles between the systems, 9.2 on the left and 9.4 on the right. TRUE=they match, FALSE=they do NOT match.
9.2 | 9.4 | Result |
9 proc template; |
9 proc template; | TRUE |
10 source styles.default; | 10 source styles.default; | TRUE |
define style Styles.Default; | define style Styles.Default; | TRUE |
class fonts | class fonts | TRUE |
"Fonts used in the default style" / | "Fonts used in the default style" / | TRUE |
'TitleFont2' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold italic) | 'TitleFont2' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold italic) | TRUE |
'TitleFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",5,bold italic) | 'TitleFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",5,bold italic) | TRUE |
'StrongFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold) | 'StrongFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold) | TRUE |
'EmphasisFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",3,italic) | 'EmphasisFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",3,italic) | TRUE |
'FixedEmphasisFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2,italic) | 'FixedEmphasisFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2,italic) | TRUE |
'FixedStrongFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2,bold) | 'FixedStrongFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2,bold) | TRUE |
'FixedHeadingFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2) | 'FixedHeadingFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2) | TRUE |
'BatchFixedFont' = ("SAS Monospace, <monospace>, Courier, monospace",2) | 'BatchFixedFont' = ("SAS Monospace, <monospace>, Courier, monospace",2) | TRUE |
'FixedFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier",2) | 'FixedFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier",2) | TRUE |
'headingEmphasisFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold italic) | 'headingEmphasisFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold italic) | TRUE |
'headingFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold) | 'headingFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold) | TRUE |
'docFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",3); | 'docFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",3); | TRUE |
class GraphFonts | class GraphFonts | TRUE |
"Fonts used in graph styles" / | "Fonts used in graph styles" / | TRUE |
'GraphDataFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",7pt) | 'GraphDataFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",7pt) | TRUE |
'GraphUnicodeFont' = ("<MTsans-serif-unicode>",9pt) | 'GraphUnicodeFont' = ("<MTsans-serif-unicode>",9pt) | TRUE |
'GraphValueFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",9pt) | 'GraphValueFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",9pt) | TRUE |
'GraphLabelFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt,bold) | 'GraphLabelFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt,bold) | TRUE |
'GraphFootnoteFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt) | 'GraphFootnoteFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt) | TRUE |
'GraphTitleFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",11pt,bold) | 'GraphTitleFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",11pt,bold) | TRUE |
'GraphAnnoFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt); | 'GraphAnnoFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt); | TRUE |
class color_list | class color_list | TRUE |
"Colors used in the default style" / | "Colors used in the default style" / | TRUE |
'fgB2' = cx0066AA | 'fgB2' = cx0066AA | TRUE |
'fgB1' = cx004488 | 'fgB1' = cx004488 | TRUE |
'fgA4' = cxAAFFAA | 'fgA4' = cxAAFFAA | TRUE |
'bgA4' = cx880000 | 'bgA4' = cx880000 | TRUE |
'bgA3' = cxD3D3D3 | 'bgA3' = cxD3D3D3 | TRUE |
'fgA2' = cx0033AA | 'fgA2' = cx0033AA | TRUE |
'bgA2' = cxB0B0B0 | 'bgA2' = cxB0B0B0 | TRUE |
'fgA1' = cx000000 | 'fgA1' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'bgA1' = cxF0F0F0 | 'bgA1' = cxF0F0F0 | TRUE |
'fgA' = cx002288 | 'fgA' = cx002288 | TRUE |
'bgA' = cxE0E0E0; | 'bgA' = cxE0E0E0; | TRUE |
class colors | class colors | TRUE |
"Abstract colors used in the default style" / | "Abstract colors used in the default style" / | TRUE |
'headerfgemph' = color_list('fgA2') | 'headerfgemph' = color_list('fgA2') | TRUE |
'headerbgemph' = color_list('bgA2') | 'headerbgemph' = color_list('bgA2') | TRUE |
'headerfgstrong' = color_list('fgA2') | 'headerfgstrong' = color_list('fgA2') | TRUE |
'headerbgstrong' = color_list('bgA2') | 'headerbgstrong' = color_list('bgA2') | TRUE |
'headerfg' = color_list('fgA2') | 'headerfg' = color_list('fgA2') | TRUE |
'headerbg' = color_list('bgA2') | 'headerbg' = color_list('bgA2') | TRUE |
'datafgemph' = color_list('fgA1') | 'datafgemph' = color_list('fgA1') | TRUE |
'databgemph' = color_list('bgA3') | 'databgemph' = color_list('bgA3') | TRUE |
'datafgstrong' = color_list('fgA1') | 'datafgstrong' = color_list('fgA1') | TRUE |
'databgstrong' = color_list('bgA3') | 'databgstrong' = color_list('bgA3') | TRUE |
'datafg' = color_list('fgA1') | 'datafg' = color_list('fgA1') | TRUE |
'databg' = color_list('bgA3') | 'databg' = color_list('bgA3') | TRUE |
'batchfg' = color_list('fgA1') | 'batchfg' = color_list('fgA1') | TRUE |
'batchbg' = color_list('bgA3') | 'batchbg' = color_list('bgA3') | TRUE |
'tableborder' = color_list('fgA1') | 'tableborder' = color_list('fgA1') | TRUE |
'tablebg' = color_list('bgA1') | 'tablebg' = color_list('bgA1') | TRUE |
'notefg' = color_list('fgA') | 'notefg' = color_list('fgA') | TRUE |
'notebg' = color_list('bgA') | 'notebg' = color_list('bgA') | TRUE |
'bylinefg' = color_list('fgA2') | 'bylinefg' = color_list('fgA2') | TRUE |
'bylinebg' = color_list('bgA2') | 'bylinebg' = color_list('bgA2') | TRUE |
'captionfg' = color_list('fgA1') | 'captionfg' = color_list('fgA1') | TRUE |
'captionbg' = color_list('bgA') | 'captionbg' = color_list('bgA') | TRUE |
'proctitlefg' = color_list('fgA') | 'proctitlefg' = color_list('fgA') | TRUE |
'proctitlebg' = color_list('bgA') | 'proctitlebg' = color_list('bgA') | TRUE |
'titlefg' = color_list('fgA') | 'titlefg' = color_list('fgA') | TRUE |
'titlebg' = color_list('bgA') | 'titlebg' = color_list('bgA') | TRUE |
'systitlefg' = color_list('fgA') | 'systitlefg' = color_list('fgA') | TRUE |
'systitlebg' = color_list('bgA') | 'systitlebg' = color_list('bgA') | TRUE |
'Conentryfg' = color_list('fgA2') | 'Conentryfg' = color_list('fgA2') | TRUE |
