I wrote a simple macro for Proc Phreg function below.
I would like to export the HR (95% C.I.) for all variables in one Excel file. Could anyone please help me with the code? Thank you all in advance.
%macro HR(x=);
proc phreg data = CP1;
class &x;
model Time*Event(0) = &x /rl;
%mend HR;
I see, try this:
libname out xlsx "C:\want.xlsx"; %macro HR(x=); %let outputName=_PE%substr(%cmpres(&x.),1,%sysfunc(min(%length(&x.),29))); ods graphics off; ods output ParameterEstimates=&outputName.; proc phreg data = CP1; class &x; model Time*Event(0) = &x /rl; run; ods output close; ods graphics on; %mend HR; %HR(x=Gender); %HR(x=Disease_Type); %HR(x=Disease_Status); %HR(x=Active_Therapy); /**Ensure uniform variable length prior setting datasets**/ *Determine max variable lengths from metadata; PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE temp AS SELECT DISTINCT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT name,type,max(length) as length,varnum FROM sashelp.vcolumn WHERE LIBNAME eq 'WORK' and substr(memname,1,3) eq '_PE' GROUP BY name,type ) ORDER BY varnum ; QUIT; *Generate attrib statement content. Uniform variable length - ensure no data is cut off; DATA _NULL_; LENGTH attrib $ 2000; SET temp end=last; BY varnum; RETAIN attrib ''; IF _N_ eq 1 THEN call missing(attrib); attrib=strip(attrib)||' '||strip(name); IF type eq 'char' THEN attrib=strip(attrib)||' length=$'||strip(put(length,best8.)); ELSE attrib=strip(attrib)||' length='||strip(put(length,best8.)); IF last THEN call symputx('gblattrib',attrib); RUN; %put &=gblattrib.; *output data; DATA out.ParameterEstimates; ATTRIB &gblattrib.; SET _PE:; RUN; *Clean up; %SYMDEL gblattrib; PROC DATASETS lib=work nolist; delete _PE: temp ParameterEstimates; RUN;QUIT; libname out clear;
- Cheers -
Hi, use ODS Output:
libname out xlsx "C:\want.xlsx"; %macro HR(x=); %let outputName=_PE%substr(%cmpres(&x.),1,%sysfunc(min(%length(&x.),29))); ods graphics off; ods output ParameterEstimates=&outputName.; proc phreg data = CP1; class &x; model Time*Event(0) = &x /rl; run; ods output close; ods graphics on; data out.&outputName.; set &outputName.; run; %mend HR; %HR(x=Gender); %HR(x=Disease_Type); %HR(x=Disease_Status); %HR(x=Active_Therapy);
- Cheers -
Hi @Oligolas ,
Thank you so much for the code! Could we optimize it and put all the HR(95%CI) in one single tab in the Excel? Maybe "append" all the HR(95% CI)? At the moment, the code exported all the HRs and 95% CIs into seperate tabs by outcome (gender, active therapy).
Thanks again!
I see, try this:
libname out xlsx "C:\want.xlsx"; %macro HR(x=); %let outputName=_PE%substr(%cmpres(&x.),1,%sysfunc(min(%length(&x.),29))); ods graphics off; ods output ParameterEstimates=&outputName.; proc phreg data = CP1; class &x; model Time*Event(0) = &x /rl; run; ods output close; ods graphics on; %mend HR; %HR(x=Gender); %HR(x=Disease_Type); %HR(x=Disease_Status); %HR(x=Active_Therapy); /**Ensure uniform variable length prior setting datasets**/ *Determine max variable lengths from metadata; PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE temp AS SELECT DISTINCT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT name,type,max(length) as length,varnum FROM sashelp.vcolumn WHERE LIBNAME eq 'WORK' and substr(memname,1,3) eq '_PE' GROUP BY name,type ) ORDER BY varnum ; QUIT; *Generate attrib statement content. Uniform variable length - ensure no data is cut off; DATA _NULL_; LENGTH attrib $ 2000; SET temp end=last; BY varnum; RETAIN attrib ''; IF _N_ eq 1 THEN call missing(attrib); attrib=strip(attrib)||' '||strip(name); IF type eq 'char' THEN attrib=strip(attrib)||' length=$'||strip(put(length,best8.)); ELSE attrib=strip(attrib)||' length='||strip(put(length,best8.)); IF last THEN call symputx('gblattrib',attrib); RUN; %put &=gblattrib.; *output data; DATA out.ParameterEstimates; ATTRIB &gblattrib.; SET _PE:; RUN; *Clean up; %SYMDEL gblattrib; PROC DATASETS lib=work nolist; delete _PE: temp ParameterEstimates; RUN;QUIT; libname out clear;
- Cheers -
Hi, Thank you so much for the code, saving quite some time!
