Hi everyone, I'm trying to run a macro to make a bunch of modifications to a survival curve in SAS University Edition. I tried code below, but I'm new to macros and am getting errors. I don't really understand the syntax that well. First error comes after the chunk of code that starts with data _null_ and is:
ERROR: Host name support.sas.com not found.
What is a macros.tmp file? Also, am I supposed to save the text in this link somewhere and refer to it in the code http://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/stat/ex_code/151/templft.html ?
ods trace on;
proc lifetest data=ammihc1 plots=survival;
time survtime * outcome(0);
proc template;
source Stat.Lifetest.Graphics.ProductLimitSurvival;
data _null_;
%let url = //support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/stat/ex_code/141;
infile "http:&url/templft.html" device=url;
file 'macros.tmp';
retain pre 0;
if index(_infile_, '</pre>') then pre = 0;
if pre then put _infile_;
if index(_infile_, '<pre>') then pre = 1;
%inc 'macros.tmp' / nosource;
%let yOptions = label="Survival" /*modifications I want to make to curve*/
linearopts=(viewmin=0 viewmax=1
tickvaluelist=(0 .25 .5 .75 1));
proc lifetest data=ammihc1 plots=survival;
time survtime * outcome(0);
In this case "macros.tmp" is a text file that the data _null_ step writes results as SAS reads from the URL. The code for that step is basically writing selected lines from the website.
It is generally a good idea to use a fully qualified path and name for such files as you may not always have permissions to write to the relative position that this file would be written, such as when the cod executes on a server or similar environment.
If you don't have a good internet connection, there is a permissions issue or some network setting that doesn't allow you to have access to support.sas.com at the moment you would get that error.
Instead of using code that seems not to run you could go to the web page and see this text:
/****************************************************************/ /* S A S S A M P L E L I B R A R Y */ /* */ /* NAME: TEMPLFT */ /* TITLE: PROC LIFETEST Template */ /* PRODUCT: STAT */ /* SYSTEM: ALL */ /* KEYS: graphics, ods, survival analysis, Kaplan-Meier */ /* PROCS: */ /* DATA: */ /* */ /* SUPPORT: saswfk UPDATE: July 25, 2013 */ /* REF: ods graphics */ /* MISC: */ /* NOTES: This sample provides templates for the PROC */ /* LIFETEST survival plot that are modular and */ /* easier to modify than the default templates. */ /****************************************************************/ %macro ProvideSurvivalMacros; %global atriskopts bandopts censored censorstr classopts graphopts groups insetopts legendopts ntitles stepopts tiplabel tips titletext0 titletext1 titletext2 xoptions yoptions; %let TitleText0 = METHOD " Survival Estimate"; %let TitleText1 = &titletext0 " for " STRATUMID; %let TitleText2 = &titletext0 "s"; /* plural: Survival Estimates */ %let nTitles = 2; %let yOptions = label="Survival Probability" shortlabel="Survival" linearopts=(viewmin=0 viewmax=1 tickvaluelist=(0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0)); %let xOptions = shortlabel=XNAME offsetmin=.05 linearopts=(viewmax=MAXTIME tickvaluelist=XTICKVALS tickvaluefitpolicy=XTICKVALFITPOL); %let Tips = rolename=(_tip1= ATRISK _tip2=EVENT) tiplabel=(_tip1="Number at Risk" _tip2="Observed Events") tip=(x y _tip1 _tip2); %let TipLabel = tiplabel=(y="Survival Probability"); %let StepOpts = ; %let Groups = group=STRATUM index=STRATUMNUM; %let BandOpts = displayTail=false &groups modelname="Survival"; %let InsetOpts = autoalign=(TOPRIGHT BOTTOMLEFT TOP BOTTOM) border=true BackgroundColor=GraphWalls:Color Opaque=true; %let