Doing a proc report i have some issues regarding the format of my output.
So i did this but this is not exactly what i want :
proc report data = a ;
column ( '^{style[color=red]Date}' ('Category of the product sold before the month' '^{style[color=red]Company n°1784}' var1 var2 ... ;
... ;
run ;
Here "Company n°1784" is like a subheader of "Category of [...] month" but what i want is to display "Company n°1784" below "Category of [...] month" but recognized in the same header in order to have this excel output :
So this was the first part of the problem.
Now, after that, i have another issue when exporting the output on an excel worksheet.
Instead of displaying the header as shown above, it displays it like that on excel:
(Yet, it is displayed correctly on the SAS report).
When I run your code with some fake data, the headers have some odd placement; but the header seems to be colored as you want
I used this code running on a Windows system with 9.4M7:
If you want your spanning header for Company n°1784 to be in the blank box, then I think you need to move one of your ending parentheses so it is after pct_tot.
When I altered the column statement to move just one of the ending parentheses, I got these results:
Why not put it all together and using split char ?
Or @Cynthia_sas could give you right answer.
proc report split='/'
('Category of the product sold before the month / ^{style[color=red]Company n°1784}'
Thank you, now "Company n°1784" is under the other text.
Do you know why it's not in red ? The code you shared is not putting "Company n°1784" in red.
Also, i still have this problem below :
Hope this code helps. This is what i've done :
title color=red bcolor=red "xxxx" ;
ods excel file = "..../file.xlsx"
options(sheet_interval='none' embedded_titles='yes' start_at='1,2' hidden_rows = '2') ;
ods listing;
ods escapechar = '^' ;
options missing=0 orientation=landscape center;
proc report data = a split ='-' nowd headskip center
style(header)={background=white borderwidth=1 bordercolor=black width=150 color=black just=c textalign=c}
style(report)={borderwidth=1 bordercolor=black outputwidth=150 just=c}
style(column)= {borderwidth=1 bordercolor=black just=r color=black tagattr='format:###,###,###,###,###0'}
style(summary)= [just=c textalign=c];
column ('^{style[color=red] Reporting}' ('Category of the product (sold before the date) - ^{style[color=red] Company n°1784}' var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 pct_tot
('Category of the product (sold before the date) - ^{style[color=red] Company n°2001}' var4 var5 pct_tot))
) ;
define var1 / group width=132;
define var2 / group ;
define var3 / group ;
define var4 / analysis sum '...€' style(column)=[borderrightwidth=2 borderrightcolor=black];
define var5 / analysis sum '...€' ;
define pct_tot / computed style(column) = [tagattr = "format:#0.%"] ;
rbreak after / summarize style(summary) = {font_weight=bold background=lightgrey just=r} ;
compute pct_tot ;
pct_tot = var4.sum/var5.sum ;
endcomp ;
run ;
This is what i get :
Replacing the split symbol "/" with "-" helped me to get all the text ("Category [...] date)") on the same line
Now the only problem left is that i want "Company n°...." in red. Since it isn't a defined column i can't change it's style in the define statement (from what i know).
PS:I am sorry if the code isn't very clear, i can't share everything due to confidentiality.
It's too bad you can't make some fake data to illustrate the issue. Without data, it's hard to make constructive suggestions. I've formatted your code and highlighted some inconsistencies:
You are mixing LISTING only options with ODS Style overrides. None of your ODS overrides for width have a unit of measure. It's not clear to me what the structure of your data is or why you're repeating var4, var5 and pct_tot in the column statement but with different headers. I don't see how the values will be different.
When I run your code with some fake data, the headers have some odd placement; but the header seems to be colored as you want
I used this code running on a Windows system with 9.4M7:
If you want your spanning header for Company n°1784 to be in the blank box, then I think you need to move one of your ending parentheses so it is after pct_tot.
When I altered the column statement to move just one of the ending parentheses, I got these results:
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