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Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

Hi All,

When I try to import data from my comma delimited .txt file, the variable length is truncated. Can someone tell me why that happen? I am using the following code. Is there any better code other than PROC IMPORT? Thanks.


Super User Tom
Super User

You don't really describe your issue, but perhaps the most likely is that PROC IMPORT didn't look at enought observations to make a good guess at how long the character fields should be.

You could try adding a GUESSINGROWS statement.  


     OUT=Want replace

But to really read a CSV file just write the data step yourself.  Since it is your data you probably had a better idea of how you want to read it than SAS can guess.  You could just make up dummy variable names.

data want ;
   infile 'have.txt' dsd truncover firstobs=2 ;
   length var1-var10 $200 ;
   input var1-var10;

Or you could copy the first row of the file and use it to make the variable names. You can set the type and length in a LENGTH statement.  Attach any informats that are needed to read the data from the CSV file. Attach any formats that are useful.  Avoid using INFORMAT or FORMAT statement as a substitute for defing your variables explicitly with a LENGTH or ATTRIB statement. Avoid attaching $xx formats/informats to character variables as they do not add value and can cause trouble when combining datasets.

Then the INPUT statement is trivial.

data want ;
   infile 'have.txt' dsd truncover firstobs=2 ;
   length id $20 date 8 name $50 ;
   informat date mmddyy.;
   format date yymmdd10.;
   input id -- name ;


Barite | Level 11
/* T1003490 Using SAS passthru to excel to determine type and length before importing

If you import the csv to excel you can query the columns for type and length

this post

  Max number of columns 255 (but you can select a subset)
  Max character length 255

HAVE    d:/xls/class.xlsx  SASHELP.CLASS

 d:/xls/class.xlsx  (19 obs)

 |      |    A      |   B  |   C  |
 |      |           |      |      |
 |    1 |   NAME    |   AGE|  SEX |
 |    2 |   Alfred  |   14 |   M  |
 |    3 |   Alice   |   13 |   F  |
 |    4 |   Barbara |   13 |   F  |
 |    5 |   Carol   |   14 |   F  |
 |    6 |   Henry   |   14 |   M  |
 | ...  |   ...     |  ... | ...  |

 [sheet1] untested (but I have used it)

WANT  (create sas dataset(work.class) with correct type and length)


    All character  All character  No Character

         name_          sex_          age_
     character     character     character
            19            19             0


    name_length   sex_length   age_length
              7            1            2


    #    Variable    Type    Len

    1    NAME        Char      7
    2    SEX         Char      1
    3    AGE         Num       8


         table class as
          name length=7
         ,sex  length=1


*               _                  _       _
 _ __ ___   ___| |_ __ _        __| | __ _| |_ __ _
| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __/ _` |_____ / _` |/ _` | __/ _` |
| | | | | |  __/ || (_| |_____| (_| | (_| | || (_| |
|_| |_| |_|\___|\__\__,_|      \__,_|\__,_|\__\__,_|



    proc sql dquote=ansi;
      connect to excel (Path="d:\xls\class.xlsx");
        select * from connection to Excel
                  count(*) + sum(isnumeric(name)) as name_character
                 ,count(*) + sum(isnumeric(sex))  as sex_character
                 ,count(*) + sum(isnumeric(age))  as age_character
        disconnect from Excel;

   Since there are 19 obs name and sex are charcter and age is numeric

    Up to 40 obs from xel.class total obs=19

           name_          sex_          age_
       character     character     character
              19            19             0

    proc sql dquote=ansi;
      connect to excel (Path="d:\xls\class.xlsx");
        select * from connection to Excel
                  max(len(name)) as name_length
                 ,max(len(sex))  as sex_length
                 ,max(len(age))  as age_length
        disconnect from Excel;

    Up to 40 obs from xel.class total obs=&tob

    name_length   sex_length   age_length
              7            1            2

*                    _   _
 _ __   __ _ ___ ___| |_| |__  _ __ _   _
| '_ \ / _` / __/ __| __| '_ \| '__| | | |
| |_) | (_| \__ \__ \ |_| | | | |  | |_| |
| .__/ \__,_|___/___/\__|_| |_|_|   \__,_|

   proc sql dquote=ansi;
     connect to excel (Path="d:\xls\class.xlsx");

            table class as
             name length=7
            ,sex  length=1
       from connection to Excel
       disconnect from Excel;

