data _null_;
call symput('yymmp',PUT(intnx('Month',"&SYSDATE"d,-2,'Ending'),yymmn4.));
%put &=yymmp;
data _time_;
lrpt_dte = intnx('MONTH', "&SYSDATE"d, -2, 'B');
lrpt_yyyymmdd = input(put(lrpt_dte,yymmddn8.),$8.); *20180228;
yymmp = substr(lrpt_yyyymmdd,3,4);
call symput('yymmp',yymmp);
%put &=yymmp;
data v_rskp;
set gcbc.eop_&yymmp._drv_rskp;
I have two ways off creating the macro variable &YYMMP.
And both according to logs return 2202
May I know why the data-step return error when I use the 2nd way of assigning &YYMMP.
Why isn't it resolving to
22 data _null_;
23 call symput('yymmp',PUT(intnx('Month',"&SYSDATE"d,-2,'Ending'),yymmn4.));
24 run;
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
25 %put &=yymmp;
27 data _time_;
28 lrpt_dte = intnx('MONTH', "&SYSDATE"d, -2, 'B');
29 lrpt_yyyymmdd = input(put(lrpt_dte,yymmddn8.),$8.); *20180228;
30 yymmp = substr(lrpt_yyyymmdd,3,4);
31 call symput('yymmp',yymmp);
32 run;
NOTE: Compression was disabled for data set WORK._TIME_ because compression overhead would increase the size of the data set.
NOTE: The data set WORK._TIME_ has 1 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
33 %put &=yymmp;
35 data v_rskp;
36 set gcbc.eop_&yymmp._drv_rskp;
ERROR: File GCBC.EOP_2202.DATA does not exist.
37 run;
It is able to resolve to correct dataset name when I use the first way of assigning the macro variable.
For most purposes just use the normal (no longer NEW by any definition of that word) CALL SYMPUTX() function instead.
call symputX('yymmp',yymmp);
You should really only use the OLD (very very old) CALL SYMPUT() function if you have some special need to store leading and/or trailing spaces into the macro variable.
Another possible issue to watch out for is parsing issues. Sometimes in macro code building a single SAS token from macro code confuses the SAS parser and it sees the value as two token, even though there isn't really any space there. You can use %UNQUOTE() to fix that.
set %unquote(gcbc.eop_&yymmp._drv_rskp);
Or what I find easier to understand is to just build the value into another macro variable and use that.
%let dsname=gcbc.eop_&yymmp._drv_rskp;
set &dsname.;
But you should not see that in the open code example you posted.
Add TRIM to your call symput:
call symput('yymmp'trim(,yymmp));
I ran a simple test, and got a slightly different error to you, but it gave me enough of a hint in the ERROR: messages
94 data _time_;
395 lrpt_dte = intnx('MONTH', "&SYSDATE"d, -2, 'B');
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable SYSDATE resolves to 29APR22
396 lrpt_yyyymmdd = input(put(lrpt_dte,yymmddn8.),$8.); *20180228;
397 yymmp = substr(lrpt_yyyymmdd,3,4);
398 call symput('yymmp',yymmp);
399 ll=length(yymmp) ;
400 put _all_ ;
402 run;
lrpt_dte=22677 lrpt_yyyymmdd=20220201 yymmp=2202 ll=4 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
NOTE: The data set WORK._TIME_ has 1 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
404 options symbolgen ;
406 data test ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable YYMMP resolves to 2202
407 set eop_&yymmp._drv_rskp ;
ERROR: File WORK.EOP_2202.DATA does not exist.
ERROR: File WORK._DRV_RSKP.DATA does not exist.
408 run ;
For most purposes just use the normal (no longer NEW by any definition of that word) CALL SYMPUTX() function instead.
call symputX('yymmp',yymmp);
You should really only use the OLD (very very old) CALL SYMPUT() function if you have some special need to store leading and/or trailing spaces into the macro variable.
Another possible issue to watch out for is parsing issues. Sometimes in macro code building a single SAS token from macro code confuses the SAS parser and it sees the value as two token, even though there isn't really any space there. You can use %UNQUOTE() to fix that.
set %unquote(gcbc.eop_&yymmp._drv_rskp);
Or what I find easier to understand is to just build the value into another macro variable and use that.
%let dsname=gcbc.eop_&yymmp._drv_rskp;
set &dsname.;
But you should not see that in the open code example you posted.
You did not set a length for the variable yymmp, so it "inherits" the length from lrpt_yymmdd,, and has trailing blanks. Using CALL SYMPUTX instead of CALL SYMPUT works around this (SYMPUTX strips leading and trailing blanks, like a %LET).
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