'Confolderfg' = color_list('fgA') | 'Confolderfg' = color_list('fgA') | TRUE |
'Contitlefg' = color_list('fgA') | 'Contitlefg' = color_list('fgA') | TRUE |
'link2' = color_list('fgB2') | 'link2' = color_list('fgB2') | TRUE |
'link1' = color_list('fgB1') | 'link1' = color_list('fgB1') | TRUE |
'contentfg' = color_list('fgA2') | 'contentfg' = color_list('fgA2') | TRUE |
'contentbg' = color_list('bgA2') | 'contentbg' = color_list('bgA2') | TRUE |
'docfg' = color_list('fgA') | 'docfg' = color_list('fgA') | TRUE |
'docbg' = color_list('bgA'); | 'docbg' = color_list('bgA'); | TRUE |
class GraphColors | class GraphColors | TRUE |
"Abstract colors used in graph styles" / | "Abstract colors used in graph styles" / | TRUE |
'gablock' = cxF1F0F6 | 'gablock' = cxF1F0F6 | TRUE |
'gblock' = cxD7DFEF | 'gblock' = cxD7DFEF | TRUE |
'gcclipping' = cxDC531F | 'gcclipping' = cxDC531F | TRUE |
'gclipping' = cxE7774F | 'gclipping' = cxE7774F | TRUE |
'gcstars' = cx000000 | 'gcstars' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'gstars' = cxB9CFE7 | 'gstars' = cxB9CFE7 | TRUE |
'gcruntest' = cxBF4D4D | 'gcruntest' = cxBF4D4D | TRUE |
'gruntest' = cxCAE3FF | 'gruntest' = cxCAE3FF | TRUE |
'gccontrollim' = cxBFC7D9 | 'gccontrollim' = cxBFC7D9 | TRUE |
'gcontrollim' = cxE6F2FF | 'gcontrollim' = cxE6F2FF | TRUE |
'gcerror' = cx000000 | 'gcerror' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'gerror' = cxB9CFE7 | 'gerror' = cxB9CFE7 | TRUE |
'gcpredictlim' = cx003178 | 'gcpredictlim' = cx003178 | TRUE |
'gpredictlim' = cxB9CFE7 | 'gpredictlim' = cxB9CFE7 | TRUE |
'gcpredict' = cx003178 | 'gcpredict' = cx003178 | TRUE |
'gpredict' = cx003178 | 'gpredict' = cx003178 | TRUE |
'gcconfidence2' = cx780000 | 'gcconfidence2' = cx780000 | TRUE |
'gcconfidence' = cx003178 | 'gcconfidence' = cx003178 | TRUE |
'gconfidence2' = cxE7B9B9 | 'gconfidence2' = cxE7B9B9 | TRUE |
'gconfidence' = cxB9CFE7 | 'gconfidence' = cxB9CFE7 | TRUE |
'gcfit2' = cx780000 | 'gcfit2' = cx780000 | TRUE |
'gcfit' = cx003178 | 'gcfit' = cx003178 | TRUE |
'gfit2' = cx780000 | 'gfit2' = cx780000 | TRUE |
'gfit' = cx003178 | 'gfit' = cx003178 | TRUE |
'gcoutlier' = cx000000 | 'gcoutlier' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'goutlier' = cxB9CFE7 | 'goutlier' = cxB9CFE7 | TRUE |
'gcdata' = cx000000 | 'gcdata' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'gdata' = cxB9CFE7 | 'gdata' = cxB9CFE7 | TRUE |
'greferencelines' = cx808080 | 'greferencelines' = cx808080 | TRUE |
'gheader' = colors('docbg') | 'gheader' = colors('docbg') | TRUE |
'gconramp3cend' = cxFF0000 | 'gconramp3cend' = cxFF0000 | TRUE |
'gconramp3cneutral' = cxFF00FF | 'gconramp3cneutral' = cxFF00FF | TRUE |
'gconramp3cstart' = cx0000FF | 'gconramp3cstart' = cx0000FF | TRUE |
'gramp3cend' = cxDD6060 | 'gramp3cend' = cxDD6060 | TRUE |
'gramp3cneutral' = cxFFFFFF | 'gramp3cneutral' = cxFFFFFF | TRUE |
'gramp3cstart' = cx6497EB | 'gramp3cstart' = cx6497EB | TRUE |
'gconramp2cend' = cx6497EB | 'gconramp2cend' = cx6497EB | TRUE |
'gconramp2cstart' = cxF3F7FE | 'gconramp2cstart' = cxF3F7FE | TRUE |
'gramp2cend' = cx5E528B | 'gramp2cend' = cx5E528B | TRUE |
'gramp2cstart' = cxF1F0F6 | 'gramp2cstart' = cxEDEBF6 | FALSE |
'gtext' = cx000000 | 'gtext' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'glabel' = cx000000 | 'glabel' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'gborderlines' = cx000000 | 'gborderlines' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'goutlines' = cx000000 | 'goutlines' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'ggrid' = cxECECEC | 'ggrid' = cxECECEC | TRUE |
'gaxis' = cx000000 | 'gaxis' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'gshadow' = cx000000 | 'gshadow' = cx000000 | TRUE |
'glegend' = cxFFFFFF | 'glegend' = cxFFFFFF | TRUE |
'gfloor' = cxFFFFFF | 'gfloor' = cxFFFFFF | TRUE |
'gwalls' = cxFFFFFF | 'gwalls' = cxFFFFFF | TRUE |
'gcdata12' = cxF9DA04 | 'gcdata12' = cxF9DA04 | TRUE |
'gcdata11' = cxB38EF3 | 'gcdata11' = cxB38EF3 | TRUE |
'gcdata10' = cx47A82A | 'gcdata10' = cx47A82A | TRUE |
'gcdata9' = cxD17800 | 'gcdata9' = cxD17800 | TRUE |
'gcdata8' = cxB26084 | 'gcdata8' = cxB26084 | TRUE |
'gcdata6' = cx7F8E1F | 'gcdata6' = cx7F8E1F | TRUE |
'gcdata7' = cx2597FA | 'gcdata7' = cx2597FA | TRUE |
'gcdata4' = cx543005 | 'gcdata4' = cx543005 | TRUE |
'gcdata5' = cx9D3CDB | 'gcdata5' = cx9D3CDB | TRUE |
'gcdata3' = cx01665E | 'gcdata3' = cx01665E | TRUE |
'gcdata2' = cxB2182B | 'gcdata2' = cxB2182B | TRUE |
'gcdata1' = cx2A25D9 | 'gcdata1' = cx2A25D9 | TRUE |
'gdata12' = cxDDD17E | 'gdata12' = cxDDD17E | TRUE |
'gdata11' = cxB7AEF1 | 'gdata11' = cxB7AEF1 | TRUE |
'gdata10' = cx87C873 | 'gdata10' = cx87C873 | TRUE |
'gdata9' = cxCF974B | 'gdata9' = cxCF974B | TRUE |
'gdata8' = cxCD7BA1 | 'gdata8' = cxCD7BA1 | TRUE |
'gdata6' = cxBABC5C | 'gdata6' = cxBABC5C | TRUE |
'gdata7' = cx94BDE1 | 'gdata7' = cx94BDE1 | TRUE |
'gdata4' = cxA9865B | 'gdata4' = cxA9865B | TRUE |
'gdata5' = cxB689CD | 'gdata5' = cxB689CD | TRUE |
'gdata3' = cx66A5A0 | 'gdata3' = cx66A5A0 | TRUE |
'gdata2' = cxDE7E6F | 'gdata2' = cxDE7E6F | TRUE |
'gdata1' = cx7C95CA; | 'gdata1' = cx7C95CA; | TRUE |
class html | class html | TRUE |
"Common HTML text used in the default style" / | "Common HTML text used in the default style" / | TRUE |
'expandAll' = "<span onclick=""expandCollapse()"">" | 'expandAll' = "<span onclick=""expandCollapse()"">" | TRUE |
'posthtml flyover line' = "</span><hr size=""3"">" | 'posthtml flyover line' = "</span><hr size=""3""/>" | FALSE |
'prehtml flyover line' = "<span><hr size=""3"">" | 'prehtml flyover line' = "<span><hr size=""3""/>" | FALSE |
'prehtml flyover bullet' = %nrstr("<span><b>·</b>") | 'prehtml flyover bullet' = %nrstr("<span><b>·</b>") | TRUE |
'posthtml flyover' = "</span>" | 'posthtml flyover' = "</span>" | TRUE |
'prehtml flyover' = "<span>" | 'prehtml flyover' = "<span>" | TRUE |
'break' = "<br>" | 'break' = "<br/>" | FALSE |
'Line' = "<hr size=""3"">" | 'Line' = "<hr size=""3""/>" | FALSE |
'PageBreakLine' = "<p style=""page-break-after: always;""><br></p><hr size=""3"">" | 'PageBreakLine' = "<p style=""page-break-after: always;""><br/></p><hr size=""3""/>" | FALSE |
'fake bullet' = %nrstr("<b>·</b>"); | 'fake bullet' = %nrstr("<b>·</b>"); | TRUE |
class text | class text | TRUE |
"Common text." / | "Common text." / | TRUE |
'continued' = "(Continued)" | 'continued' = "(Continued)" | TRUE |
'Fatal Banner' = "Fatal:" | 'Fatal Banner' = "Fatal:" | TRUE |
'Error Banner' = "Error:" | 'Error Banner' = "Error:" | TRUE |