*                              _
 _ __ ___  ___       ___  __ _| |
| '_ ` _ \/ __|_____/ __|/ _` | |
| | | | | \__ \_____\__ \ (_| | |
|_| |_| |_|___/     |___/\__, |_|

  Abs             The absolute value of a number (ignore negative sign).
 .AddMenu         Add a custom menu bar/shortcut bar.
 .AddNew          Add a new record to a recordset.
 .ApplyFilter     Apply a filter clause to a table, form, or report.
  Array           Create an Array.
  Asc             The Ascii code of a character.
  AscW            The Unicode of a character.
  Atn             Display the ArcTan of an angle.
  Avg (SQL)       Average.
 .Beep (DoCmd)    Sound a tone.
 .BrowseTo(DoCmd) Navigate between objects.
  Call            Call a procedure.
 .CancelEvent (DoCmd) Cancel an event.
 .CancelUpdate    Cancel recordset changes.
  Case            If Then Else.
  CBool           Convert to boolean.
  CByte           Convert to byte.
  CCur            Convert to currency (number)
  CDate           Convert to Date.
  CVDate          Convert to Date.
  CDbl            Convert to Double (number)
  CDec            Convert to Decimal (number)
  Choose          Return a value from a list based on position.
  ChDir           Change the current directory or folder.
  ChDrive         Change the current drive.
  Chr             Return a character based on an ASCII code.
 .ClearMacroError (DoCmd) Clear MacroError.
 .Close (DoCmd)           Close a form/report/window.
 .CloseDatabase (DoCmd)   Close the database.
  CInt                    Convert to Integer (number)
  CLng                    Convert to Long (number)
  Command                 Return command line option string.
 .CopyDatabaseFile(DoCmd) Copy to an SQL .mdf file.
 .CopyObject (DoCmd)      Copy an Access database object.
  Cos                     Display Cosine of an angle.
  Count (SQL)             Count records.
  CSng             Convert to Single (number.)
  CStr             Convert to String.
  CurDir           Return the current path.
  CurrentDb        Return an object variable for the current database.
  CurrentUser      Return the current user.
  CVar             Convert to a Variant.
  Date             The current date.
  DateAdd          Add a time interval to a date.
  DateDiff         The time difference between two dates.
  DatePart         Return part of a given date.
  DateSerial       Return a date given a year, month, and day.
  DateValue        Convert a string to a date.
  DAvg             Average from a set of records.
  Day              Return the day of the month.
  DCount           Count the number of records in a table/query.
  Delete (SQL)          Delete records.
 .DeleteObject (DoCmd)  Delete an object.
  DeleteSetting         Delete a value from the users registry
 .DoMenuItem (DoCmd)    Display a menu or toolbar command.
  DFirst           The first value from a set of records.
  Dir              List the files in a folder.
  DLast            The last value from a set of records.
  DLookup          Get the value of a particular field.
  DMax             Return the maximum value from a set of records.
  DMin             Return the minimum value from a set of records.
  DoEvents         Allow the operating system to process other events.
  DStDev           Estimate Standard deviation for domain (subset of records)
  DStDevP          Estimate Standard deviation for population (subset of records)
  DSum             Return the sum of values from a set of records.
  DVar             Estimate variance for domain (subset of records)
  DVarP            Estimate variance for population (subset of records)
 .Echo             Turn screen updating on or off.
  Environ          Return the value of an OS environment variable.
  EOF              End of file input.
  Error            Return the error message for an error No.
  Eval             Evaluate an expression.
  Execute(SQL/VBA) Execute a procedure or run SQL.
  Exp              Exponential e raised to the nth power.
  FileDateTime      Filename last modified date/time.
  FileLen           The size of a file in bytes.
 .FindFirst/Last/Next/Previous Record.
 .FindRecord(DoCmd) Find a specific record.
  First (SQL)       Return the first value from a query.
  Fix               Return the integer portion of a number.
  For               Loop.
  Format            Format a Number/Date/Time.
  FreeFile          The next file No. available to open.
  From              Specify the table(s) to be used in an SQL query.
  FV                Future Value of an annuity.
  GetAllSettings    List the settings saved in the registry.
