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Meteorite | Level 14



I run this program .

I don't understand why in Log I see only 1812 and dont see other dates (YYMM)

proc delete data=work._all_;Run;

%let FROM_YYMM=1712;
%let Till_YYMM=2312;

data _null_;
call symputx('date_start',put(date_start,best.));
call symputx('date_end',put(date_end,best.));
format date_start date_end  date9.;

data _series_End_Of_Quarters;
format date end_date date9.;
do while (date<=end_date);
date=intnx('month', date, 3, 's');
format date YYMMN4.;
drop date end_date;

data series_End_Of_Quarters;
set _series_End_Of_Quarters end=eof;
if eof then do;
proc sql noprint;
select YYMM into : V_YYMM SEPARATED by '+'
from series_End_Of_Quarters
%put &V_YYMM;

proc sql noprint;
select count(*) as n into : n
from series_End_Of_Quarters
%put &n;

%macro Macro_Reason0_Over_time;
%do j=2 %to &n.;
%let YYMM=%scan(&V_YYMM.,&j.,+);
/***SPlit reason to 0 into multiple columns****/
%let max_wrd=;
proc sql noprint;
select max(countw(teur_rej_type,'|')) into :max_wrd trimmed
where groupk=0 AND lakoach ne 0 AND hativa in (833,703,860) AND  mekushar=0 AND  niz<=5000000
%put max_wrd=&max_wrd;

data ABT_0(drop=_:);
set LABTRET.ABT_CS_&YYMM.L(Where=(groupk=0 AND lakoach ne 0 AND hativa in (833,703,860) AND  mekushar=0 AND  niz<=5000000));
array model_[&max_wrd] $50 ;
do _i = 1 to dim(model_);
model_[_i] = scan(teur_rej_type,_i,'|');
if missing(model_[_i]) then leave;

proc sql;
create table pelet1 as
select &YYMM. as mon,hativa,teur_rej_type,
       count(*) as nr_laks,
	   sum(niz)/1000000 as niz format=8.1
from ABT_0
group by hativa,teur_rej_type

%macro sset;
%do j=1 %to &max_wrd.;
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_&j. rename=(model_&j.=Reason0)) 
%mend sset;
%put %sset;

Data ABT_0_Long(Where=(Reason0 ne ''));
set %sset;

data ABT_0_Long2;
length _Reason_0_ $100.;
set ABT_0_Long;
if find(compress(Reason0),'MATI','i') then _Reason_0_='NO_MATI';
else if find(compress(Reason0),'OWNERSHIP','i') then _Reason_0_='OWNERSHIP_SYMBOL';
else if find(compress(Reason0),'CHARACTER','i') then _Reason_0_='ACC_CHARACTER';
else if find(compress(Reason0),'CONTINUES','i') then _Reason_0_='6MON';
else if find(compress(Reason0),'NEW','i') then _Reason_0_='NEW_CUSTOMER';
else if find(compress(Reason0),'640','i') then _Reason_0_='640';
else if find(compress(Reason0),'EXPOSE','i') then _Reason_0_='5M';
else if find(compress(Reason0),'LITTLE','i') then _Reason_0_='YOUNG';
else if find(compress(Reason0),'EXIST','i') then _Reason_0_='NO_EXIST';
proc sort data=ABT_0_Long2;
by lakoach _Reason_0_;

data ABT_0_Wide;
length calc_Shirshur_Reason0 $100.;
do until (last.lakoach);
set ABT_0_Long2;
by lakoach;
Drop _Reason_0_  Reason0;

proc sql;
create table pelet2 as
select &YYMM. as mon,hativa,calc_Shirshur_Reason0,
       count(*) as nr_laks,
	   sum(niz)/1000000 as niz format=8.1
from ABT_0_Wide
group by hativa,calc_Shirshur_Reason0
proc sql;
create table pelet3_Univaraite_Analysis as
select &YYMM. as mon,hativa,_Reason_0_,
       count(distinct lakoach) as nr_laks,
	   sum(niz)/1000000 as niz format=8.1
from ABT_0_Long2
group by hativa,_Reason_0_
order by hativa,nr_laks desc

proc append data=pelet1 base=pelet1_all force;Run;
proc append data=pelet2 base=pelet2_all force;Run;
proc append data=pelet3_Univaraite_Analysis base=pelet3_Univaraite_Analysis_all force;Run;

%mend Macro_Reason0_Over_time;

Jade | Level 19

1) You may have heard it already, but "1812" is not a date, maybe a year, but not a date!

2) You may want to properly format your code making it readable.

3) I don't have access to your data, so i can't reproduce the problem you have => post the log!

Meteorite | Level 14

The names of source data sets are with YYMM  name.