'Warn Banner' = "Warning:" | 'Warn Banner' = "Warning:" | TRUE |
'Note Banner' = "Note:" | 'Note Banner' = "Note:" | TRUE |
'Pages Title' = "Table of Pages" | 'Pages Title' = "Table of Pages" | TRUE |
'Content Title' = "Table of Contents" | 'Content Title' = "Table of Contents" | TRUE |
'suffix1' = " Procedure" | 'suffix1' = " Procedure" | TRUE |
'prefix1' = "The "; | 'prefix1' = "The "; | TRUE |
class Container / | class Container / | TRUE |
font = Fonts('DocFont') | font = Fonts('DocFont') | TRUE |
color = colors('docfg') | color = colors('docfg') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('docbg'); | backgroundcolor = colors('docbg'); | TRUE |
class Index / | class Index / | TRUE |
color = colors('contentfg') | color = colors('contentfg') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg'); | backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg'); | TRUE |
class Document / | class Document / | TRUE |
doctype = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"">" | doctype = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"">" | TRUE |
contenttype = "text/html" | contenttype = "text/html" | TRUE |
protectspecialchars = auto | protectspecialchars = auto | TRUE |
linkcolor = colors('link2') | linkcolor = colors('link2') | TRUE |
activelinkcolor = colors('link1') | activelinkcolor = colors('link1') | TRUE |
visitedlinkcolor = colors('link1'); | visitedlinkcolor = colors('link1'); | TRUE |
class Body / | class Body / | TRUE |
marginright = 8 | marginright = 8 | TRUE |
marginleft = 8 | marginleft = 8 | TRUE |
pagebreakhtml = html('PageBreakLine'); | pagebreakhtml = html('PageBreakLine'); | TRUE |
class Frame / | class Frame / | TRUE |
contentposition = left | contentposition = left | TRUE |
bodyscrollbar = auto | bodyscrollbar = auto | TRUE |
bodysize = * | bodysize = * | TRUE |
contentscrollbar = auto | contentscrollbar = auto | TRUE |
contentsize = 23% | contentsize = 23% | TRUE |
framespacing = 1 | framespacing = 1 | TRUE |
frameborderwidth = 4 | frameborderwidth = 4 | TRUE |
frameborder = on; | frameborder = on; | TRUE |
class Contents / | class Contents / | TRUE |
liststyletype = "decimal" | liststyletype = "decimal" | TRUE |
tagattr = " onload=""expandAll()""" | tagattr = " onload=""expandAll()""" | TRUE |
pagebreakhtml = html('break') | pagebreakhtml = html('break') | TRUE |
color = colors('contentfg') | color = colors('contentfg') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg') | backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg') | TRUE |
marginright = 8 | marginright = 8 | TRUE |
marginleft = 8; | marginleft = 8; | TRUE |
class Pages / | class Pages / | TRUE |
liststyletype = "decimal" | liststyletype = "decimal" | TRUE |
tagattr = " onload=""expandAll()""" | tagattr = " onload=""expandAll()""" | TRUE |
pagebreakhtml = html('break') | pagebreakhtml = html('break') | TRUE |
color = colors('contentfg') | color = colors('contentfg') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg') | backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg') | TRUE |
marginright = 8 | marginright = 8 | TRUE |
marginleft = 8; | marginleft = 8; | TRUE |
class Date / | class Date / | TRUE |
width = 100% | width = 100% | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg') | backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg') | TRUE |
color = colors('contentfg'); | color = colors('contentfg'); | TRUE |
class BodyDate / | class BodyDate / | TRUE |
verticalalign = top | verticalalign = top | TRUE |
textalign = right | textalign = right | TRUE |
borderspacing = 0 | borderspacing = 0 | TRUE |
padding = 0 | cellpadding = 0 | FALSE |
backgroundcolor = colors('docbg') | backgroundcolor = colors('docbg') | TRUE |
color = colors('docfg'); | color = colors('docfg'); | TRUE |
class IndexItem / | class IndexItem / | TRUE |
marginleft = 6pt | marginleft = 6pt | TRUE |
posthtml = html('posthtml flyover') | posthtml = html('posthtml flyover') | TRUE |
prehtml = html('prehtml flyover bullet') | prehtml = html('prehtml flyover bullet') | TRUE |
listentryanchor = on | listentryanchor = on | TRUE |
liststyletype = NONE | liststyletype = NONE | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = _undef_ | backgroundcolor = _undef_ | TRUE |
color = colors('conentryfg'); | color = colors('conentryfg'); | TRUE |
class ContentFolder / | class ContentFolder / | TRUE |
listentryanchor = off | listentryanchor = off | TRUE |
color = colors('confolderfg'); | color = colors('confolderfg'); | TRUE |
class ByContentFolder / | class ByContentFolder / | TRUE |
listentryanchor = on; | listentryanchor = on; | TRUE |
class IndexProcName / | class IndexProcName / | TRUE |
listentryanchor = off | listentryanchor = off | TRUE |
liststyletype = "decimal" | liststyletype = "decimal" | TRUE |
posthtml = html('posthtml flyover') | posthtml = html('posthtml flyover') | TRUE |
prehtml = html('prehtml flyover') | prehtml = html('prehtml flyover') | TRUE |
posttext = text('suffix1') | posttext = text('suffix1') | TRUE |
pretext = text('prefix1') | pretext = text('prefix1') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = _undef_ | backgroundcolor = _undef_ | TRUE |
color = colors('contitlefg'); | color = colors('contitlefg'); | TRUE |
class ContentProcLabel / | class ContentProcLabel / | TRUE |
posttext = _undef_ | posttext = _undef_ | TRUE |
pretext = _undef_; | pretext = _undef_; | TRUE |
class PagesProcLabel / | class PagesProcLabel / | TRUE |
posttext = _undef_ | posttext = _undef_ | TRUE |
pretext = _undef_; | pretext = _undef_; | TRUE |
class IndexTitle / | class IndexTitle / | TRUE |
posthtml = html('posthtml flyover line') | posthtml = html('posthtml flyover line') | TRUE |
prehtml = html('expandAll') | prehtml = html('expandAll') | TRUE |
font = fonts('EmphasisFont') | font = fonts('EmphasisFont') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = _undef_ | backgroundcolor = _undef_ | TRUE |
color = colors('contitlefg'); | color = colors('contitlefg'); | TRUE |
class ContentTitle / | class ContentTitle / | TRUE |
pretext = text('content title'); | pretext = text('content title'); | TRUE |
class PagesTitle / | class PagesTitle / | TRUE |
pretext = text('pages title'); | pretext = text('pages title'); | TRUE |
class SysTitleAndFooterContainer / | class SysTitleAndFooterContainer / | TRUE |
rules = NONE | rules = NONE | TRUE |
frame = VOID | frame = VOID | TRUE |
width = 100% | width = 100% | TRUE |
padding = 1 | cellpadding = 1 | FALSE |
borderspacing = 1 | borderspacing = 1 | TRUE |
borderwidth = 0; | borderwidth = 0; | TRUE |
