I am attempting to merge two datasets. The first dataset, named "Maturity_Gap_Master_2," contains 5 million records, while the second dataset, named "want," contains 500 records. The merge operation is based on a condition specified below:
proc sql;
create table output as
select *
from Maturity_Gap_Master_2 a
left join
want b
However, the above query takes at least 10 minutes to execute. To optimize the process, I attempted using SAS hashing:
data output;
if _n_=1 then do;
if 0 then set want;
declare hash h (dataset:'want');
declare hiter hi ('h');
start_loop = 1;
do while(start_loop);
if ACC_NEXT_FIXING_REM_TENOR_IRRBB >= Range_Start and ACC_NEXT_FIXING_REM_TENOR_IRRBB <= Range_end and rc=0 then start_loop = 0;
else rc=hi.prev();
Despite this optimization attempt, the execution time has not decreased. Could anyone provide assistance in optimizing the query further?
I would recommend expanding the 500 records data set into a slightly larger table, by explicitly specifying the values of the ranges.
i.e. Instead of just having Range_Start & Range_End columns, Add a third column of the actual value, then try to do exact match from your 5 M large table to the new expanded lookup (want) table.
This way, it's a one time range expansion, rather than 5 million times, as you have been doing via your Left Join and Hash Join.
Hope this helps,
Here is an example code
data want;
length Range_Start Range_End 8;
Range_Start = '01Jan2023'd; Range_End = '31Jan2023'd; OUTPUT;
Range_Start = '01Feb2023'd; Range_End = '15Feb2023'd; OUTPUT;
Range_Start = '01Jun2023'd; Range_End = '30Jul2023'd; OUTPUT;
FORMAT Range_Start Range_End date9.;
data want_exp(KEEP=date);
Set want;
do i=Range_Start to Range_End;
date = i;
FORMAT date date9.;
Use the "want_exp" table in your joins (SQL/Hash) with your 5 Millions record using equi joins (=) rather than Between (>= & <=)
For all optimization efforts, you need to know what the bottleneck is.
Attach the following to your code:
options msglevel=i stimer;
For PROC SQL, you can get more information how the internal optimizer work by:
PROC SQL _method _tree;
Hello @Anshul2,
If it's not feasible to implement AhmedAl_Attar 's great suggestion of using an equijoin (see also Re: How to improve Efficiency for another example) because the number of potential ACC_NEXT_FIXING_REM_TENOR_IRRBB values in those ranges is too large, you could consider defining one or more formats.
Here's an example with non-overlapping ranges (1 through 10, >10 through 100, >100 through 1000) and only a few (2) "satellite" variables in dataset WANT:
/* Create sample data for demonstration */
data want;
input Range_Start Range_End var1 var2 $;
1 10 123 first
10 100 456 second
100 1000 789 third
/* Create a format assigning concatenated values to the ranges */
data wantfmt;
retain fmtname 'wantfmt';
set want(rename=(range_start=start range_end=end)) end=last;
length label $30;
if last then do;
label=' ';
proc format cntlin=wantfmt;
/* Perform the intended left join by applying the format */
data final(drop=_c);
set Maturity_Gap_Master_2;
length _c $30;
length var2 $8;
@Anshul2 Is this a many:many join meaning that more than one row from your table want could meet the condition for a row from table Maturity_Gap_Master_2?
To give us some indication about the data volume can you please share the output of a proc contents over your result table output that your SQL creates?
proc contents data=work.output;
What I'm most interested in is below highlighted info.
Is the number of observation the same or higher than what you've got in your source table Maturity_Gap_Master_2?
Hello @Anshul2
The SAS SQL optimizer selects the best option for join.
In your case I am sure it selects the hash join algorithm. You can verify running the Proc SQL with _method_ option.
Your log will show that it is using hash join I am sure it will.
I see you are using "select *". Review if you actually need all columns. You can focus on other approaches to review your query.
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