Hi ,I am new to SAS .
I need to pull statement data by month as of Jan 2014 .
Each month of data 1,2,3,4,5,6,months of performance for base month. (so for Jan 14 I pull Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul 14 data to check performance,for Feb2014 I pull Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul, August 2014 , etc.)
I need to do that for January 2014 Aug 18.
Which is 56 months and each month has 6 months pf perf.
Something like this below. For I iteration =1 I have base month and track performance by 6 different dates.
I | base_month | m1 | m2 | m3 | m4 | m5 | m6 |
1 | 201401 | 201402 | 201403 | 201404 | 201405 | 201406 | 201407 |
2 | 201402 | 201403 | 201404 | 201405 | 201406 | 201407 | 201408 |
3 | 201403 | 201404 | 201405 | 201406 | 201407 | 201408 | 201409 |
4 | 201404 | 201405 | 201406 | 201407 | 201408 | 201409 | 201410 |
5 | 201405 | 201406 | 201407 | 201408 | 201409 | 201410 | 201411 |
6 | 201406 | 201407 | 201408 | 201409 | 201410 | 201411 | 201412 |
7 | 201407 | 201408 | 201409 | 201410 | 201411 | 201412 | 201501 |
8 | 201408 | 201409 | 201410 | 201411 | 201412 | 201501 | 201502 |
9 | 201409 | 201410 | 201411 | 201412 | 201501 | 201502 | 201503 |
10 | 201410 | 201411 | 201412 | 201501 | 201502 | 201503 | 201504 |
11 | 201411 | 201412 | 201501 | 201502 | 201503 | 201504 | 201505 |
12 | 201412 | 201501 | 201502 | 201503 | 201504 | 201505 | 201506 |
13 | 201501 | 201502 | 201503 | 201504 | 201505 | 201506 | 201507 |
14 | 201502 | 201503 | 201504 | 201505 | 201506 | 201507 | 201508 |
15 | 201503 | 201504 | 201505 | 201506 | 201507 | 201508 | 201509 |
16 | 201504 | 201505 | 201506 | 201507 | 201508 | 201509 | 201510 |
17 | 201505 | 201506 | 201507 | 201508 | 201509 | 201510 | 201511 |
18 | 201506 | 201507 | 201508 | 201509 | 201510 | 201511 | 201512 |
19 | 201507 | 201508 | 201509 | 201510 | 201511 | 201512 | 201601 |
20 | 201508 | 201509 | 201510 | 201511 | 201512 | 201601 | 201602 |
21 | 201509 | 201510 | 201511 | 201512 | 201601 | 201602 | 201603 |
22 | 201510 | 201511 | 201512 | 201601 | 201602 | 201603 | 201604 |
23 | 201511 | 201512 | 201601 | 201602 | 201603 | 201604 | 201605 |
24 | 201512 | 201601 | 201602 | 201603 | 201604 | 201605 | 201606 |
25 | 201601 | 201602 | 201603 | 201604 | 201605 | 201606 | 201607 |
26 | 201602 | 201603 | 201604 | 201605 | 201606 | 201607 | 201608 |
27 | 201603 | 201604 | 201605 | 201606 | 201607 | 201608 | 201609 |
28 | 201604 | 201605 | 201606 | 201607 | 201608 | 201609 | 201610 |
29 | 201605 | 201606 | 201607 | 201608 | 201609 | 201610 | 201611 |
30 | 201606 | 201607 | 201608 | 201609 | 201610 | 201611 | 201612 |
31 | 201607 | 201608 | 201609 | 201610 | 201611 | 201612 | 201701 |
32 | 201608 | 201609 | 201610 | 201611 | 201612 | 201701 | 201702 |
33 | 201609 | 201610 | 201611 | 201612 | 201701 | 201702 | 201703 |
34 | 201610 | 201611 | 201612 | 201701 | 201702 | 201703 | 201704 |
35 | 201611 | 201612 | 201701 | 201702 | 201703 | 201704 | 201705 |
36 | 201612 | 201701 | 201702 | 201703 | 201704 | 201705 | 201706 |
37 | 201701 | 201702 | 201703 | 201704 | 201705 | 201706 | 201707 |
38 | 201702 | 201703 | 201704 | 201705 | 201706 | 201707 | 201708 |
39 | 201703 | 201704 | 201705 | 201706 | 201707 | 201708 | 201709 |
40 | 201704 | 201705 | 201706 | 201707 | 201708 | 201709 | 201710 |
41 | 201705 | 201706 | 201707 | 201708 | 201709 | 201710 | 201711 |
42 | 201706 | 201707 | 201708 | 201709 | 201710 | 201711 | 201712 |
43 | 201707 | 201708 | 201709 | 201710 | 201711 | 201712 | 201801 |
44 | 201708 | 201709 | 201710 | 201711 | 201712 | 201801 | 201802 |
45 | 201709 | 201710 | 201711 | 201712 | 201801 | 201802 | 201803 |
46 | 201710 | 201711 | 201712 | 201801 | 201802 | 201803 | 201804 |
47 | 201711 | 201712 | 201801 | 201802 | 201803 | 201804 | 201805 |
48 | 201712 | 201801 | 201802 | 201803 | 201804 | 201805 | 201806 |
49 | 201801 | 201802 | 201803 | 201804 | 201805 | 201806 | 201807 |
50 | 201802 | 201803 | 201804 | 201805 | 201806 | 201807 | 201808 |
51 | 201803 | 201804 | 201805 | 201806 | 201807 | 201808 | 201809 |
52 | 201804 | 201805 | 201806 | 201807 | 201808 | 201809 | 201810 |
53 | 201805 | 201806 | 201807 | 201808 | 201809 | 201810 | 201811 |
54 | 201806 | 201807 | 201808 | 201809 | 201810 | 201811 | 201812 |
55 | 201807 | 201808 | 201809 | 201810 | 201811 | 201812 | 201901 |
56 | 201808 | 201809 | 201810 | 201811 | 201812 | 201901 | 201902 |
Is there a way to create a Macro that will help me run this code so many times?
There might be a macro.
There might be a short way to do this without macros.
But we would need to see what the "before" data looks like. The you data posted is really a concept of what the "after" result should look like. So show the "before" picture and there might be a way.
Not sure whether your request is so simple as the below coz like @Astounding pointed out, we do not know the bigger picture.
/*vyc's request i think*/
%let start= '01jan2014'd;
%let end= '01aug2018'd;
data wvyc;
do j=0 to intck('month',&start, &end);
base=intnx('month', &start,j);
array m(6);
do i=1 to dim(m);
m(i)=intnx('month',base,i) ;
format base m: yymmd.;
drop i;
If the above is not your requirement, i'll follow the thread tomorrow as i'm gonna sleep. Good night from Chicago!
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