class TitleAndNoteContainer / | class TitleAndNoteContainer / | TRUE |
rules = NONE | rules = NONE | TRUE |
frame = VOID | frame = VOID | TRUE |
width = 100% | width = 100% | TRUE |
padding = 1 | cellpadding = 1 | FALSE |
borderspacing = 1 | borderspacing = 1 | TRUE |
borderwidth = 0; | borderwidth = 0; | TRUE |
class TitlesAndFooters / | class TitlesAndFooters / | TRUE |
font = Fonts('TitleFont2') | font = Fonts('TitleFont2') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('systitlebg') | backgroundcolor = colors('systitlebg') | TRUE |
color = colors('systitlefg'); | color = colors('systitlefg'); | TRUE |
class BylineContainer / | class BylineContainer / | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('Docbg') | backgroundcolor = colors('Docbg') | TRUE |
rules = NONE | rules = NONE | TRUE |
frame = VOID | frame = VOID | TRUE |
width = 100% | width = 100% | TRUE |
padding = 1 | cellpadding = 1 | FALSE |
borderspacing = 1 | borderspacing = 1 | TRUE |
borderwidth = 0; | borderwidth = 0; | TRUE |
class SystemTitle / | class SystemTitle / | TRUE |
font = Fonts('TitleFont'); | font = Fonts('TitleFont'); | TRUE |
class SystemFooter / | class SystemFooter / | TRUE |
font = Fonts('TitleFont'); | font = Fonts('TitleFont'); | TRUE |
class PageNo / | class PageNo / | TRUE |
verticalalign = top | verticalalign = top | TRUE |
textalign = right | textalign = right | TRUE |
borderspacing = 0 | borderspacing = 0 | TRUE |
padding = 0 | cellpadding = 0 | FALSE |
font = fonts('strongFont'); | font = fonts('strongFont'); | TRUE |
class ExtendedPage / | class ExtendedPage / | TRUE |
textalign = center | textalign = center | TRUE |
padding = 2pt | cellpadding = 2pt | FALSE |
borderwidth = 1pt | borderwidth = 1pt | TRUE |
fillrulewidth = 0.5pt | fillrulewidth = 0.5pt | TRUE |
posttext = ", which would not fit on a single physical page" | posttext = ", which would not fit on a single physical page" | TRUE |
pretext = "Continuing contents of page " | pretext = "Continuing contents of page " | TRUE |
frame = box | frame = box | TRUE |
font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class Byline / | class Byline / | TRUE |
borderspacing = 0 | borderspacing = 0 | TRUE |
padding = 0 | cellpadding = 0 | FALSE |
font = fonts('headingFont') | font = fonts('headingFont') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('bylinebg') | backgroundcolor = colors('bylinebg') | TRUE |
color = colors('bylinefg'); | color = colors('bylinefg'); | TRUE |
class Parskip / | class Parskip / | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = _undef_ | backgroundcolor = _undef_ | TRUE |
color = _undef_ | color = _undef_ | TRUE |
borderwidth = 0 | borderwidth = 0 | TRUE |
rules = NONE | rules = NONE | TRUE |
frame = void | frame = void | TRUE |
borderspacing = 0 | borderspacing = 0 | TRUE |
padding = 0 | cellpadding = 0 | FALSE |
font = fonts('headingFont'); | font = fonts('headingFont'); | TRUE |
class Continued / | class Continued / | TRUE |
width = 100% | width = 100% | TRUE |
pretext = text('continued') | pretext = text('continued') | TRUE |
borderspacing = 0 | borderspacing = 0 | TRUE |
padding = 0 | cellpadding = 0 | FALSE |
font = fonts('headingFont'); | font = fonts('headingFont'); | TRUE |
class ProcTitle / | class ProcTitle / | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('proctitlebg') | backgroundcolor = colors('proctitlebg') | TRUE |
color = colors('proctitlefg'); | color = colors('proctitlefg'); | TRUE |
class ProcTitleFixed / | class ProcTitleFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | TRUE |
class Output / | class Output / | TRUE |
bordercollapse = separate | bordercollapse = separate | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('tablebg') | backgroundcolor = colors('tablebg') | TRUE |
rules = GROUPS | rules = GROUPS | TRUE |
frame = BOX | frame = BOX | TRUE |
padding = 7 | cellpadding = 7 | FALSE |
borderspacing = 1 | borderspacing = 1 | TRUE |
bordercolor = colors('tableborder') | bordercolor = colors('tableborder') | TRUE |
borderwidth = 1; | borderwidth = 1; | TRUE |
class Table; | class Table; | TRUE |
class Batch / | class Batch / | TRUE |
font = fonts('BatchFixedFont') | font = fonts('BatchFixedFont') | TRUE |
color = colors('batchfg') | color = colors('batchfg') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('batchbg'); | backgroundcolor = colors('batchbg') | FALSE |
class Note / | class Note / | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('notebg') | backgroundcolor = colors('notebg') | TRUE |
color = colors('notefg'); | color = colors('notefg'); | TRUE |
class NoteBanner / | class NoteBanner / | TRUE |
fontweight = bold | fontweight = bold | TRUE |
pretext = text('Note Banner'); | pretext = text('Note Banner'); | TRUE |
class UserText / | class UserText; | FALSE |
class PrePage / | class PrePage / | TRUE |
textalign = left; | textalign = left; | TRUE |
class NoteContentFixed / | class NoteContentFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedFont'); | font = fonts('FixedFont'); | TRUE |
class WarnBanner / | class WarnBanner / | TRUE |
fontweight = bold | fontweight = bold | TRUE |
pretext = text('Warn Banner'); | pretext = text('Warn Banner'); | TRUE |
class WarnContentFixed / | class WarnContentFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedFont'); | font = fonts('FixedFont'); | TRUE |
class ErrorBanner / | class ErrorBanner / | TRUE |
fontweight = bold | fontweight = bold | TRUE |
pretext = text('Error Banner'); | pretext = text('Error Banner'); | TRUE |
class ErrorContentFixed / | class ErrorContentFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedFont'); | font = fonts('FixedFont'); | TRUE |
class FatalBanner / | class FatalBanner / | TRUE |
fontweight = bold | fontweight = bold | TRUE |
pretext = text('Fatal Banner'); | pretext = text('Fatal Banner'); | TRUE |
class FatalContentFixed / | class FatalContentFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedFont'); | font = fonts('FixedFont'); | TRUE |
class Data / | class Data / | TRUE |
color = colors('datafg') | color = colors('datafg') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('databg'); | backgroundcolor = colors('databg'); | TRUE |
class DataFixed / | class DataFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedFont'); | font = fonts('FixedFont'); | TRUE |
class DataEmphasis / | class DataEmphasis / | TRUE |
color = colors('datafgemph') | color = colors('datafgemph') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('databgemph') | backgroundcolor = colors('databgemph') | TRUE |