In the Log I only see 1901

1                                                          The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

1          ;*';*";*/;quit;run;
3          %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL='DIST_REASON_TO_0_Over_Time_Univariate_Analysis';
4          %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME='Process Flow';
8          %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE='K:\aתחום מודלים\פיתוח מודל CS\ייזום והגדרות עסקיות\התפלגות סיבות
8        ! ל0\';
9          %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST='VSK1H0103A2035';
11         ODS _ALL_ CLOSE;
12         OPTIONS DEV=PNG;
15         ODS tagsets.sasreport13(ID=EGSR) FILE=EGSR
16             STYLE=HTMLBlue
17             STYLESHEET=(URL="file:///C:/Program%20Files/SASHome/SASEnterpriseGuide/7.1/Styles/HTMLBlue.css")
18             NOGTITLE
19             NOGFOOTNOTE
20             GPATH=&sasworklocation
21             ENCODING=UTF8
22             options(rolap="on")
23         ;
27         %macro run_all;
28         %do j=1 %to &n.;
29         %let YYMM = %scan(&V_YYMM,&j);
31         /***Split reason to 0 into multiple columns****/
32         %let max_wrd=;
33         proc sql noprint;
34         select max(countw(teur_rej_type,'|')) into :max_wrd trimmed
35         from  LABTRET.ABT_CS_&YYMM.L
36         where groupk=0 AND lakoach ne 0 AND hativa in (833,703,860) AND  mekushar=0 AND  niz<=5000000
37         ;
38         quit;
39         %put max_wrd=&max_wrd;
42         data ABT_0(drop=_:);
43         set LABTRET.ABT_CS_&YYMM.L(Where=(groupk=0 AND lakoach ne 0 AND hativa in (833,703,860) AND  mekushar=0 AND
43       ! niz<=5000000));
44         array model_[&max_wrd] $50 ;
45         do _i = 1 to dim(model_);
46         model_[_i] = scan(teur_rej_type,_i,'|');
47         if missing(model_[_i]) then leave;
48         end;
49         run;
52         %macro sset;
53         %do j=1 %to &max_wrd.;
54         ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_&j. rename=(model_&j.=Siba0))
55         %end;
2                                                          The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

56         %mend sset;
57         %put %sset;
59         Data ABT_0_Long(Where=(Siba0 ne ''));
60         set %sset;
61         Run;
64         data ABT_0_Long2;
65         length _Siba_0_ $100.;
66         set ABT_0_Long;
67         if find(compress(Siba0),'מטי','i') then _Siba_0_='חסרי מטי';
68         else if find(compress(Siba0),'בעלות','i') then _Siba_0_='סמלי בעלות';
69         else if find(compress(Siba0),'אופי','i') then _Siba_0_='אופי חשבון';
70         else if find(compress(Siba0),'רצף','i') then _Siba_0_='אי רצף 6 חודשים';
71         else if find(compress(Siba0),'חדש','i') then _Siba_0_='לקוח חדש';
72         else if find(compress(Siba0),'640','i') then _Siba_0_='סניף 640';
73         else if find(compress(Siba0),'חשיפה','i') then _Siba_0_='רף חשיפה';
74         else if find(compress(Siba0),'קטינים','i') then _Siba_0_='קטינים/לא_פעיל_פפר';
75         else if find(compress(Siba0),'קיים','i') then _Siba_0_='לא_קיים';
76         Run;
78         proc sort data=ABT_0_Long2;
79         by lakoach _Siba_0_;
80         Run;
82         data ABT_0_Wide;
83         length calc_Shirshur_Siba0 $100.;
84         do until (last.lakoach);
85         set ABT_0_Long2;
86         by lakoach;
87         calc_Shirshur_Siba0=catx('||',calc_Shirshur_Siba0,_Siba_0_);
88         end;
89         Drop _Siba_0_  Siba0;
90         run;
93         proc sql;
94         create table _pelet1_&YYMM. as
95         select hativa,teur_rej_type,
96                count(*) as nr_laks&YYMM.,
97         	   sum(niz)/1000000 as niz&YYMM. format=8.1
98         from ABT_0
99         group by hativa,teur_rej_type
100        ;
101        quit;
103        proc sql;
104        create table _pelet2_&YYMM. as
105        select hativa,calc_Shirshur_Siba0,
106               count(*) as nr_laks&YYMM.,
107        	   sum(niz)/1000000 as niz&YYMM. format=8.1
108        from ABT_0_Wide
109        group by hativa,calc_Shirshur_Siba0
110        ;
111        quit;
3                                                          The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

