I have a table where I have an AGENT_ID, AGENT_NAME, TEAM_LEAD_NM, DATE
I am trying to use Proc SQL to generate a rank because the ID and NAME are duplicated.
proc sql;
select AGENT_ID, AGENT_NAME, TEAM_LEAD_NM, rank() over (Partition by AGENT_LAN_ID
order by sys_load_dtm desc) as RANK
from TABLE
where AGENT_NAME = 'Smith, John';
The error i get is:
ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: !, !!, &, *, **, +, ',', -, /, <, <=, <>, =, >, >=, ?, AND, BETWEEN,
CONTAINS, EQ, EQT, GE, GET, GT, GTT, LE, LET, LIKE, LT, LTT, NE, NET, OR, ^=, |, ||, ~=.
ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.
what is the proper syntax in PROC SQL to rank my data?
Thank you!
I am trying to build a table of of this select statement.
Rank over is not available in PROC SQL.
Is there any other method in doing this within SAS?
@Jyuen204 wrote:
Is there any other method in doing this within SAS?
Yes I mentioned a method in my earlier reply and provided a link to the documentation (which includes examples of code)
@Jyuen204 wrote:
Is there any other method in doing this within SAS?
Almost certainly more than one.
It might help to show some starting data and what you expect the result to be when finished.
ID Name Manager DATE
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 15NOV2019
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 13NOV2019
XXX1 Smith, John Crane, Frasier 3NOV2019
Want to get the following out put in a another table
ID Name Manager DATE RANK
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 15NOV2019 1
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 13NOV2019 2
XXX1 Smith, John Crane, Frasier 3NOV2019 3
I'm afraid this doesn't explain anything. How are these rankings computed?
Or are they simply sequence numbers, not true rankings?
So you are essentially asking for sequence numbers? (assuming you have sorted the data by descending date).
@Jyuen204 wrote:
Well my data isnt as clean as I am going to have multiple names and multiple dates
This doesn't explain anything, and it doesn't answer my question.
Give us a small example of the un-clean data, and show us and explain to us what you want to do with it.
@Jyuen204 wrote:
ID Name Manager DATE
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 15NOV2019
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 13NOV2019
XXX1 Smith, John Crane, Frasier 3NOV2019
Want to get the following out put in a another table
ID Name Manager DATE RANK
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 15NOV2019 1
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 13NOV2019 2
XXX1 Smith, John Crane, Frasier 3NOV2019 3
What is your definition of RANK? Are you just counting observations?
data want;
set have;
by id descending date;
if first.id then rank=0;
Counting distinct dates?
data want;
set have;
by id descending date;
if first.id then rank=0;
ID Name Manager DATE
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 15NOV2019
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane 13NOV2019
XXX1 Smith, John Crane, Frasier 3NOV2019
I am needing to rank a table of data like here. so that the most recent date is ranked the highest.
I need to create a secondary table of this data where RANK = 1
so of the data examples above, I want to rank the data in the table, and create a table of the rank 1 rows.
So I am only left with :
XXX1 Smith, John Doe, Jane
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