font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class DataEmphasisFixed / | class DataEmphasisFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class DataStrong / | class DataStrong / | TRUE |
color = colors('datafgstrong') | color = colors('datafgstrong') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('databgstrong') | backgroundcolor = colors('databgstrong') | TRUE |
font = fonts('StrongFont'); | font = fonts('StrongFont'); | TRUE |
class DataStrongFixed / | class DataStrongFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | TRUE |
class HeadersAndFooters / | class HeadersAndFooters / | TRUE |
font = fonts('HeadingFont') | font = fonts('HeadingFont') | TRUE |
color = colors('headerfg') | color = colors('headerfg') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('headerbg'); | backgroundcolor = colors('headerbg'); | TRUE |
class Caption / | class Caption / | TRUE |
borderspacing = 0 | borderspacing = 0 | TRUE |
padding = 0 | cellpadding = 0 | FALSE |
color = colors('captionfg') | color = colors('captionfg') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('captionbg'); | backgroundcolor = colors('captionbg'); | TRUE |
class Header; | class Header; | TRUE |
class HeaderFixed / | class HeaderFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedFont'); | font = fonts('FixedFont'); | TRUE |
class HeaderEmphasis / | class HeaderEmphasis / | TRUE |
color = colors('headerfgemph') | color = colors('headerfgemph') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('headerbgemph') | backgroundcolor = colors('headerbgemph') | TRUE |
font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class HeaderEmphasisFixed / | class HeaderEmphasisFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class HeaderStrong / | class HeaderStrong / | TRUE |
color = colors('headerfgstrong') | color = colors('headerfgstrong') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('headerbgstrong') | backgroundcolor = colors('headerbgstrong') | TRUE |
font = fonts('StrongFont'); | font = fonts('StrongFont'); | TRUE |
class HeaderStrongFixed / | class HeaderStrongFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | TRUE |
class RowHeader; | class RowHeader; | TRUE |
class RowHeaderFixed / | class RowHeaderFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedFont'); | font = fonts('FixedFont'); | TRUE |
class RowHeaderEmphasis / | class RowHeaderEmphasis / | TRUE |
font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class RowHeaderEmphasisFixed / | class RowHeaderEmphasisFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class RowHeaderStrong / | class RowHeaderStrong / | TRUE |
font = fonts('StrongFont'); | font = fonts('StrongFont'); | TRUE |
class RowHeaderStrongFixed / | class RowHeaderStrongFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | TRUE |
class Footer; | class Footer; | TRUE |
class FooterFixed / | class FooterFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedFont'); | font = fonts('FixedFont'); | TRUE |
class FooterEmphasis / | class FooterEmphasis / | TRUE |
font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class FooterEmphasisFixed / | class FooterEmphasisFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class FooterStrong / | class FooterStrong / | TRUE |
font = fonts('StrongFont'); | font = fonts('StrongFont'); | TRUE |
class FooterStrongFixed / | class FooterStrongFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | TRUE |
class RowFooter; | class RowFooter; | TRUE |
class RowFooterFixed / | class RowFooterFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedFont'); | font = fonts('FixedFont'); | TRUE |
class RowFooterEmphasis / | class RowFooterEmphasis / | TRUE |
font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class RowFooterEmphasisFixed / | class RowFooterEmphasisFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); | TRUE |
class RowFooterStrong / | class RowFooterStrong / | TRUE |
font = fonts('StrongFont'); | font = fonts('StrongFont'); | TRUE |
class RowFooterStrongFixed / | class RowFooterStrongFixed / | TRUE |
font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); | TRUE |
class ListItem / | class ListItem / | TRUE |
font = Fonts('DocFont'); | font = Fonts('DocFont'); | TRUE |
class Paragraph / | class Paragraph / | TRUE |
font = Fonts('DocFont'); | font = Fonts('DocFont'); | TRUE |
class List / | class List / | TRUE |
liststyletype = disc; | liststyletype = disc; | TRUE |
class List2 / | class List2 / | TRUE |
liststyletype = circle; | liststyletype = circle; | TRUE |
class List3 / | class List3 / | TRUE |
liststyletype = square; | liststyletype = square; | TRUE |
class Graph / | class Graph / | TRUE |
padding = 0 | cellpadding = 0 | FALSE |
backgroundcolor = colors('docbg'); | backgroundcolor = colors('docbg'); | TRUE |
class GraphWalls / | class GraphWalls / | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
frameborder = on | frameborder = on | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gaxis') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gaxis') | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = GraphColors('gwalls') | backgroundcolor = GraphColors('gwalls') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gwalls'); | color = GraphColors('gwalls'); | TRUE |
class GraphAxisLines / | class GraphAxisLines / | TRUE |
tickdisplay = "outside" | tickdisplay = "outside" | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gaxis') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gaxis') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gaxis'); | color = GraphColors('gaxis'); | TRUE |
class GraphGridLines / | class GraphGridLines / | TRUE |
displayopts = "auto" | displayopts = "auto" | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('ggrid') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('ggrid') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('ggrid'); | color = GraphColors('ggrid'); | TRUE |
class GraphOutlines / | class GraphOutlines / | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('goutlines') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('goutlines') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('goutlines'); | color = GraphColors('goutlines'); | TRUE |
class GraphBorderLines / | class GraphBorderLines / | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gborderlines') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gborderlines') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gborderlines'); | color = GraphColors('gborderlines'); | TRUE |