LegendOpts = title=GROUPNAME location=outside; %let AtRiskOpts = display=(label) valueattrs=(size=7pt); %let ClassOpts = class=CLASSATRISK colorgroup=CLASSATRISK; %let Censored = markerattrs=(symbol=plus); %let CensorStr = "+ Censored"; %let GraphOpts = ; %macro StmtsBeginGraph; %mend; %macro StmtsTop; %mend; %macro StmtsBottom; %mend; %macro CompileSurvivalTemplates; %local outside; proc template; %do outside = 0 %to 1; define statgraph Stat.Lifetest.Graphics.ProductLimitSurvival%scan(2,2-&outside); dynamic NStrata xName plotAtRisk %if %nrbquote(&censored) ne %then plotCensored; plotCL plotHW plotEP labelCL labelHW labelEP maxTime xtickVals xtickValFitPol rowWeights method StratumID classAtRisk plotTest GroupName Transparency SecondTitle TestName pValue _byline_ _bytitle_ _byfootnote_; BeginGraph %if %nrbquote(&graphopts) ne %then / &graphopts;; if (NSTRATA=1) %if &ntitles %then %do; if (EXISTS(STRATUMID)) entrytitle &titletext1; else entrytitle &titletext0; endif; %end; %if &ntitles gt 1 %then %do; %if not &outside %then if (PLOTATRISK=1); entrytitle "With Number of Subjects at Risk" / textattrs=GRAPHVALUETEXT; %if not &outside %then %do; endif; %end; %end; %StmtsBeginGraph %AtRiskLatticeStart layout overlay / xaxisopts=(&xoptions) yaxisopts=(&yoptions); %StmtsTop %SingleStratum %StmtsBottom endlayout; %AtRiskLatticeEnd else %if &ntitles %then %do; entrytitle &titletext2; %end; %if &ntitles gt 1 %then %do; if (EXISTS(SECONDTITLE)) entrytitle SECONDTITLE / textattrs=GRAPHVALUETEXT; endif; %end; %StmtsBeginGraph %AtRiskLatticeStart layout overlay / xaxisopts=(&xoptions) yaxisopts=(&yoptions); %StmtsTop %MultipleStrata %StmtsBottom endlayout; %AtRiskLatticeEnd(class) endif; if (_BYTITLE_) entrytitle _BYLINE_ / textattrs=GRAPHVALUETEXT; else if (_BYFOOTNOTE_) entryfootnote halign=left _BYLINE_; endif; endif; EndGraph; end; %end; run; %mend; %macro pValue; if (PVALUE < .0001) entry TESTNAME " p " eval (PUT(PVALUE, PVALUE6.4)); else entry TESTNAME " p=" eval (PUT(PVALUE, PVALUE6.4)); endif; %mend; %macro SingleStratum; if (PLOTHW=1 AND PLOTEP=0) bandplot LimitUpper=HW_UCL LimitLower=HW_LCL x=TIME / displayTail=false modelname="Survival" fillattrs=GRAPHCONFIDENCE name="HW" legendlabel=LABELHW; endif; if (PLOTHW=0 AND PLOTEP=1) bandplot LimitUpper=EP_UCL LimitLower=EP_LCL x=TIME / displayTail=false modelname="Survival" fillattrs=GRAPHCONFIDENCE name="EP" legendlabel=LABELEP; endif; if (PLOTHW=1 AND PLOTEP=1) bandplot LimitUpper=HW_UCL LimitLower=HW_LCL x=TIME / displayTail=false modelname="Survival" fillattrs=GRAPHDATA1 datatransparency=.55 name="HW" legendlabel=LABELHW; bandplot LimitUpper=EP_UCL LimitLower=EP_LCL x=TIME / displayTail=false modelname="Survival" fillattrs=GRAPHDATA2 datatransparency=.55 name="EP" legendlabel=LABELEP; endif; if (PLOTCL=1) if (PLOTHW=1 OR PLOTEP=1) bandplot LimitUpper=SDF_UCL LimitLower=SDF_LCL x=TIME / displayTail=false modelname="Survival" display=(outline) outlineattrs=GRAPHPREDICTIONLIMITS name="CL" legendlabel=LABELCL; else bandplot LimitUpper=SDF_UCL LimitLower=SDF_LCL x=TIME / displayTail=false modelname="Survival" fillattrs=GRAPHCONFIDENCE name="CL" legendlabel=LABELCL; endif; endif; stepplot y=SURVIVAL x=TIME / name="Survival" &tips legendlabel="Survival" &stepopts; if (PLOTCENSORED=1) scatterplot y=CENSORED x=TIME / &censored &tiplabel name="Censored" legendlabel="Censored"; endif; if (PLOTCL=1 OR PLOTHW=1 OR PLOTEP=1) discretelegend "Censored" "CL" "HW" "EP" / location=outside halign=center; else if (PLOTCENSORED=1) discretelegend "Censored" / location=inside autoalign=(topright bottomleft); endif; endif; %if not &outside %then %do; if (PLOTATRISK=1) innermargin / align=bottom; axistable x=TATRISK value=ATRISK / &atriskopts; endinnermargin; endif; %end; %mend; %macro MultipleStrata; if (PLOTHW=1) bandplot LimitUpper=HW_UCL LimitLower=HW_LCL x=TIME / &bandopts datatransparency=Transparency; endif; if (PLOTEP=1) bandplot LimitUpper=EP_UCL LimitLower=EP_LCL x=TIME / &bandopts datatransparency=Transparency; endif; if (PLOTCL=1) if (PLOTHW=1 OR PLOTEP=1) bandplot LimitUpper=SDF_UCL LimitLower=SDF_LCL x=TIME / &bandopts display=(outline) outlineattrs=(pattern=ShortDash); else bandplot LimitUpper=SDF_UCL LimitLower=SDF_LCL x=TIME / &bandopts datatransparency=Transparency; endif; endif; stepplot y=SURVIVAL x=TIME / &groups name="Survival" &tips &stepopts; if (PLOTCENSORED=1) scatterplot y=CENSORED x=TIME / &groups &tiplabel &censored; endif; %if not &outside %then %do; if (PLOTATRISK=1) innermargin / align=bottom; axistable x=TATRISK value=ATRISK / &atriskopts &classopts; endinnermargin; endif; %end; %if %nrbquote(&legendopts) ne %then %do; DiscreteLegend "Survival" / &legendopts; %end; %if %nrbquote(&insetopts) ne %then %do; if (PLOTCENSORED=1) if (PLOTTEST=1) layout gridded / rows=2 &insetopts; entry &censorstr; %pValue endlayout; else layout gridded / rows=1 &insetopts; entry &censorstr; endlayout; endif; else if (PLOTTEST=1) layout gridded / rows=1 &insetopts; %pValue endlayout; endif; endif; %end; %mend; %macro SurvTabHeader(multiple); %if &multiple %then %do; entry ""; %end; entry ""; entry ""; entry ""; entry &r "Median"; entry ""; entry ""; %if &multiple %then %do; entry ""; %end; entry &r "Subjects"; entry &r "Event"; entry &r "Censored"; entry &r "Survival"; entry &r PctMedianConfid; entry halign=left "CL"; %mend; %macro SurvivalTable; %local fmt r i t; %let fmt = bestd6.; %let r = halign = right; columnheaders; layout overlay / pad=(top=5); if(NSTRATA=1) layout gridded / columns=6 border=TRUE; dynamic PctMedianConfid NObs NEvent Median LowerMedian UpperMedian; %SurvTabHeader(0) entry &r NObs; entry &r NEvent; entry &r eval(NObs-NEvent); entry &r eval(put(Median,&fmt)); entry &r eval(put(LowerMedian,&fmt)); entry &r eval(put(UpperMedian,&fmt)); endlayout; else layout gridded / columns=7 border=TRUE; dynamic PctMedianConfid; %SurvTabHeader(1) %do i = 1 %to 10; %let t = / textattrs=GraphData&i; dynamic StrVal&i NObs&i NEvent&i Median&i LowerMedian&i UpperMedian&i; if (&i <= nstrata) entry &r StrVal&i &t; entry &r NObs&i &t; entry &r NEvent&i &t; entry &r eval(NObs&i-NEvent&i) &t; entry &r eval(put(Median&i,&fmt)) &t; entry &r eval(put(LowerMedian&i,&fmt)) &t; entry &r eval(put(UpperMedian&i,&fmt)) &t; endif; %end; endlayout; endif; endlayout; endcolumnheaders; %mend; %macro SurvivalSummaryTable; %macro AtRiskLatticeStart; layout lattice / columndatarange=union rowgutter=10 rows=%if &outside %then 2 rowweights=ROWWEIGHTS; %else 1;; %if &outside %then %do; cell; %end; %mend; %macro AtRiskLatticeEnd(useclassopts); %if &outside %then %do; endcell; cell; layout overlay / walldisplay=none xaxisopts=(display=none); axistable x=TATRISK value=ATRISK / &atriskopts %if &useclassopts ne %then &classopts;; endlayout; endcell; %end; %SurvivalTable endlayout; %mend; %mend; %macro AtRiskLatticeStart; %if &outside %then %do; layout lattice / rows=2 rowweights=ROWWEIGHTS columndatarange=union rowgutter=10; cell; %end; %mend; %macro AtRiskLatticeEnd(useclassopts); %if &outside %then %do; endcell; cell; layout overlay / walldisplay=none xaxisopts=(display=none); axistable x=TATRISK value=ATRISK / &atriskopts %if &useclassopts ne %then &classopts;; endlayout; endcell; endlayout; %end; %mend; %CompileSurvivalTemplates %mend;
Copy and save that as a program file. Then run it to make the macro templates available.
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