Hi Team,
I have 2 sas files Prog1.sas & prog2.sas like below. while executing prog1.sas in EG it's running fine, but in autosys it's throwing an error.
Prog1 code:
options nosyntaxcheck validvarname=any;
%if %sysfunc(exist(&name)) %then %do ;
proc datasets library=work memtype=data kill nolist;
quit ;
%end ;
%put "Data set &name. does not exist";
%mend ;
options symbolgen mlogic mprint;
%macro post_sql;
%let rundate=01JAN97;
data _null_;
call symputx('rdatem','"'!!put("&rundate."d,date7.)!!'"d');
call symputx('rdate3',"'"!!put("&rundate."d,date9.)!!"'d",'G');
call symputx('rdate',"'"!!put("&rundate."d,date7.)!!"'");
call symputx('date',intnx('day',input("&rundate",date7.),-0));
%global Month_ind;
SELECT distinct state into:state_ind
WHERE t1.DATE = &rdate3 and state='California';
%include "I:\PIV\Prog2.sas";
Prog2.sas Code:
%macro Monthly_Scenario;
%if &state_ind=California %then %do;
%put success;
%put &state_ind;
But I am getting an error like below while running in batch mode from autosys.
Error in Log:
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was:
ERROR: The macro MONTHLY_SCENARIO will stop executing.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
Just wanted to understand what is the reason behind it. I am using the nosyntaxcheck options as well.
Please help.
To make sure that the macro processor does not try (depending on the contents of your macro variable) to use integer arithmetic, do this:
%if "&state_ind"="California" %then %do;
To make sure that the macro processor does not try (depending on the contents of your macro variable) to use integer arithmetic, do this:
%if "&state_ind"="California" %then %do;
The first macro in the first program looks like gibberish. But you seem to be asking about the second program.
That is an easy issue. The state abbreviation OR for Oregon looks to the macro processor like the logical operator or. You can test it easily.
%put %eval( OR=California );
To prevent the implied %EVAL() call in the %IF statement from treating your macro variable value as an operator you could use macro quoting. But it is probably a lot easier to just add quotes around the values being compared.
%if "&state_ind"="California" %then %do;
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