Hi all, I am using SAS studio. This is what my code looks like, but the y-axis looks shrunk for the first graph. I tried running the code again, using one effect plot...statement and it was still the same. I tried double-clicking on the graph, and right-click but no pop-up window.
ods graphics on;
proc logistic data=multi descending;
class damage(ref=first) smell(ref=first) smokeinlive(ref=first) employ(ref=first) pain(ref=first) clinicalinsomnia(ref=first) sleepquality1(ref=first) everasthma(ref=first) evercb(ref=first) evercopd(ref=first) depression(ref=first) everptsd(ref=first)/param=reference;
model everanxiety=damage smell smokeinlive employ clinicalinsomnia sleepquality1 pain everasthma evercb evercopd depression everptsd employ*sleepquality1 smokeinlive*sleepquality1;
effectplot interaction (x=employ sliceby=sleepquality1)/clm connect;
effectplot interaction (x=smokeinlive sliceby=sleepquality1)/clm connect;
ods graphics off;
Most of the graphs produced by analysis procedures like Proc Logistic are to help you see the results and typically are not publication ready.
If you really want to make a graph look a specific way I suggest that you export the appropriate data from the analysis procedure and use Proc Sgplot or Sgpanel as appropriate to make the graph(s).
Without data or even a picture of the result it is hard to make any specific suggestions.
Here is an example:
ods output InteractionPlot=InteractionPlot;
proc logistic data=sashelp.heart(obs=1000) descending;
class bp_status sex;
model status=height bp_status sex bp_status*sex;
effectplot interaction (x=sex sliceby=bp_status)/clm connect;
ods graphics /width=800px height=600px;
proc sgplot data=InteractionPlot;
series x=_XCLAS y=_PREDICTED/ group=_GROUP;
scatter x=_XCLAS y=_PREDICTED/yerrorlower=_UCLM yerrorupper=_LCLM group=_GROUP;
yaxis label='Whatever you want' values=(0 to 1 by 0.1) grid ;
xaxis offsetmin=0.1 offsetmax=0.1 ;
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