Hello, I'm a student in the accounting department and I'm trying to do some calculations using SAS for the first time.
Actually, I would like to ask for some help with Regression calculation.
I have calculated the real earnings management and now I'm looking for a formula to calculate the REG.
I will be very happy to have all of you as tutors to learn more and get used to the program.
Thank you very much.
libname user 'C:\CRISIS' ;
* b1=total assests, b2=receivables, b3=provision, b4=inventory, b5=tangible assets, b6=land, b7=impairment, b8=subsidiary,
b9=asset in construction, b10=impairment, b11=subsidiary, b12=liability
i1=sales i2=cost of goods sold i3=sales and administrative expense i4=tax and utility i5=depreciation
i6=rent i7= insurance i8=net income, i9=EPS, c1=operating cash flow ;
data XXX ;
infile 'C:\CRISIS\KSP97.csv' dlm=',' firstobs=3 lrecl=20000 ;
input code yr mon icode opn $ big b1-b12 i1-i9 c1 ;
if b1=0 or i1=0 then delete ;
if mon=12 ;
* The data of the same year of a firm is deleted ;
proc sort nodupkey data=XXX out=XXX dupout=OO ; by code yr ; run;
* duplicated data go into OO ;
proc sort data=XXX ; by yr icode ; run;
proc means data=XXX n noprint ; * here, noprint is very important ;
var mon ;
class yr icode ;
output out=yyy n=indnum ; * n indicates the industry number ;
data indnum ; set yyy ;
if yr=. or icode=. then delete ;
keep yr icode indnum ;
* MERGE financial raw data with industry number ;
proc sort data=XXX ; by yr icode ; run;
proc sort data=indnum ; by yr icode ; run;
data XX ; merge XXX indnum; by yr icode;
if indnum < 15 then delete;
/* Variables Calculation for Real Earings Models */
proc sort data=XX ; by code yr ; run;
data VAR1 ; set XX ;
* b1=total assests, b2=receivables, b3=provision, b4=inventory, b5=tangible assets, b6=land, b7=impairment, b8=subsidiary,
b9=asset in construction, b10=impairment, b11=subsidiary, b12=liability
i1=sales i2=cost of goods sold i3=sales and administrative expense i4=tax and utility i5=depreciation
i6=rent i7= insurance i8=net income, i9=EPS, c1=operating cash flow ;
pcode1=lag(code) ; pcode2=lag2(code) ;
pb1=lag(b1) ; pb2=lag(b2); pb4=lag(b4); pi1=lag(i1) ; ppi1=lag2(i1);
ds1=i1-pi1 ; ds2=pi1-ppi1 ; db2=b2-pb2 ; db4=b4-pb4;
pc=i2+db4 ; de=i3-i4-i5-i6-i7 ;
* Variables for real earnings models ;
y1=c1/pb1 ; x1=1/pb1 ; x2=i1/pb1; x3=ds1/pb1 ; x4=ds2/pb1 ; x5=pi1/pb1 ;
y2=pc/pb1 ;
y3=de/pb1 ;
if code=pcode1=pcode2 ;
*proc print ; run ;
/* Estimation of REM */
*outliers are winsorized by year and industry ;
proc means data=VAR1 p1 p99 noprint ;
var y1-y3 x1-x5 ;
CLASS yr icode ;
output out=outlier p1= p1_y1 p1_y2 p1_y3 p1_x1 p1_x2 p1_x3 p1_x4 p1_x5
p99= p99_y1 p99_y2 p99_y3 p99_x1 p99_x2 p99_x3 p99_x4 p99_x5 ;
data OUTLIER ; set OUTLIER ;
if yr=. or icode=. then delete ;
drop _type_ _freq_ ;
proc sort data=OUTLIER ; by yr icode ; run;
proc sort data=VAR1 ; by yr icode ; run;
data VVV ; * 1% of upper and lower outliers are winsorised ;
merge VAR1 OUTLIER ; by yr icode ;
if y1 < p1_y1 then y1=p1_y1 ; if y1 > p99_y1 then y1=p99_y1 ;
if y2 < p1_y2 then y2=p1_y2 ; if y2 > p99_y2 then y2=p99_y2 ;
if y3 < p1_y3 then y3=p1_y3 ; if y3 > p99_y3 then y3=p99_y3 ;
if x1 < p1_x1 then x1=p1_x1 ; if x1 > p99_x1 then x1=p99_x1 ;
if x2 < p1_x2 then x2=p1_x2 ; if x2 > p99_x2 then x2=p99_x2 ;
if x3 < p1_x3 then x3=p1_x3 ; if x3 > p99_x3 then x3=p99_x3 ;
if x4 < p1_x4 then x4=p1_x4 ; if x4 > p99_x4 then x4=p99_x4 ;
if x5 < p1_x5 then x5=p1_x5 ; if x5 > p99_x5 then x5=p99_x5 ;
/* Estimating Real Earnings Model by year and Industry */
proc sort data=VVV ; by yr icode ; run;
proc reg data=VVV noprint outest=coef1; /* Abnormal CFO */
model y1= x1-x3 ;
by yr icode;
data coef1; set coef1;
rename intercept=al1 x1=be11 x2=be21 x3=be31 ;
keep yr icode intercept x1-x3 ;
*proc print; run;
proc reg data=VVV noprint outest=coef2; /* Abnormal production cost */
model y2= x1-x4 ;
by yr icode;
data coef2; set coef2;
rename intercept=al2 x1=be12 x2=be22 x3=be32 x4=be42 ;
keep yr icode intercept x1-x4 ;
*proc print; run;
proc reg data=VVV noprint outest=coef3 ; /* Abnormal discretionary expense */
model y3= x1 x5 ;
by yr icode;
data coef3; set coef3;
rename intercept=al3 x1=be13 x5=be53 ;
keep yr icode intercept x1 x5 ;
*proc print; run;
/* Calculating real earnings management */
proc sort data=coef1; by yr icode; run;
proc sort data=coef2; by yr icode; run;
proc sort data=coef3; by yr icode; run;
proc sort data=VAR1 ; by yr icode ; run ;
data REM ; * Here, REM are calculated using VAR01, not VVV, a dataset for estimation ;
merge VAR1 coef1 coef2 coef3 ; by yr icode;
acfo=y1-(al1+be11*x1+be21*x2+be31*x3) ;
apc=y2-(al2+be12*x1+be22*x2+be32*x3+be42*x4) ;
ade=y3-(al3+be13*x1+be53*x5) ;
rem=acfo*(-1)+apc+ade*(-1) ;
proc sort ; by code yr ; run;
proc print; run;
quit ;
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Also please tell us how the regression should go, what variables are the independent (predictor) variables and what variables are the dependent (response) variables.
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