I have 2 datasets as below: 'insects' and 'test1'.
Data test1 has thousands of rows with many columns including binary 1/0 ins_ant, ins_bee. ins_beetle.
I want to calculate new columns 'total_weight' and 'total_id' based on the values in Data insects (sum of the corresponding "weight"s and "id"s.)
I'm using a proc format to do this, my code is below.
I used type = 'I' because my input is a string (insect name) and outputs are numbers, and that's the informat type to use to the documentation here - SAS Help Center: Results: PROC FORMAT
But my final output dataset test2 has null values for the total_weight and total_id columns.
What am I doing wrong?
Or please let me know if there's a simpler way to do this (without using proc format, but also without hardcoding anything like names of insects/weights/ids/number of insects etc.)
Thank you!!
data insects;
length insect $100.;
weight = 10;
id0 = 1;
weight = 20;
id0 = 2;
weight = 30;
id0 = 3;
data fmt;
set insects;
length start $100;
start = upcase(strip(insect));
retain type 'I';
fmtname = 'weight';
label = weight;
output fmt;
fmtname = 'id';
label = id0;
output fmt;
keep start fmtname label type;
proc format cntlin=fmt;
data test1;
patient = 4772;
ins_ant = 1;
ins_bee = 1;
ins_beetle = 0;
patient = 6792;
ins_ant = 0;
ins_bee = 1;
ins_beetle = 1;
data test2;
set test1;
total_weight = 0;
total_id0 = 0;
array ins_all {*} ins_: ;
do i_local = 1 to dim(ins_all);
total_weight = total_weight + ( ins_all[i_local] * input(upcase(strip(scan(vname(ins_all[i_local]),2,'_'))),weight.) );
total_id0 = total_id0 + ( ins_all[i_local] * input(upcase(strip(scan(vname(ins_all[i_local]),2,'_'))),id.) );
drop i_local;
If you have SAS/STAT licensed (why are you running SAS without it?) you can use PROC SCORE to do the work for you.
Take your INSECT dataset and transpose it and add a _TYPE_ variable with constant value of 'SCORE'.
data insects;
input insect :$32. weight id0 ;
ant 10 1
beetle 20 2
bee 30 3
proc transpose data=insects out=insect_score;
by _type_;
id insect;
var weight id0;
Now you can use it to score your test data. Make sure the variable names match the values of _NAME_ in the scoring dataset.
data test1;
input patient ant bee beetle ;
4772 1 1 0
6792 0 1 1
proc score data=test1 score=insect_score out=want;
Obs patient ant bee beetle weight id0 1 4772 1 1 0 40 4 2 6792 0 1 1 50 5
PS Notice how much easier it is to share data using in-line data an INPUT statement instead of multiple assignment statements and OUTPUT statement.
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