114        proc sql;
115        create table _pelet3_Univaraite_Analysis_&YYMM. as
116        select hativa,_Siba_0_,
117               count(distinct lakoach) as nr_laks&YYMM.,
118        	   sum(niz)/1000000 as niz&YYMM. format=8.1
119        from ABT_0_Long2
120        group by hativa,_Siba_0_
121        ;
122        quit;
123        %end;
124        %mend run_all;
125        %run_all;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.03 seconds
      user cpu time       6.57 seconds
      system cpu time     0.62 seconds
      memory              6402.75k
      OS Memory           36008.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:17 PM
      Step Count                        12300  Switch Count  37
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     137
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        361
      Involuntary Context Switches      21
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 350220 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1801L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 350220 observations and 497 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 87.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 3421 pages; un-compressed would require 26942 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.67 seconds
      user cpu time       8.68 seconds
      system cpu time     0.79 seconds
      memory              3061.50k
      OS Memory           31652.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:28 PM
      Step Count                        12301  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     3300
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1171
      Involuntary Context Switches      26
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 350220 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 350220 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
4                                                          The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: There were 350220 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 379889 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.75 percent. 
      Compressed is 346 pages; un-compressed would require 466 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.43 seconds
      user cpu time       2.19 seconds
      system cpu time     0.23 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           33444.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:30 PM
      Step Count                        12302  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     811
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        126
      Involuntary Context Switches      11
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 379889 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 379889 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.08 percent. 
      Compressed is 419 pages; un-compressed would require 1024 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.27 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           31396.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:30 PM
      Step Count                        12303  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     132
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        129
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 379889 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 379889 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.08 percent. 
      Compressed is 419 pages; un-compressed would require 1024 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              123280.00k
      OS Memory           151660.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:31 PM
      Step Count                        12304  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
5                                                          The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Page Reclaims                     30463
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6176
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 379889 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 350220 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.35 percent. 
      Compressed is 272 pages; un-compressed would require 686 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.27 seconds
      user cpu time       0.24 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           31396.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:31 PM
      Step Count                        12305  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     121
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        85
      Involuntary Context Switches      14
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1801 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1801 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.90 seconds
      user cpu time       0.99 seconds
      system cpu time     0.17 seconds
      memory              122329.21k
      OS Memory           150212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:32 PM
      Step Count                        12306  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29856
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3033
      Involuntary Context Switches      6
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1801 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1801 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
6                                                          The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      real time           0.20 seconds
      user cpu time       0.33 seconds
      system cpu time     0.08 seconds
      memory              88619.03k
      OS Memory           116668.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:32 PM
      Step Count                        12307  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21360
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2281
      Involuntary Context Switches      7
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1801 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1801 created, with 16 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.56 seconds
      user cpu time       0.74 seconds
      system cpu time     0.15 seconds
      memory              138660.51k
      OS Memory           172536.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:33 PM
      Step Count                        12308  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39857
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3109
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.41 seconds
      user cpu time       6.64 seconds
      system cpu time     0.69 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:41 PM
      Step Count                        12309  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     1963
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        321
      Involuntary Context Switches      7
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
7                                                          The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.48 seconds
      user cpu time       8.86 seconds
      system cpu time     0.85 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:52 PM
      Step Count                        12310  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     4322
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1198
      Involuntary Context Switches      24
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.52 seconds
      user cpu time       2.27 seconds
      system cpu time     0.25 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:54 PM
      Step Count                        12311  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     3034
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        116
      Involuntary Context Switches      11
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.33 seconds
      user cpu time       0.29 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
8                                                          The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:54 PM
      Step Count                        12312  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     361
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        156
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.31 seconds
      user cpu time       0.33 seconds
      system cpu time     0.16 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:55 PM
      Step Count                        12313  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     30094
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6104
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.25 seconds
      user cpu time       0.21 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:55 PM
      Step Count                        12314  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     122
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        90
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
9                                                          The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.91 seconds
      user cpu time       1.01 seconds
      system cpu time     0.16 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:56 PM
      Step Count                        12315  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29452
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2991
      Involuntary Context Switches      34
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.18 seconds
      user cpu time       0.30 seconds
      system cpu time     0.08 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:56 PM
      Step Count                        12316  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21018
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2183
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.53 seconds
      user cpu time       0.67 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:43:57 PM
      Step Count                        12317  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39393
      Page Swaps                        0
10                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Voluntary Context Switches        3060
      Involuntary Context Switches      49
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.35 seconds
      user cpu time       6.69 seconds
      system cpu time     0.62 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:05 PM
      Step Count                        12318  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     2003
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        277
      Involuntary Context Switches      15
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.22 seconds
      user cpu time       8.81 seconds
      system cpu time     0.77 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:15 PM
      Step Count                        12319  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     3790
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1236
      Involuntary Context Switches      293
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.39 seconds
11                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      user cpu time       2.16 seconds
      system cpu time     0.22 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:18 PM
      Step Count                        12320  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     2161
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        113
      Involuntary Context Switches      183
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.27 seconds
      user cpu time       0.24 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:18 PM
      Step Count                        12321  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     315
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        127
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.28 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.11 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:18 PM
      Step Count                        12322  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     30095
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6114
      Involuntary Context Switches      4
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0
12                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024


NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.25 seconds
      user cpu time       0.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:18 PM
      Step Count                        12323  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     121
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        92
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.84 seconds
      user cpu time       0.94 seconds
      system cpu time     0.15 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:19 PM
      Step Count                        12324  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29450
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3001
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.18 seconds
      user cpu time       0.30 seconds
      system cpu time     0.07 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:19 PM
13                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Step Count                        12325  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21056
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2333
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.51 seconds
      user cpu time       0.65 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:20 PM
      Step Count                        12326  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39395
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3068
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.09 seconds
      user cpu time       6.60 seconds
      system cpu time     0.70 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:28 PM
      Step Count                        12327  Switch Count  8
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     1155
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        329
      Involuntary Context Switches      204
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.53 seconds
14                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      user cpu time       9.04 seconds
      system cpu time     0.89 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:39 PM
      Step Count                        12328  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     898
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1170
      Involuntary Context Switches      36
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.33 seconds
      user cpu time       2.10 seconds
      system cpu time     0.22 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:41 PM
      Step Count                        12329  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     558
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        131
      Involuntary Context Switches      13
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.32 seconds
      user cpu time       0.27 seconds
      system cpu time     0.04 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:41 PM
      Step Count                        12330  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     120
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        127
15                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Involuntary Context Switches      19
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.35 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:42 PM
      Step Count                        12331  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     30004
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6093
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.23 seconds
      user cpu time       0.21 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:42 PM
      Step Count                        12332  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        89
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.86 seconds
      user cpu time       0.93 seconds
16                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      system cpu time     0.17 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:43 PM
      Step Count                        12333  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29394
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3138
      Involuntary Context Switches      111
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.17 seconds
      user cpu time       0.29 seconds
      system cpu time     0.06 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:43 PM
      Step Count                        12334  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21019
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2287
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.54 seconds
      user cpu time       0.69 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:43 PM
      Step Count                        12335  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39389
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3072
      Involuntary Context Switches      3
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