  GetAttr           Get file/folder attributes.
  GetObject         Return a reference to an ActiveX object
  GetSetting        Retrieve a value from the users registry.
  form.GoToPage     Move to a page on specific form.
 .GoToRecord (DoCmd)Move to a specific record in a dataset.
  Hex               Convert a number to Hex.
  Hour              Return the hour of the day.
 .Hourglass (DoCmd) Display the hourglass icon.
  HyperlinkPart     Return information about data stored as a hyperlink.
  If Then Else      If-Then-Else
  IIf               If-Then-Else function.
  Input             Return characters from a file.
  InputBox          Prompt for user input.
  Insert (SQL)      Add records to a table (append query).
  InStr             Return the position of one string within another.
  InstrRev          Return the position of one string within another.
  Int               Return the integer portion of a number.
  IPmt              Interest payment for an annuity
  IsArray           Test if an expression is an array
  IsDate            Test if an expression is a date.
  IsEmpty           Test if an expression is Empty (unassigned).
  IsError           Test if an expression is returning an error.
  IsMissing         Test if a missing expression.
  IsNull            Test for a NULL expression or Zero Length string.
  IsNumeric         Test for a valid Number.
  IsObject          Test if an expression is an Object.
  Last (SQL)        Return the last value from a query.
  LBound            Return the smallest subscript from an array.
  LCase             Convert a string to lower-case.
  Left              Extract a substring from a string.
  Len               Return the length of a string.
  LoadPicture       Load a picture into an ActiveX control.
  Loc               The current position within an open file.
 .LockNavigationPane(DoCmd) Lock the Navigation Pane.
  LOF               The length of a file opened with Open()
  Log               Return the natural logarithm of a number.
  LTrim             Remove leading spaces from a string.
  Max (SQL)         Return the maximum value from a query.
 .Maximize (DoCmd)  Enlarge the active window.
  Mid               Extract a substring from a string.
  Min (SQL)         Return the minimum value from a query.
 .Minimize (DoCmd)  Minimise a window.
  Minute            Return the minute of the hour.
  MkDir             Create directory.
  Month             Return the month for a given date.
  MonthName         Return  a string representing the month.
 .Move              Move through a Recordset.
 .MoveFirst/Last/Next/Previous Record
 .MoveSize (DoCmd)  Move or Resize a Window.
  MsgBox            Display a message in a dialogue box.
  Next              Continue a for loop.
  Now               Return the current date and time.
  Nz                Detect a NULL value or a Zero Length string.
  Oct               Convert an integer to Octal.
  OnClick, OnOpen   Events.
 .OpenForm (DoCmd)  Open a form.
 .OpenQuery (DoCmd) Open a query.
 .OpenRecordset         Create a new Recordset.
 .OpenReport (DoCmd)    Open a report.
 .OutputTo (DoCmd)      Export to a Text/CSV/Spreadsheet file.
  Partition (SQL)       Locate a number within a range.
 .PrintOut (DoCmd)      Print the active object (form/report etc.)
  Quit                  Quit Microsoft Access
 .RefreshRecord (DoCmd) Refresh the data in a form.
 .Rename (DoCmd)        Rename an object.
 .RepaintObject (DoCmd) Complete any pending screen updates.
  Replace               Replace a sequence of characters in a string.
 .Requery               Requery the data in a form or a control.
 .Restore (DoCmd)       Restore a maximized or minimized window.
  RGB                   Convert an RGB color to a number.
  Right                 Extract a substring from a string.
  Rnd                   Generate a random number.
  Round                 Round a number to n decimal places.
  RTrim                 Remove trailing spaces from a string.
 .RunCommand            Run an Access menu or toolbar command.
 .RunDataMacro (DoCmd)  Run a named data macro.
 .RunMacro (DoCmd)      Run a macro.
 .RunSavedImportExport (DoCmd) Run a saved import or export specification.
 .RunSQL (DoCmd)        Run an SQL query.
 .Save (DoCmd)          Save a database object.
  SaveSetting           Store a value in the users registry
 .SearchForRecord(DoCmd) Search for a specific record.
  Second                Return the seconds of the minute.
  Seek                  The position within a file opened with Open.
  Select (SQL)          Retrieve data from one or more tables or queries.