class GraphReference / | class GraphReference / | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('greferencelines'); | contrastcolor = GraphColors('greferencelines'); | TRUE |
class GraphTitleText / | class GraphTitleText / | TRUE |
font = GraphFonts('GraphTitleFont') | font = GraphFonts('GraphTitleFont') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gtext'); | color = GraphColors('gtext'); | TRUE |
class GraphFootnoteText / | class GraphFootnoteText / | TRUE |
font = GraphFonts('GraphFootnoteFont') | font = GraphFonts('GraphFootnoteFont') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gtext'); | color = GraphColors('gtext'); | TRUE |
class GraphDataText / | class GraphDataText / | TRUE |
font = GraphFonts('GraphDataFont') | font = GraphFonts('GraphDataFont') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gtext'); | color = GraphColors('gtext'); | TRUE |
class GraphLabelText / | class GraphLabelText / | TRUE |
font = GraphFonts('GraphLabelFont') | font = GraphFonts('GraphLabelFont') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('glabel'); | color = GraphColors('glabel'); | TRUE |
class GraphValueText / | class GraphValueText / | TRUE |
font = GraphFonts('GraphValueFont') | font = GraphFonts('GraphValueFont') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gtext'); | color = GraphColors('gtext'); | TRUE |
class GraphUnicodeText / | class GraphUnicodeText / | TRUE |
font = GraphFonts('GraphUnicodeFont'); | font = GraphFonts('GraphUnicodeFont'); | TRUE |
class GraphBackground / | class GraphBackground / | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = colors('docbg') | backgroundcolor = colors('docbg') | TRUE |
color = colors('docbg'); | color = colors('docbg'); | TRUE |
class GraphFloor / | class GraphFloor / | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = GraphColors('gfloor') | backgroundcolor = GraphColors('gfloor') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gfloor'); | color = GraphColors('gfloor'); | TRUE |
class GraphLegendBackground / | class GraphLegendBackground / | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = GraphColors('glegend') | backgroundcolor = GraphColors('glegend') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('glegend'); | color = GraphColors('glegend'); | TRUE |
class GraphHeaderBackground / | class GraphHeaderBackground / | TRUE |
backgroundcolor = GraphColors('gheader') | backgroundcolor = GraphColors('gheader') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gheader'); | color = GraphColors('gheader'); | TRUE |
class DropShadowStyle / | class DropShadowStyle / | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gshadow'); | color = GraphColors('gshadow'); | TRUE |
class GraphDataDefault / | class GraphDataDefault / | TRUE |
endcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cend') | endcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cend') | TRUE |
neutralcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cneutral') | neutralcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cneutral') | TRUE |
startcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cstart') | startcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cstart') | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "circle" | markersymbol = "circle" | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata'); | color = GraphColors('gdata'); | TRUE |
class GraphData1 / | class GraphData1 / | TRUE |
markersymbol = "circle" | markersymbol = "circle" | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata1') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata1') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata1'); | color = GraphColors('gdata1'); | TRUE |
class GraphData2 / | class GraphData2 / | TRUE |
markersymbol = "plus" | markersymbol = "plus" | TRUE |
linestyle = 4 | linestyle = 4 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata2') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata2') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata2'); | color = GraphColors('gdata2'); | TRUE |
class GraphData3 / | class GraphData3 / | TRUE |
markersymbol = "X" | markersymbol = "X" | TRUE |
linestyle = 8 | linestyle = 8 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata3') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata3') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata3'); | color = GraphColors('gdata3'); | TRUE |
class GraphData4 / | class GraphData4 / | TRUE |
markersymbol = "triangle" | markersymbol = "triangle" | TRUE |
linestyle = 5 | linestyle = 5 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata4') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata4') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata4'); | color = GraphColors('gdata4'); | TRUE |
class GraphData5 / | class GraphData5 / | TRUE |
markersymbol = "square" | markersymbol = "square" | TRUE |
linestyle = 14 | linestyle = 14 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata5') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata5') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata5'); | color = GraphColors('gdata5'); | TRUE |
class GraphData6 / | class GraphData6 / | TRUE |
markersymbol = "asterisk" | markersymbol = "asterisk" | TRUE |
linestyle = 26 | linestyle = 26 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata6') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata6') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata6'); | color = GraphColors('gdata6'); | TRUE |
class GraphData7 / | class GraphData7 / | TRUE |
markersymbol = "diamond" | markersymbol = "diamond" | TRUE |
linestyle = 15 | linestyle = 15 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata7') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata7') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata7'); | color = GraphColors('gdata7'); | TRUE |
class GraphData8 / | class GraphData8 / | TRUE |
linestyle = 20 | linestyle = 20 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata8') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata8') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata8'); | color = GraphColors('gdata8'); | TRUE |
class GraphData9 / | class GraphData9 / | TRUE |
linestyle = 41 | linestyle = 41 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata9') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata9') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata9'); | color = GraphColors('gdata9'); | TRUE |
