I have master data of 12 months. I am caluclating value of one varible based on previous months values. I have calculated Feb values based on Jan values. Now, I want to calculate March value based on Jan and New Feb values; April value based on Jan, New Feb, New March values and so on...The new monthly value has to go in master dataset everytime. I have to use updated master file everytime.
Can you please help me to write the loop?
The answer to your question depends on your dataset format.
Please provide a sample data with the 12 month in it.
I have caluclated it for Feb and applied back on master dataset I am just trying to iterative process for 12 months.
@sasuser1031 wrote:
I have caluclated it for Feb and applied back on master dataset I am just trying to iterative process for 12 months.
This completely avoids answering the question.
We still don't know what the calculation is that you are doing.
And you haven't provided an example, as was also requested.
Now, I want to calculate March value based on Jan and New Feb values;
Explain. What is the calculation? Sum? Average? Delta? Time series prediction? arc-cosine?
I have caluclated it for Feb and applied back on master dataset I am just trying to iterative process for 12 months.
Does this answers your question:
do i = 1 to 12;
if i > 2 then do j=1 to i;
<calculate month(j) depending on month(i)>
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