17                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.77 seconds
      user cpu time       6.81 seconds
      system cpu time     0.71 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:44:52 PM
      Step Count                        12336  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     121
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        323
      Involuntary Context Switches      118
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.43 seconds
      user cpu time       9.16 seconds
      system cpu time     0.84 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:03 PM
      Step Count                        12337  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     144
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1141
      Involuntary Context Switches      52
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.52 seconds
      user cpu time       2.28 seconds
      system cpu time     0.24 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:05 PM
      Step Count                        12338  Switch Count  10
18                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     548
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        136
      Involuntary Context Switches      5
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.29 seconds
      user cpu time       0.25 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:05 PM
      Step Count                        12339  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        126
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.32 seconds
      user cpu time       0.31 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:06 PM
      Step Count                        12340  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29690
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6112
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
19                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.28 seconds
      user cpu time       0.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:06 PM
      Step Count                        12341  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        91
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.91 seconds
      user cpu time       1.02 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:07 PM
      Step Count                        12342  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29273
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3435
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.21 seconds
      user cpu time       0.35 seconds
      system cpu time     0.08 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:07 PM
      Step Count                        12343  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21010
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2340
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
20                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.52 seconds
      user cpu time       0.64 seconds
      system cpu time     0.11 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:08 PM
      Step Count                        12344  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39210
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3074
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.31 seconds
      user cpu time       6.57 seconds
      system cpu time     0.70 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:16 PM
      Step Count                        12345  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     121
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        333
      Involuntary Context Switches      15
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           11.30 seconds
      user cpu time       9.01 seconds
      system cpu time     0.80 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:27 PM
      Step Count                        12346  Switch Count  18
21                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     2001
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1184
      Involuntary Context Switches      68
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.37 seconds
      user cpu time       2.13 seconds
      system cpu time     0.24 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:30 PM
      Step Count                        12347  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     2211
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        128
      Involuntary Context Switches      4
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.31 seconds
      user cpu time       0.26 seconds
      system cpu time     0.04 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:30 PM
      Step Count                        12348  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     316
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        127
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

22                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.27 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.12 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:30 PM
      Step Count                        12349  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     30091
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6070
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.25 seconds
      user cpu time       0.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:31 PM
      Step Count                        12350  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     123
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        95
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.93 seconds
      user cpu time       1.02 seconds
      system cpu time     0.16 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:32 PM
      Step Count                        12351  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
23                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Page Reclaims                     29452
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3062
      Involuntary Context Switches      5
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.19 seconds
      user cpu time       0.30 seconds
      system cpu time     0.08 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:32 PM
      Step Count                        12352  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21018
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2376
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.51 seconds
      user cpu time       0.63 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:32 PM
      Step Count                        12353  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39393
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3065
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           9.24 seconds
      user cpu time       6.88 seconds
      system cpu time     0.70 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
24                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:41 PM
      Step Count                        12354  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     127
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        290
      Involuntary Context Switches      23
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.33 seconds
      user cpu time       9.02 seconds
      system cpu time     0.92 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:52 PM
      Step Count                        12355  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     232
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1164
      Involuntary Context Switches      35
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.51 seconds
      user cpu time       2.26 seconds
      system cpu time     0.23 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:54 PM
      Step Count                        12356  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     540
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        109
      Involuntary Context Switches      5
      Block Input Operations            0
25                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.27 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:55 PM
      Step Count                        12357  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        129
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.33 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:55 PM
      Step Count                        12358  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29690
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6111
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.25 seconds
      user cpu time       0.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
26                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:55 PM
      Step Count                        12359  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        89
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.94 seconds
      user cpu time       1.02 seconds
      system cpu time     0.19 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:56 PM
      Step Count                        12360  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29274
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3171
      Involuntary Context Switches      6
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.21 seconds
      user cpu time       0.36 seconds
      system cpu time     0.07 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:56 PM
      Step Count                        12361  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21010
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2329
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
27                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.53 seconds
      user cpu time       0.67 seconds
      system cpu time     0.16 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:45:57 PM
      Step Count                        12362  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39214
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3084
      Involuntary Context Switches      5
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.78 seconds
      user cpu time       6.76 seconds
      system cpu time     0.67 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:06 PM
      Step Count                        12363  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     128
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        300
      Involuntary Context Switches      72
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.65 seconds
      user cpu time       9.09 seconds
      system cpu time     0.84 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:16 PM
      Step Count                        12364  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     144
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1182
      Involuntary Context Switches      66
      Block Input Operations            0
28                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.46 seconds
      user cpu time       2.18 seconds
      system cpu time     0.26 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:19 PM
      Step Count                        12365  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     545
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        113
      Involuntary Context Switches      59
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.27 seconds
      user cpu time       0.25 seconds
      system cpu time     0.01 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:19 PM
      Step Count                        12366  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        130
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
29                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.12 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:19 PM
      Step Count                        12367  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29688
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6114
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.24 seconds
      user cpu time       0.21 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:20 PM
      Step Count                        12368  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        92
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.88 seconds
      user cpu time       0.97 seconds
      system cpu time     0.17 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:21 PM
      Step Count                        12369  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29273
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3072
      Involuntary Context Switches      7
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0
30                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024


NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.19 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.07 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:21 PM
      Step Count                        12370  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21009
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2328
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.54 seconds
      user cpu time       0.69 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:21 PM
      Step Count                        12371  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39208
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3071
      Involuntary Context Switches      6
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.65 seconds
      user cpu time       6.80 seconds
      system cpu time     0.68 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:30 PM
      Step Count                        12372  Switch Count  8
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     121
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        239
31                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Involuntary Context Switches      13
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.84 seconds
      user cpu time       8.89 seconds
      system cpu time     0.81 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:41 PM
      Step Count                        12373  Switch Count  26
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     2538
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1199
      Involuntary Context Switches      73
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.48 seconds
      user cpu time       2.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.24 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:43 PM
      Step Count                        12374  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     757
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        111
      Involuntary Context Switches      61
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
32                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.28 seconds
      user cpu time       0.25 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:44 PM
      Step Count                        12375  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     125
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        127
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.28 seconds
      user cpu time       0.31 seconds
      system cpu time     0.12 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:44 PM
      Step Count                        12376  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     30043
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6090
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.25 seconds
      user cpu time       0.23 seconds
      system cpu time     0.01 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:44 PM
      Step Count                        12377  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
33                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Voluntary Context Switches        88
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.93 seconds
      user cpu time       1.04 seconds
      system cpu time     0.16 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:45 PM
      Step Count                        12378  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29409
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3104
      Involuntary Context Switches      3
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.20 seconds
      user cpu time       0.31 seconds
      system cpu time     0.08 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:45 PM
      Step Count                        12379  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21022
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2270
      Involuntary Context Switches      51
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.52 seconds
      user cpu time       0.67 seconds
34                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      system cpu time     0.12 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:46 PM
      Step Count                        12380  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39390
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3072
      Involuntary Context Switches      13
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           7.99 seconds
      user cpu time       6.81 seconds
      system cpu time     0.72 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:46:54 PM
      Step Count                        12381  Switch Count  8
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     123
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        236
      Involuntary Context Switches      43
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.62 seconds
      user cpu time       8.98 seconds
      system cpu time     0.87 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:04 PM
      Step Count                        12382  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     218
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1186
      Involuntary Context Switches      76
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