class GraphData10 / | class GraphData10 / | TRUE |
linestyle = 42 | linestyle = 42 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata10') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata10') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata10'); | color = GraphColors('gdata10'); | TRUE |
class GraphData11 / | class GraphData11 / | TRUE |
linestyle = 2 | linestyle = 2 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata11') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata11') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata11'); | color = GraphColors('gdata11'); | TRUE |
class GraphData12 / | class GraphData12 / | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata12') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata12') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata12'); | color = GraphColors('gdata12'); | TRUE |
class TwoColorRamp / | class TwoColorRamp / | TRUE |
endcolor = GraphColors('gramp2cend') | endcolor = GraphColors('gramp2cend') | TRUE |
startcolor = GraphColors('gramp2cstart'); | startcolor = GraphColors('gramp2cstart'); | TRUE |
class TwoColorAltRamp / | class TwoColorAltRamp / | TRUE |
endcolor = GraphColors('gconramp2cend') | endcolor = GraphColors('gconramp2cend') | TRUE |
startcolor = GraphColors('gconramp2cstart'); | startcolor = GraphColors('gconramp2cstart'); | TRUE |
class ThreeColorRamp / | class ThreeColorRamp / | TRUE |
endcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cend') | endcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cend') | TRUE |
neutralcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cneutral') | neutralcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cneutral') | TRUE |
startcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cstart'); | startcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cstart'); | TRUE |
class ThreeColorAltRamp / | class ThreeColorAltRamp / | TRUE |
endcolor = GraphColors('gconramp3cend') | endcolor = GraphColors('gconramp3cend') | TRUE |
neutralcolor = GraphColors('gconramp3cneutral') | neutralcolor = GraphColors('gconramp3cneutral') | TRUE |
startcolor = GraphColors('gconramp3cstart'); | startcolor = GraphColors('gconramp3cstart'); | TRUE |
class GraphOutlier / | class GraphOutlier / | TRUE |
linethickness = 2px | linethickness = 2px | TRUE |
linestyle = 42 | linestyle = 42 | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "circle" | markersymbol = "circle" | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcoutlier') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcoutlier') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('goutlier'); | color = GraphColors('goutlier'); | TRUE |
class GraphFit / | class GraphFit / | TRUE |
linethickness = 2px | linethickness = 2px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "circle" | markersymbol = "circle" | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcfit') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcfit') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gfit'); | color = GraphColors('gfit'); | TRUE |
class GraphFit2 / | class GraphFit2 / | TRUE |
linethickness = 2px | linethickness = 2px | TRUE |
linestyle = 4 | linestyle = 4 | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "X" | markersymbol = "X" | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcfit2') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcfit2') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gfit2'); | color = GraphColors('gfit2'); | TRUE |
class GraphConfidence / | class GraphConfidence / | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "triangle" | markersymbol = "triangle" | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcconfidence') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcconfidence') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gconfidence'); | color = GraphColors('gconfidence'); | TRUE |
class GraphConfidence2 / | class GraphConfidence2 / | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 4 | linestyle = 4 | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "diamond" | markersymbol = "diamond" | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcconfidence2') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcconfidence2') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gconfidence2'); | color = GraphColors('gconfidence2'); | TRUE |
class GraphPrediction / | class GraphPrediction / | TRUE |
linethickness = 2px | linethickness = 2px | TRUE |
linestyle = 4 | linestyle = 4 | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "plus" | markersymbol = "plus" | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcpredict') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcpredict') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gpredict'); | color = GraphColors('gpredict'); | TRUE |
class GraphPredictionLimits / | class GraphPredictionLimits / | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 2 | linestyle = 2 | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "chain" | markersymbol = "chain" | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcpredictlim') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcpredictlim') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gpredictlim'); | color = GraphColors('gpredictlim'); | TRUE |
class GraphError / | class GraphError / | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "asterisk" | markersymbol = "asterisk" | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcerror') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcerror') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gerror'); | color = GraphColors('gerror'); | TRUE |
class GraphBox / | class GraphBox / | TRUE |
capstyle = "serif" | capstyle = "serif" | TRUE |
connect = "mean" | connect = "mean" | TRUE |
displayopts = "fill caps median mean outliers"; | displayopts = "fill caps median mean outliers"; | TRUE |
class GraphBoxMedian / | class GraphBoxMedian / | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | TRUE |
class GraphBoxMean / | class GraphBoxMean / | TRUE |
markersize = 9px | markersize = 9px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "diamond" | markersymbol = "diamond" | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | TRUE |
class GraphBoxWhisker / | class GraphBoxWhisker / | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | TRUE |
class GraphHistogram / | class GraphHistogram / | TRUE |
displayopts = "fill outline"; | displayopts = "fill outline"; | TRUE |