  Select Into (SQL)     Make-table query.
  Select-Subquery (SQL) SubQuery.
 .SelectObject (DoCmd)  Select a specific database object.
 .SendObject (DoCmd)    Send an email with a database object attached.
  SendKeys              Send keystrokes to the active window.
  SetAttr               Set the attributes of a file.
 .SetDisplayedCategories (DoCmd)  Change Navigation Pane display options.
 .SetFilter (DoCmd)     Apply a filter to the records being displayed.
  SetFocus              Move focus to a specified field or control.
 .SetMenuItem (DoCmd)   Set the state of menubar items (enabled /checked)
 .SetOrderBy (DoCmd)    Apply a sort to the active datasheet, form or report.
 .SetParameter (DoCmd)  Set a parameter before opening a Form or Report.
 .SetWarnings (DoCmd)   Turn system messages on or off.
  Sgn                   Return the sign of a number.
 .ShowAllRecords(DoCmd) Remove any applied filter.
 .ShowToolbar (DoCmd)   Display or hide a custom toolbar.
  Shell                 Run an executable program.
  Sin                   Display Sine of an angle.
  SLN                   Straight Line Depreciation.
  Space                 Return a number of spaces.
  Sqr                   Return the square root of a number.
  StDev (SQL)           Estimate the standard deviation for a population.
  Str                   Return a string representation of a number.
  StrComp               Compare two strings.
  StrConv               Convert a string to Upper/lower case or Unicode.
  String                Repeat a character n times.
  Sum (SQL)             Add up the values in a query result set.
  Switch                Return one of several values.
  SysCmd                Display a progress meter.
  Tan                   Display Tangent of an angle.
  Time                  Return the current system time.
  Timer                 Return a number (single) of seconds since midnight.
  TimeSerial            Return a time given an hour, minute, and second.
  TimeValue             Convert a string to a Time.
 .TransferDatabase (DoCmd)      Import or export data to/from another database.
 .TransferSharePointList(DoCmd) Import or link data from a SharePoint Foundation site.
 .TransferSpreadsheet (DoCmd)   Import or export data to/from a spreadsheet file.
 .TransferSQLDatabase (DoCmd)   Copy an entire SQL Server database.
 .TransferText (DoCmd)          Import or export data to/from a text file.
  Transform (SQL)       Create a crosstab query.
  Trim                  Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string.
  TypeName              Return the data type of a variable.
  UBound                Return the largest subscript from an array.
  UCase                 Convert a string to upper-case.
  Undo                  Undo the last data edit.
  Union (SQL)           Combine the results of two SQL queries.
  Update (SQL)          Update existing field values in a table.
 .Update                Save a recordset.
  Val                   Extract a numeric value from a string.
  Var (SQL)             Estimate variance for sample (all records)
  VarP (SQL)            Estimate variance for population (all records)
  VarType               Return a number indicating the data type of a variable.
  Weekday               Return the weekday (1-7) from a date.
  WeekdayName           Return the day of the week.
  Year                  Return the year for a given date.

Super User

Note that Proc Import for CSV will generate data step code to read the file. You can use that a basis for a custom read solution as @Tom suggests. Also you can see by the assigned informat the length of a variable and adjust as desired. Just copy the code from the log and paste into the editor. Change as desired.


If you will be reading multiple files with the same layout then you only have to change the INFILE statement and the Data set name to have multiple datasets that have the same characteristics.


I recommend adjusting the informats to lengths that are reasonable for maximum expected text if reading multiple files as you may have the longest value of a last name in the first CSV file of 10 characters but then the next is 18. Proc Import would guess with each one resulting in different lengths. Also a varible that should be numeric but doesn't have any values for a specific input file will end up as character not numeric. Which leads to another set of problems with combining data later.


You also have an opportunity to use custom informats to normalize data or check on correct data entry.


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