35                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.52 seconds
      user cpu time       2.28 seconds
      system cpu time     0.24 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:07 PM
      Step Count                        12383  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     541
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        130
      Involuntary Context Switches      14
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.28 seconds
      user cpu time       0.23 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:07 PM
      Step Count                        12384  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        128
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.34 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:08 PM
36                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Step Count                        12385  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29690
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6090
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.25 seconds
      user cpu time       0.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:08 PM
      Step Count                        12386  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        90
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.95 seconds
      user cpu time       1.09 seconds
      system cpu time     0.16 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:09 PM
      Step Count                        12387  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29273
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3255
      Involuntary Context Switches      9
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.
37                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.22 seconds
      user cpu time       0.34 seconds
      system cpu time     0.09 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:09 PM
      Step Count                        12388  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21010
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2408
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.54 seconds
      user cpu time       0.70 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:09 PM
      Step Count                        12389  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39210
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3068
      Involuntary Context Switches      47
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.16 seconds
      user cpu time       6.67 seconds
      system cpu time     0.70 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:18 PM
      Step Count                        12390  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     126
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        327
      Involuntary Context Switches      130
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

38                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.85 seconds
      user cpu time       8.90 seconds
      system cpu time     0.80 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:29 PM
      Step Count                        12391  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     144
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1206
      Involuntary Context Switches      155
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.46 seconds
      user cpu time       2.23 seconds
      system cpu time     0.20 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:31 PM
      Step Count                        12392  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     540
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        134
      Involuntary Context Switches      9
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.26 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
39                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:31 PM
      Step Count                        12393  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        133
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.31 seconds
      user cpu time       0.36 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:32 PM
      Step Count                        12394  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29688
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6094
      Involuntary Context Switches      4
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.26 seconds
      user cpu time       0.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:32 PM
      Step Count                        12395  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        93
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

40                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.90 seconds
      user cpu time       0.99 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:33 PM
      Step Count                        12396  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29273
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3101
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.21 seconds
      user cpu time       0.34 seconds
      system cpu time     0.07 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:33 PM
      Step Count                        12397  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21009
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2333
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.52 seconds
      user cpu time       0.65 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:34 PM
      Step Count                        12398  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
41                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Page Reclaims                     39214
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3075
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.44 seconds
      user cpu time       6.76 seconds
      system cpu time     0.72 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:42 PM
      Step Count                        12399  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     871
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        261
      Involuntary Context Switches      24
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.15 seconds
      user cpu time       8.75 seconds
      system cpu time     0.79 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:52 PM
      Step Count                        12400  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     4322
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1243
      Involuntary Context Switches      17
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
42                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.62 seconds
      user cpu time       2.36 seconds
      system cpu time     0.24 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:55 PM
      Step Count                        12401  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     760
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        113
      Involuntary Context Switches      64
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.33 seconds
      user cpu time       0.28 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:55 PM
      Step Count                        12402  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     125
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        127
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.34 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:55 PM
      Step Count                        12403  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     30044
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6101
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
43                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.27 seconds
      user cpu time       0.24 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:56 PM
      Step Count                        12404  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        93
      Involuntary Context Switches      17
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.90 seconds
      user cpu time       0.99 seconds
      system cpu time     0.17 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:57 PM
      Step Count                        12405  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29409
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3030
      Involuntary Context Switches      4
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.19 seconds
      user cpu time       0.31 seconds
      system cpu time     0.08 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
44                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:57 PM
      Step Count                        12406  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21018
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2250
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.54 seconds
      user cpu time       0.70 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:47:57 PM
      Step Count                        12407  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39390
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3072
      Involuntary Context Switches      3
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.28 seconds
      user cpu time       6.72 seconds
      system cpu time     0.66 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:06 PM
      Step Count                        12408  Switch Count  8
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     130
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        232
      Involuntary Context Switches      28
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
45                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           11.17 seconds
      user cpu time       9.55 seconds
      system cpu time     0.90 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:17 PM
      Step Count                        12409  Switch Count  26
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     211
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1263
      Involuntary Context Switches      169
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.52 seconds
      user cpu time       2.29 seconds
      system cpu time     0.21 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:19 PM
      Step Count                        12410  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     545
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        113
      Involuntary Context Switches      8
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.31 seconds
      user cpu time       0.26 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:20 PM
      Step Count                        12411  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
46                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        133
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.33 seconds
      user cpu time       0.38 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:20 PM
      Step Count                        12412  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29690
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6085
      Involuntary Context Switches      3
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.28 seconds
      user cpu time       0.25 seconds
      system cpu time     0.01 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:20 PM
      Step Count                        12413  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        93
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
47                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      real time           1.00 seconds
      user cpu time       1.13 seconds
      system cpu time     0.16 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:21 PM
      Step Count                        12414  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29273
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3018
      Involuntary Context Switches      22
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.20 seconds
      user cpu time       0.31 seconds
      system cpu time     0.08 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:21 PM
      Step Count                        12415  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21010
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2185
      Involuntary Context Switches      26
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.55 seconds
      user cpu time       0.72 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:22 PM
      Step Count                        12416  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39214
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3076
      Involuntary Context Switches      16
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0
48                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024


NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           7.95 seconds
      user cpu time       7.00 seconds
      system cpu time     0.67 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:30 PM
      Step Count                        12417  Switch Count  8
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     121
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        241
      Involuntary Context Switches      17
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.35 seconds
      user cpu time       9.06 seconds
      system cpu time     0.85 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:40 PM
      Step Count                        12418  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     144
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1171
      Involuntary Context Switches      19
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.50 seconds
      user cpu time       2.20 seconds
      system cpu time     0.27 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
49                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:43 PM
      Step Count                        12419  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     540
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        131
      Involuntary Context Switches      122
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.33 seconds
      user cpu time       0.29 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:43 PM
      Step Count                        12420  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        135
      Involuntary Context Switches      29
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.36 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:43 PM
      Step Count                        12421  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29688
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6102
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
50                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.25 seconds
      user cpu time       0.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:44 PM
      Step Count                        12422  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        89
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.96 seconds
      user cpu time       1.05 seconds
      system cpu time     0.17 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:45 PM
      Step Count                        12423  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29273
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3272
      Involuntary Context Switches      139
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.20 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.08 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:45 PM
      Step Count                        12424  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21009
      Page Swaps                        0
51                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Voluntary Context Switches        2374
      Involuntary Context Switches      3
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.53 seconds
      user cpu time       0.70 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:45 PM
      Step Count                        12425  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39208
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3059
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.33 seconds
      user cpu time       6.75 seconds
      system cpu time     0.64 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:48:54 PM
      Step Count                        12426  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     748
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        254
      Involuntary Context Switches      144
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.33 seconds
      user cpu time       9.10 seconds
      system cpu time     0.78 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
52                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:04 PM
      Step Count                        12427  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     950
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1187
      Involuntary Context Switches      33
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.50 seconds
      user cpu time       2.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.25 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:07 PM
      Step Count                        12428  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     558
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        134
      Involuntary Context Switches      20
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.29 seconds
      user cpu time       0.25 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:07 PM
      Step Count                        12429  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     120
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        128
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0
53                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.31 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.12 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:07 PM
      Step Count                        12430  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     30005
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6109
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.26 seconds
      user cpu time       0.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:08 PM
      Step Count                        12431  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        93
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.92 seconds
      user cpu time       1.02 seconds
      system cpu time     0.15 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:08 PM
54                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Step Count                        12432  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29397
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3312
      Involuntary Context Switches      98
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.22 seconds
      user cpu time       0.36 seconds
      system cpu time     0.07 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:09 PM
      Step Count                        12433  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21017
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2393
      Involuntary Context Switches      10
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.53 seconds
      user cpu time       0.69 seconds
      system cpu time     0.15 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:09 PM
      Step Count                        12434  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39389
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3072
      Involuntary Context Switches      3
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.38 seconds
      user cpu time       6.73 seconds
      system cpu time     0.67 seconds
55                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:18 PM
      Step Count                        12435  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     126
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        282
      Involuntary Context Switches      91
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           11.26 seconds
      user cpu time       9.15 seconds
      system cpu time     0.80 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:29 PM
      Step Count                        12436  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     144
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1161
      Involuntary Context Switches      68
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.45 seconds
      user cpu time       2.23 seconds
      system cpu time     0.20 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:31 PM
      Step Count                        12437  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     540
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        113
56                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Involuntary Context Switches      5
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.28 seconds
      user cpu time       0.24 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:32 PM
      Step Count                        12438  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        148
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.30 seconds
      user cpu time       0.34 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:32 PM
      Step Count                        12439  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29690
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6082
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.27 seconds
      user cpu time       0.24 seconds
57                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:32 PM
      Step Count                        12440  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        93
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.85 seconds
      user cpu time       0.94 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:33 PM
      Step Count                        12441  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29273
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3034
      Involuntary Context Switches      5
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.20 seconds
      user cpu time       0.33 seconds
      system cpu time     0.09 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:33 PM
      Step Count                        12442  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21010
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2314
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

58                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.53 seconds
      user cpu time       0.67 seconds
      system cpu time     0.13 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:34 PM
      Step Count                        12443  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39210
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3071
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.41 seconds
      user cpu time       6.86 seconds
      system cpu time     0.69 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:42 PM
      Step Count                        12444  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     121
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        231
      Involuntary Context Switches      57
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.73 seconds
      user cpu time       9.16 seconds
      system cpu time     0.87 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:53 PM
      Step Count                        12445  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     144
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1176
59                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Involuntary Context Switches      23
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.56 seconds
      user cpu time       2.28 seconds
      system cpu time     0.26 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:55 PM
      Step Count                        12446  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     1945
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        111
      Involuntary Context Switches      11
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.32 seconds
      user cpu time       0.28 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:56 PM
      Step Count                        12447  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     317
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        126
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
60                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.28 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.11 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:56 PM
      Step Count                        12448  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     30094
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6082
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.23 seconds
      user cpu time       0.20 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:56 PM
      Step Count                        12449  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     122
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        88
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.91 seconds
      user cpu time       1.04 seconds
      system cpu time     0.15 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:57 PM
      Step Count                        12450  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29489
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3560
      Involuntary Context Switches      8
61                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.19 seconds
      user cpu time       0.31 seconds
      system cpu time     0.07 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:57 PM
      Step Count                        12451  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21018
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2394
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.52 seconds
      user cpu time       0.68 seconds
      system cpu time     0.12 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:49:58 PM
      Step Count                        12452  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39393
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3064
      Involuntary Context Switches      2
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.64 seconds
      user cpu time       6.97 seconds
      system cpu time     0.68 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:07 PM
      Step Count                        12453  Switch Count  8
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     136
62                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        234
      Involuntary Context Switches      21
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           11.93 seconds
      user cpu time       9.23 seconds
      system cpu time     0.89 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:19 PM
      Step Count                        12454  Switch Count  26
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     237
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1231
      Involuntary Context Switches      46
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.52 seconds
      user cpu time       2.27 seconds
      system cpu time     0.25 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:21 PM
      Step Count                        12455  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     540
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        113
      Involuntary Context Switches      8
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

