(1) sastcpd is the Unix spawner program.
(2) you don't have to register a service entry in /etc/service.
I can give you an easy example.
Open two terminals in Unix, and
(1) type
/usr/local/SAS_9.1.3/SAS_9.1/utilities/bin/sastcpd -service 5050 -sascmd '/usr/local/SAS_9.1.3/SAS_9.1/sas -dmr -noterminal -nosyntaxcheck -device grlink' in terminal 1. The actual paths could be different in your system.
(2) In terminal 2, use any editor to enter the following code and save as test.sas
%let node = 5050;
options comamid=tcp;
filename rlink '/usr/local/SAS_9.1.3/SAS_9.1/misc/connect/tcpunix.scr';
*actual path to tcpunix.scr may vary;
signon remote=node user=$youruserid$ password=_prompt_;
*replace $youruserid$ with your actual userid;
rsubmit node;
proc print data=sashelp.class;
signoff node;
After the above code is saved, type command
sas -nodms test and after a few seconds you should be prompted for the password. If successful, there should be a test.lst file created.
Because I'm not the root user of our Unix server, I cannot really test any fancy setups and cannot help you any further. Two more references,