Hi Team,
I need to calculate total amount spend by each customer for 365 days where 12 months should be calculated from first purchase made by customer during the campaign window.
i have calculated the first purchase date during the campaign window but unable to pass the dates into where clause.
Kindly have a look into sample data
106248162U | A1000000050 | 27-Dec-19 | 3-Jan-20 | . |
106249382U | A1000000050 | 3-Jan-20 | 10-Jan-20 | . |
106252082U | A1000000050 | 19-Jan-20 | 26-Jan-20 | . |
106248382U | A1000001868 | 28-Dec-19 | 4-Jan-20 | . |
106251782U | A1000001868 | 18-Jan-20 | 25-Jan-20 | . |
106248242U | A10000303 | 27-Dec-19 | 3-Jan-20 | 28-Dec-19 |
106249462U | A10000303 | 3-Jan-20 | 10-Jan-20 | . |
106251502U | A10000303 | 17-Jan-20 | 24-Jan-20 | . |
106248462U | A1000100052 | 28-Dec-19 | 4-Jan-20 | 2-Jan-20 |
106249462U | A1000100052 | 3-Jan-20 | 10-Jan-20 | 4-Jan-20 |
106251502U | A1000100052 | 17-Jan-20 | 24-Jan-20 | . |
106248162U | A1000100068 | 27-Dec-19 | 3-Jan-20 | . |
106249382U | A1000100068 | 3-Jan-20 | 10-Jan-20 | . |
106252082U | A1000100068 | 19-Jan-20 | 26-Jan-20 | . |
106183082U | A1000100068 | 2-Jan-20 | 9-Jan-20 | . |
106248462U | A1000100205 | 28-Dec-19 | 4-Jan-20 | 28-Dec-19 |
106249462U | A1000100205 | 3-Jan-20 | 10-Jan-20 | . |
106252682U | A1000100205 | 19-Jan-20 | 26-Jan-20 | . |
Transaction table would have CUSTOMER_ID, TRAN_DT and TRAN_AMT (historical to t-1 date)
I could try with :
DATA _null_;
call symput('SD',"'"||(STRIP(put(today()-1,date9.)))||"'d");
call symput('SD12',"'"||(STRIP(put(intnx('Month',today(),-12,'S'),Date9.)))||"'d");
Proc sql;
create table Revenue as
from TEMP A
left join TRAN_TABLE B
Where B.TRAN_DT GE &SD12. and B.TRAN_DT LE &SD.
Group by 1 ;
Here issue is with 'SD' macro variable as it is changing for each customer so i am not able to think about the logic.
Rev_12M get calculated only for those customer who has shopped during that campaign period so customer *303 would have revenue only for one campaign which is 106248242U and same for customer A1000100052 revenue would be different as first time where clause window should be 01JAN2020 -365 days and for second time 03JAN2020 -365.
Kindly help.
Uma Shanker Saini
Precisely because your date ranges change from record to record, using a macrovar approach is very problematic. I suggest you consider using a DATA step. It should
Here is an untested program:
data want (drop=_:);
set have (where=(tran_dt_during_cpgn^=.));
by customer_id;
retain _beg_date _end_date .;
if first.customer_id then do;
if _beg_date <= tran_dt_during_cpgn <= _end_date;
Note I use the WHERE clause because I assume that non-missing TRAN_DT_DURING_CPGN records are the only valid candidate transactions for your task.
Because I assume that for each customer, all the non-missing TRAN_DT_DURING_CPGN are in ascending order, then the very first record satisfying the WHERE filter for each customer marks the start of your 12-month time span.
The INTNX function adds 12-moths to the _beg_date to get _end_date. The "same" parameters tells INTNX to return a day-of-month that is the same as the day-of-month in _BEG_DATE.
The subsetting IF keeps only records during the retained 12-month period. So later records are ignored.
The program OUTPUTs the record-in-hand prior to updating CUM_PRIOR_AMT. That's how to delay including the current TRAN_AMT in the cumulative total.
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