class GraphEllipse / | class GraphEllipse / | TRUE |
displayopts = "outline"; | displayopts = "outline"; | TRUE |
class GraphBand / | class GraphBand / | TRUE |
displayopts = "fill"; | displayopts = "fill"; | TRUE |
class GraphContour / | class GraphContour / | TRUE |
displayopts = "LabeledLineGradient"; | displayopts = "LabeledLineGradient"; | TRUE |
class GraphBlock / | class GraphBlock / | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gblock'); | color = GraphColors('gblock'); | TRUE |
class GraphAltBlock / | class GraphAltBlock / | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gablock'); | color = GraphColors('gablock'); | TRUE |
class GraphAnnoLine / | class GraphAnnoLine / | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
linethickness = 2px | linethickness = 2px | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | TRUE |
class GraphAnnoText / | class GraphAnnoText / | TRUE |
font = GraphFonts('GraphAnnoFont') | font = GraphFonts('GraphAnnoFont') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gtext'); | color = GraphColors('gtext'); | TRUE |
class GraphAnnoShape / | class GraphAnnoShape / | TRUE |
markersize = 12px | markersize = 12px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "starfilled" | markersymbol = "starfilled" | TRUE |
linethickness = 2px | linethickness = 2px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata'); | color = GraphColors('gdata'); | TRUE |
class GraphSelection / | class GraphSelection / | TRUE |
markersize = 11px | markersize = 11px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "square" | markersymbol = "square" | TRUE |
linethickness = 5px | linethickness = 5px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gdata'); | color = GraphColors('gdata'); | TRUE |
class GraphConnectLine / | class GraphConnectLine / | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); | TRUE |
class GraphMissing / | class GraphMissing / | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "square" | markersymbol = "hash" | FALSE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 2 | FALSE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata12') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcmiss') | FALSE |
color = GraphColors('gdata12'); | color = GraphColors('gmiss'); | FALSE |
class GraphControlLimits / | class GraphControlLimits / | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "circle" | markersymbol = "circle" | TRUE |
linethickness = 1px | linethickness = 1px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gccontrollim') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gccontrollim') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gcontrollim'); | color = GraphColors('gcontrollim'); | TRUE |
class GraphRunTest / | class GraphRunTest / | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "square" | markersymbol = "square" | TRUE |
linethickness = 2px | linethickness = 2px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcruntest') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcruntest') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gruntest'); | color = GraphColors('gruntest'); | TRUE |
class GraphStars / | class GraphStars / | TRUE |
linethickness = 2px | linethickness = 2px | TRUE |
linestyle = 1 | linestyle = 1 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcstars') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcstars') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gstars'); | color = GraphColors('gstars'); | TRUE |
class GraphClipping / | class GraphClipping / | TRUE |
markersize = 7px | markersize = 7px | TRUE |
markersymbol = "circlefilled" | markersymbol = "circlefilled" | TRUE |
linethickness = 2px | linethickness = 2px | TRUE |
linestyle = 2 | linestyle = 2 | TRUE |
contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcclipping') | contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcclipping') | TRUE |
color = GraphColors('gclipping'); | color = GraphColors('gclipping'); | TRUE |
class LayoutContainer / | class LayoutContainer / | TRUE |
padding = 0 | cellpadding = 0 | FALSE |
borderspacing = 30 | borderspacing = 30 | TRUE |
borderwidth = 0 | borderwidth = 0 | TRUE |
frame = void | backgroundcolor = _undef_; | FALSE |
In which case, open a track with SAS so they can investigate. Cellpadding was one thing that broke for us, but I don't see much on the changes there that would impact it.
Are you running batch or interactive? This could be a style change, possibly resulting from a change in the default destination. HTML became the default ODS destination for the SAS Windowing environment in SAS 9.3. So your SAS 9.2 output was probably using the default style for the LISTING destination whereas the 9.4 output might be using the default HTML style, which is HTMLBlue.
I believe the default ODS style used in 9.4 is HTMLBlue for the interactive modes.
Each ODS destination has a separate default style.
The mode you operate it may make a deference but in display manager menu tools-options-preferences-results displays the current default style and allows changes.
Or use the ODS Style= option freely in your code to set a desired style.
Hi Ballardw,
I tried what you suggested, and yiu are correct under preferences >> results the style in 9.2 = Default and style in 9.4 = HTMLBlue but this does not resolve my problem.
SAS however did get back to me,
It is typically the case that from one release of SAS to the next (SAS 9.2 to 9.4), R&D is constantly "tweaking" things, fixing bugs, adding new features, etc.
One issue that I have noticed over the years is that when going from one release to the next, the default VPOS and HPOS values (also referred to as rows and columns) do have a tendency to change.
In the past, while we have most commonly seen this issue when writing graphics output to PDF, this same HPOS/VPOS issue is also occurring when creating RTF output (as you are seeing here).
Apologise for this but the best way to get a similar output with SAS 9.4 is to modify the GOPTIONS statement in your SAS 9.4 code and use the same VPOS and HPOS values that SAS 9.2 previously used.
Example code: goptions device=xxx xmax=15 cm ymax=10 cm ftext='MS Mincho' htext=9pt vpos=30 hpos=73;
In my case setting VPOS=52 and HPOS=85 in the AUTOEXEC worked perfectly.
Or move to ODS graphics procedures such as SGPLOT and SGPANEl and the ODS Graphics/ height= width= statement to set sizes and other options to specify image type created and many other options.
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