However, when I use the option for reference group:
class &x (ref='first') - it shows error, I really appreciate if you could show where to change in the code lines for it.
well, I suspect you do not have a value of &x='first' in each of your &x variables.
You may need to determine the reference value for each of your variables.
I added such a dummy 'first' value in each of the variables in my test data and it worked, please find an example below.
data cp1;
set sashelp.class;
length Gender $5 Disease_Type $5 Disease_Status $8 Active_Therapy $5 Time 8 Event 8;
Disease_Type=ifc(sex eq 'M','One','Two');
Disease_Status=ifc(sex eq 'M','Resolved','Ongoing');
Active_Therapy=ifc(sex eq 'M','Y','N');
*add a reference to all variables;
array vars _CHARACTER_;
do over vars;
if mod(_N_,3) eq 0 then vars='first';
keep Gender Disease_Type Disease_Status Active_Therapy Time Event;
- Cheers -
I tried your syntax, adding it in the data set before running all - wonder if this is correct but results came out the same with last value as reference not the first one. Do we need to adjust anything in 'data _NULL'?
you need to check for each of your variable what the reference should be. I added it for example purposes only. Consult a statistician to determine the reference.
- Cheers -
Hi Oligolas,
I know this topic was solved but my question is relevant to it, so I ask it here.
Your codes work great for proc phreg with time invarying covariates.
Can you help with codes for modeling multiple time varying covariates as below?
I have about 15 sets of variables (X, Y....) so it would be great not to repeat them 15 times.
Thank you!
proc phreg data=table1;
model TIME*outcome (0)=X/TIES = EFRON RL;
array pp{*} X1-X5;
array tt{*} t1-t6; t1=1; t2=2; t3=3; t4=4; t5=5; t6=6;
if TIME <tt[1] then X=X0;
else if TIME >= tt[6] then X=X6;
else do i=1 to dim(pp); if tt[i] <= TIME < tt[i+1] then X= pp[i];end;
not sure I understood you properly, you mean, you'd like to do the same proc phreg for the variable Y and so on like this?
proc phreg data=table1;
model TIME*outcome (0)=Y/TIES = EFRON RL;
array pp{*} Y1-Y5;
array tt{*} t1-t6; t1=1; t2=2; t3=3; t4=4; t5=5; t6=6;
if TIME <tt[1] then Y=Y0;
else if TIME >= tt[6] then Y=Y6;
else do i=1 to dim(pp); if tt[i] <= TIME < tt[i+1] then Y= pp[i];end;
if yes then you only need to loop over the variables that you need:
%MACRO loop(varlist=x y z);
%local varlist i currItem;
%LET i=1;
%LET currItem=%SCAN(&varlist.,&i.,%STR( ));
%DO %WHILE(%LENGTH(&currItem.)>0);
proc phreg data=table1;
model TIME*outcome (0)=&currItem./TIES = EFRON RL;
array pp{*} &currItem.1-&currItem.5;
array tt{*} t1-t6; t1=1; t2=2; t3=3; t4=4; t5=5; t6=6;
if TIME <tt[1] then &currItem.=&currItem.0;
else if TIME >= tt[6] then &currItem.=&currItem.6;
else do i=1 to dim(pp); if tt[i] <= TIME < tt[i+1] then &currItem.= pp[i];end;
%put &=varlist &=i &=currItem;
%LET i=%EVAL(&i.+1);
%LET currItem=%SCAN(&varlist.,&i.,%STR( ));
%MEND loop;
%loop(varlist=X Y Z);
- Cheers -
Yes, wonderful!
Thanks so much!
ods output ParameterEstimates= Est;
proc phreg data=have;
model AVAL*y(1)=sexn AGEGR1N/ALPHA=0.05 rl;
hi , try the option -- ALPHA=0.05 rl
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