Hi guys!
I have a variable named 'becog,' and its value is 'second complete remission /third complete remission.' In the final output, I need to change them to '2nd' and '3rd.' So, I used the following format:
proc format; value $remiss "SECOND COMPLETE REMISSION"="2nd" "THIRD COMPLETE REMISSION"="3rd"; run;
Up to this point, everything is fine. Now, I need to add a row at the top in the 'becog' column as a label, and this label should be 'Current remission status.' It's quite long, so I named the column for this label 'col1' and also renamed 'becog' to 'col1' so that they can be merged. However, the problem arises because I formatted 'becog' initially. After the merge, my label is automatically truncated to three characters, similar to the format. How can I modify them to merge correctly?
Here is what I want to output:
that's what I get:
my code:
%macro con_stat1(varc= , label= ); proc freq data=ADSL noprint; tables Trt01an *&varc / missing outpct out=&varc; run; proc freq data=ADSL noprint; tables trt01an/missing out=&varc._n (drop=percent); run; data &varc._total1; set &varc &varc._n; by trt01an; format &varc $&varc..; run; data &varc._total2(drop=pct_row count); set &varc._total1; length value $11. col1 $30.; if &varc ne " " then do; value=put(count,3.)|| "(" || put(pct_row,4.1)||"%)"; col1=strip(&varc); end; else if &varc eq " " then do; value=put(count,3.); col1=strip(-1); end; run; proc sort data=&varc._total2; by &varc; run; proc transpose data=&varc._total2 out=&varc._final1 (drop=_name_) prefix=Trt; by col1; var value; id Trt01an; run; data label; length col1 $30; col1="&label"; run; data &varc._final2; set label &varc._final1 ; run; data &varc._final3; set &varc._final2; if &varc=" " then label="n"; run; %mend; %con_stat1(varc=remiss,label=Current remission Status Score);
Well, it's going to be difficult for us to test, since you have the data and we don't. But here is something worth trying.
It is possible the transposition has assigned a format of $3 for your output. Examine the results with a PROC CONTENTS to verify that this is what is happening. Then change the format by adding a line:
data &varc._final3;
set &varc._final2;
if &varc=" " then label="n";
format &varc col1 label $30.;
This is overkill, since you likely don't need all three variables formatted as $30. It is also possible that this issue has to be addressed slightly earlier in your program. If your investigation shows that to be the case, you might have to create data (using a DATA step) with fake data that we can use for testing purposes.
But changing the format in the right place should put you on the right path.
Hi @Sikcion,
I think you should increase the default length of format $REMISS. in your PROC FORMAT step so that it matches the length of variable COL1:
value $remiss (default=30)
This works!!! Thank you
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