63                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.33 seconds
      user cpu time       0.29 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:21 PM
      Step Count                        12456  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        131
      Involuntary Context Switches      20
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.29 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.11 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:22 PM
      Step Count                        12457  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29690
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6120
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.25 seconds
      user cpu time       0.21 seconds
      system cpu time     0.03 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:22 PM
      Step Count                        12458  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
64                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        115
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           1.09 seconds
      user cpu time       1.22 seconds
      system cpu time     0.18 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:23 PM
      Step Count                        12459  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29273
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3332
      Involuntary Context Switches      11
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.22 seconds
      user cpu time       0.35 seconds
      system cpu time     0.09 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:23 PM
      Step Count                        12460  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21010
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2171
      Involuntary Context Switches      7
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
65                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      real time           0.56 seconds
      user cpu time       0.73 seconds
      system cpu time     0.16 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:24 PM
      Step Count                        12461  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39210
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3064
      Involuntary Context Switches      18
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           9.03 seconds
      user cpu time       7.17 seconds
      system cpu time     0.66 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:33 PM
      Step Count                        12462  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     121
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        272
      Involuntary Context Switches      27
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0


NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set LABTRET.ABT_CS_1901L.
      WHERE (groupk=0) and (lakoach not = 0) and hativa in (703, 833, 860) and (mekushar=0) and (niz<=5000000);
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0 has 344523 observations and 504 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0 decreased size by 86.85 percent. 
      Compressed is 3485 pages; un-compressed would require 26504 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           10.91 seconds
      user cpu time       9.28 seconds
      system cpu time     0.83 seconds
      memory              3075.62k
      OS Memory           32676.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:44 PM
      Step Count                        12463  Switch Count  18
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     144
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        1270
      Involuntary Context Switches      102
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_1 rename=(model_1=Siba0)) ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_2 rename=(model_2=Siba0)) 
66                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_3 rename=(model_3=Siba0))

NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: There were 344523 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG has 374468 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG decreased size by 25.71 percent. 
      Compressed is 341 pages; un-compressed would require 459 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           2.71 seconds
      user cpu time       2.46 seconds
      system cpu time     0.23 seconds
      memory              4218.81k
      OS Memory           34212.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:47 PM
      Step Count                        12464  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     540
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        158
      Involuntary Context Switches      10
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.29 seconds
      user cpu time       0.26 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2238.71k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:47 PM
      Step Count                        12465  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     119
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        131
      Involuntary Context Switches      0
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 has 374468 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2 decreased size by 59.21 percent. 
      Compressed is 412 pages; un-compressed would require 1010 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
      real time           0.29 seconds
      user cpu time       0.30 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              120780.12k
67                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      OS Memory           149928.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:47 PM
      Step Count                        12466  Switch Count  10
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29688
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        6124
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: There were 374468 observations read from the data set WORK.ABT_0_LONG2.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE has 344523 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.ABT_0_WIDE decreased size by 60.30 percent. 
      Compressed is 268 pages; un-compressed would require 675 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.27 seconds
      user cpu time       0.25 seconds
      system cpu time     0.02 seconds
      memory              2308.90k
      OS Memory           32164.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:47 PM
      Step Count                        12467  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     118
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        92
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET1_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET1_1901 created, with 40 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           1.00 seconds
      user cpu time       1.12 seconds
      system cpu time     0.16 seconds
      memory              120285.34k
      OS Memory           148936.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:48 PM
      Step Count                        12468  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     29273
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2970
      Involuntary Context Switches      4
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET2_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
68                                                         The SAS System                             07:23 Sunday, January 21, 2024

      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET2_1901 created, with 34 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.20 seconds
      user cpu time       0.32 seconds
      system cpu time     0.09 seconds
      memory              86595.15k
      OS Memory           115412.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:49 PM
      Step Count                        12469  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     21009
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        2336
      Involuntary Context Switches      1
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK._PELET3_UNIVARAITE_ANALYSIS_1901 created, with 17 rows and 4 columns.

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.57 seconds
      user cpu time       0.71 seconds
      system cpu time     0.14 seconds
      memory              138884.76k
      OS Memory           172792.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:49 PM
      Step Count                        12470  Switch Count  2
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     39208
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        3068
      Involuntary Context Switches      98
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           8.79 seconds
      user cpu time       7.05 seconds
      system cpu time     0.71 seconds
      memory              6403.18k
      OS Memory           37544.00k
      Timestamp           01/22/2024 12:50:58 PM
      Step Count                        12471  Switch Count  16
      Page Faults                       0
      Page Reclaims                     867
      Page Swaps                        0
      Voluntary Context Switches        231
      Involuntary Context Switches      25
      Block Input Operations            0
      Block Output Operations           0

Here is the code I run

%let FROM_YYMM=1801;
%let Till_YYMM=2312;

data _null_;
call symputx('date_start',put(date_start,best.));
call symputx('date_end',put(date_end,best.));
format date_start date_end  date9.;

data _series_End_Of_Quarters;
format date end_date date9.;
do while (date<=end_date);
date=intnx('month', date, 3, 's');
format date YYMMN4.;
drop date end_date;

data series_End_Of_Quarters;
set _series_End_Of_Quarters end=eof;
if eof then do;
proc sql noprint;
select YYMM into : V_YYMM SEPARATED by ' '
from series_End_Of_Quarters
%put &V_YYMM;

proc sql noprint;
select count(*) as n into : n
from series_End_Of_Quarters
%put &n;

