I have a dataset as follows:
data have;
input Id Date :anydtdte. FirstName $ LastName $ x ;
format date monyy6. ;
123 Apr-22 A B 20
123 Apr-23 A B 30
123 Apr-24 A B 40
124 Apr-22 E F 10
125 Apr-22 G H 10
125 Apr-23 G H 10
As i am showing, ID 124 and125 are not present in all dates. How do i add 2 more rows for id 124 and 1 more row for ID 125, and having x just missing?
Thank you.
Sure just need another data step.
data have;
input Id Date :anydtdte. FirstName $ LastName $ x ;
format date monyy6. ;
123 Apr-22 A B 20
123 Apr-23 A B 30
123 Apr-24 A B 40
124 Apr-22 E F 10
125 Apr-22 G H 10
125 Apr-23 G H 10
proc sql;
create table temp as
select a.*,b.FirstName,b.LastName,b.x
(select * from (select distinct id from have),(select distinct Date from have)) as a
natural left join have as b
order by id,date;
data want;
update temp(obs=0 drop=x) temp(drop=x);
by id;
data final_want;
merge want temp(keep= id date x);
by id date;
So I think you'll want a dataset with all possible combinations of ID and DATE
proc sort data=have NODUPKEY out=uniq_id(keep=id); by id; run;
proc sort data=have NODUPKEY out=uniq_date(keep=date); by date; run;
proc sql;
create table all_comb as
select uniq_id.id, uniq_date.date
from uniq_id cross join uniq_date;
/*merge all possible combinations with original dataset*/
proc sort data=have; by id date; run;
proc sort data=all_comb; by id date; run;
data want;
merge all_comb(in=a) have;
by id date;
if a;
Are your dates meant to be April 1st in different years, or multiple days in April in a given year?
If the first, which century are those years in, if the second, which year?
You could use PROC SUMMARY with COMPLETETYPES to get the desired results.
data have;
input Id Date :anydtdte. FirstName $ LastName $ x ;
format date monyy6. ;
123 Apr-22 A B 20
123 Apr-23 A B 30
123 Apr-24 A B 40
124 Apr-22 E F 10
125 Apr-22 G H 10
125 Apr-23 G H 10
proc summary data=have completetypes nway;
class id date;
id firstname lastname;
var x;
output out=want(drop=_type_ _freq_) sum=;
data want;
set want;
if firstname ne ' ' then temp=firstname;
else firstname=temp;
if lastname ne ' ' then temp1=lastname;
else lastname=temp1;
retain temp temp1;
drop temp temp1;
proc print data=want;
data have;
input Id Date :anydtdte. FirstName $ LastName $ x ;
format date monyy6. ;
123 Apr-22 A B 20
123 Apr-23 A B 30
123 Apr-24 A B 40
124 Apr-22 E F 10
125 Apr-22 G H 10
125 Apr-23 G H 10
proc sql;
create table temp as
select a.*,b.FirstName,b.LastName,b.x
(select * from (select distinct id from have),(select distinct Date from have)) as a
natural left join have as b
order by id,date;
data want;
update temp(obs=0) temp;
by id;
If you run my code that uses PROC SUMMARY, X is set to missing for the additional rows.
Sure just need another data step.
data have;
input Id Date :anydtdte. FirstName $ LastName $ x ;
format date monyy6. ;
123 Apr-22 A B 20
123 Apr-23 A B 30
123 Apr-24 A B 40
124 Apr-22 E F 10
125 Apr-22 G H 10
125 Apr-23 G H 10
proc sql;
create table temp as
select a.*,b.FirstName,b.LastName,b.x
(select * from (select distinct id from have),(select distinct Date from have)) as a
natural left join have as b
order by id,date;
data want;
update temp(obs=0 drop=x) temp(drop=x);
by id;
data final_want;
merge want temp(keep= id date x);
by id date;
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