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Obsidian | Level 7

Like if i compare IF and WHERE etc etc.


which statement or option has role in compilation and execution phase?

Super User
If I was right, IF statement would get faster if you have a very big table, otherwise WHEN statement get faster.

Try your use case yourself. Sometimes IF is faster / better and sometimes WHERE. It all depends on what you are doing.

Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

You can search that if anyone do some tests and post a conclusion, like you may see someone compares different ways to conduct table lookup: Table Look-Up by Direct Addressing: Key-Indexing -- Bitmapping -- Hashing (It's really a great paper)


Or you can take some tests by yourself.

There are `find()`, `index()` and `prxmatch()` to search specified string, which one is faster? Here is how I test:


%macro prog_runtime(prog,reps=20,title=Input Prog);
%local _Rep_ _Start_ _End_ _Dur_ _TimeRec_ _SumTime_ _AvgTime_ _MedTime_;

/*Record time consuming of input prog*/
%let _SumTime_ = 0;
%let _TimeRec_ = ;

%do _Rep_ = 1 %to &Reps.;
  %let _Start_ = %sysfunc(datetime());
  %let _End_ = %sysfunc(datetime());
  %let _Dur_ = %sysevalf(&_End_. - &_Start_.);
  %let _TimeRec_ = &_TimeRec_. &_Dur_.;
  %let _SumTime_ = %sysevalf(&_SumTime_. + &_Dur_.);

/*Compute median and mean time consuming*/
%let _AvgTime_ = %sysevalf(&_SumTime_/&Reps.);
%let _MedTime_ = %sysfunc(median(%sysfunc(tranwrd(%cmpres(&_TimeRec_.),%str( ),%str(,))) ));

/*Report test result*/
%put ****************************************;
%put Summary of Run Time of &title.;
%put Sum of Run Time:    %sysfunc(putn(&_SumTime_.,20.4));
%put Mean of Run Time:   %sysfunc(putn(&_AvgTime_.,20.4));
%put Median of Run Time: %sysfunc(putn(&_MedTime_.,20.4));
%put ;

option nonotes nosource;
data _null_;
  x = 'Text with many blanks.';
  do i = 1 to 1e7;
    y = index(x,'many');

data _null_;
  x = 'Text with many blanks.';
  do i = 1 to 1e7;
    y = find(x,'many');

data _null_;
  x = 'Text with many blanks.';
  do i = 1 to 1e7;
    y = prxmatch('/many/',x);
option notes source;

Here is the test result:

Summary of Run Time of index()
Sum of Run Time:                  2.2940
Mean of Run Time:                 0.1147
Median of Run Time:               0.1140

Summary of Run Time of find()
Sum of Run Time:                  2.8360
Mean of Run Time:                 0.1418
Median of Run Time:               0.1420

Summary of Run Time of prxmatch()
Sum of Run Time:                  8.2410
Mean of Run Time:                 0.4121
Median of Run Time:               0.4115

So, if differences of these three functions are ignored, I always choose `index()`.

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