%macro run_all;
%do j=1 %to &n.;
%let YYMM = %scan(&V_YYMM,&j);

/***Split reason to 0 into multiple columns****/
%let max_wrd=;
proc sql noprint;
select max(countw(teur_rej_type,'|')) into :max_wrd trimmed
where groupk=0 AND lakoach ne 0 AND hativa in (833,703,860) AND  mekushar=0 AND  niz<=5000000
%put max_wrd=&max_wrd;

data ABT_0(drop=_:);
set LABTRET.ABT_CS_&YYMM.L(Where=(groupk=0 AND lakoach ne 0 AND hativa in (833,703,860) AND  mekushar=0 AND  niz<=5000000));
array model_[&max_wrd] $50 ;
do _i = 1 to dim(model_);
model_[_i] = scan(teur_rej_type,_i,'|');
if missing(model_[_i]) then leave;

%macro sset;
%do j=1 %to &max_wrd.;
ABT_0(Keep=Lakoach niz hativa model_&j. rename=(model_&j.=Siba0)) 
%mend sset;
%put %sset;

Data ABT_0_Long(Where=(Siba0 ne ''));
set %sset;

data ABT_0_Long2;
length _Siba_0_ $100.;
set ABT_0_Long;
if find(compress(Siba0),'מטי','i') then _Siba_0_='חסרי מטי';
else if find(compress(Siba0),'בעלות','i') then _Siba_0_='סמלי בעלות';
else if find(compress(Siba0),'אופי','i') then _Siba_0_='אופי חשבון';
else if find(compress(Siba0),'רצף','i') then _Siba_0_='אי רצף 6 חודשים';
else if find(compress(Siba0),'חדש','i') then _Siba_0_='לקוח חדש';
else if find(compress(Siba0),'640','i') then _Siba_0_='סניף 640';
else if find(compress(Siba0),'חשיפה','i') then _Siba_0_='רף חשיפה';
else if find(compress(Siba0),'קטינים','i') then _Siba_0_='קטינים/לא_פעיל_פפר';
else if find(compress(Siba0),'קיים','i') then _Siba_0_='לא_קיים';
proc sort data=ABT_0_Long2;
by lakoach _Siba_0_;

data ABT_0_Wide;
length calc_Shirshur_Siba0 $100.;
do until (last.lakoach);
set ABT_0_Long2;
by lakoach;
Drop _Siba_0_  Siba0;

proc sql;
create table _pelet1_&YYMM. as
select hativa,teur_rej_type,
       count(*) as nr_laks&YYMM.,
	   sum(niz)/1000000 as niz&YYMM. format=8.1
from ABT_0
group by hativa,teur_rej_type

proc sql;
create table _pelet2_&YYMM. as
select hativa,calc_Shirshur_Siba0,
       count(*) as nr_laks&YYMM.,
	   sum(niz)/1000000 as niz&YYMM. format=8.1
from ABT_0_Wide
group by hativa,calc_Shirshur_Siba0
proc sql;
create table _pelet3_Univaraite_Analysis_&YYMM. as
select hativa,_Siba_0_,
       count(distinct lakoach) as nr_laks&YYMM.,
	   sum(niz)/1000000 as niz&YYMM. format=8.1
from ABT_0_Long2
group by hativa,_Siba_0_
%mend run_all;
Super User

There are several potential issues in your code.


If you run the first part of your code (before the macro), does it work as you expect?


Looking at your macro, I think one problem is you are not using %LOCAL statements to declare macro variables as local.  If you run this example, does it show the macro variable YYMM getting the values you expect?


%macro Macro_Reason0_Over_time();
  %local j YYMM ;
  %do j=2 %to &n.;
    %let YYMM=%scan(&V_YYMM.,&j.,+);
    %put &=YYMM ;
%mend Macro_Reason0_Over_time;


If that looks good, I would try adding %LOCAL statements to your code, and then rerun the code you showed which creates the global macro variable YYMM, and then try your macro again.

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Super User Tom
Super User

Don't define a macro inside of a macro.  That will just cause you to get confused and make SAS have to do more work defining the same macro over and over again.


Also avoid defining macros that use MAGIC macro variables.  That is referencing a macro variable that is not an input parameter, not defined as local, and not explicitly defined as an input in some other way such as global statement (or conditionally generated global statement).  That will also cause you to be confused.  Example:

%macro Macro_Reason0_Over_time;
%do j=2 %to &n.;
%let YYMM=%scan(&V_YYMM.,&j.,+);

Where is the macro  Macro_Reason0_Over_time supposed to find a values for the macro variables N and V_YYMM?  They are not listed as input parameters in the %MACRO statement.  This macro would be better written as:

%macro Macro_Reason0_Over_time(V_YYMM);
%local j yymm;
%do j=2 %to %sysfunc(countw(&v_yymm,+));
%let YYMM=%scan(&V_YYMM.,&j.,+);

And then called by passing in the + delimited list explicitly when it is called. 


If the calling environment has a macro variable with the list you can reference it there where it is not an unknown macro variable.

Super User Tom
Super User

The reason it is only doing some of the YYMM combinations is obvious.


You have two %DO loops using the same index variable.

%do j=2 %to &n.;
%do j=1 %to &max_wrd.;

If MAX_WRD is greater than or equal to N then you will only run the outer loop for the 2nd value in your list.  And if it is NOT then you will only run it for the 2nd and &MAX_WRD+1 (or is it +2) items in the list. With the later repeating until you generate some value of MAX_WRD that is large enough that J will be big enough to stop the outer loop.

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