I have the following data:
I need to create a summary report from the data above (where prod='fast' and type='East' with the following formatting:
* Revenue (level values) to 1 decimal place
* ADV (level values) to zero decimal places
* Yield (level values) to 2 decimal place
* Revenue, ADV and Yield (YoY %) to 1 decimal place, red and in brackets if negative
* Column 'FY23' shaded in gold
When I run my PROC report code, this is what I am getting:
The formatting is not working per my SAS code:
proc format;
value FY20p low -< 0 = 'red';
value FY21p low -< 0 = 'red' ;
value FY22p low -< 0 = 'red';
value FY23p low -< 0 = 'red' ;
ods region;
ods text='Annualized Summary: History plus Forecast';
proc report data=annual_view_pct1 nowd spanrows center;
where prod='fast' and type='West';
column calcs metrics1 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23;
define calcs / "Calculation" group ;
define metrics1 / "Metric" display ;
define FY20 / analysis style(column)=[foreground=FY20p.];
define FY21 / analysis style(column)=[foreground=FY21p.] ;
define FY22 / analysis style(column)=[foreground=FY22p.];
define FY23 / analysis style(column)=[foreground=FY23p.];
compute FY20;
if metrics1='Revenue $M' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.1');
else if metrics1='ADV' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.0');
else if metrics1='Yield' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.2');
compute FY21;
if metrics1='Revenue $M' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.1');
else if metrics1='ADV' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.0');
else if metrics1='Yield' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.2');
else if metrics1 ='Revenue $M' and calcs='YoY %:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','negparen7.1');
else if metrics1 ='ADV' and calcs='YoY %:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','negparen7.1');
else if metrics1 ='Yield' and calcs='YoY %:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','negparen7.1');
compute FY22;
if metrics1='Revenue $M' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.1');
else if metrics1='ADV' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.0');
else if metrics1='Yield' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.2');
else if metric1 ='Revenue $M' and calcs='YoY %:' then do ;
call define(_col_,'format','negparen7.1');
else if metric1 ='ADV' and calcs='YoY %:' then do ;
call define(_col_,'format','negparen7.1');
else if metric1 ='Yield' and calcs='YoY %:' then do ;
call define(_col_,'format','negparen7.1');
compute FY23;
if metrics1='Revenue $M' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.1');
else if metrics1='ADV' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.0');
else if metrics1='Yield' and calcs='Levels:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','comma9.2');
else if metrics1 in('Revenue $M', 'ADV','Yield') and calcs='YoY %:' then do;
call define(_col_,'format','negparen7.1');
call define(_col_,'style','style={background=gold}');
What am I doing wrong? Is there a simpler way to apply my multiple formatting rules?
Here is my solution. I have only applied it to column FY23, you can do the extra work to make it apply to the other columns.
proc report data=trial nowd spanrows center;
where prod='fast' and type='West';
column calcs metrics1 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23;
define calcs / " " group ;
define metrics1 / "Metric:" display ;
define FY20 / analysis 'FY20' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY20p.];
define FY21 / analysis 'FY21' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY21p.];
define FY22 / analysis 'FY22' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY22p.];
define FY23 / analysis 'FY23' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY23p.];
compute before calcs;
compute fy23;
if metrics1=:'Rev' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.1');
if metrics1='ADV' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','comma10.0');
if metrics1='Yield' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.2');
if _c=:'YOY' then call define(_col_,'format','10.1');
Thanks for the reply...here is the data and the code to create the table:
DATA trial;
length prod $4 calcs type metrics1 $11 FY20 8 FY21 8 FY22 8 FY23 8 FY24 8;
infile cards dsd dlm='|' truncover ;
INPUT prod calcs type metrics1 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24;
fast|Levels:|West|Revenue $M|35.459918|57.877013|63.33193078|63.47928713|63.91890371
fast|YoY %:|West|Revenue $M|.|63.21812419|9.425016073|0.232673083|0.692535469
fast|YoY %:|West|ADV|.|62.97324632|4.100489522|-3.094234271|-3.055613651
fast|YoY %:|West|Yield|.|-0.248748522|5.535254101|3.433136645|3.45247803
fast|Levels:|East|Revenue $M|161.1857336|144.475665|146.7144394|152.5800064|159.3485751
fast|YoY %:|East|Revenue $M|.|-10.366965|1.54958578|3.997948032|4.436078429
fast|YoY %:|East|ADV|.|-15.16104766|-2.245085151|0.585854137|0.892070469
fast|YoY %:|East|Yield|.|5.229884164|4.297348405|3.392220431|3.100271361
fast|Levels:|Total|Revenue $M|196.6456516|202.352678|210.0463701|216.0592935|223.2674789
fast|YoY %:|Total|Revenue $M|.|2.902187956|3.802120246|2.86266475|3.336207025
fast|YoY %:|Total|ADV|.|-0.580170226|-0.303947973|-0.589634219|-0.337123498
fast|YoY %:|Total|Yield|.|3.090318413|4.535060926|3.472775642|3.272665411
proc format;
value FY20p low -< 0 = 'red';
value FY21p low -< 0 = 'red' ;
value FY22p low -< 0 = 'red';
value FY23p low -< 0 = 'red' ;
proc report data=trial nowd spanrows center;
where prod='fast' and type='West';
column calcs metrics1 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23;
define calcs / " " group ;
define metrics1 / "Metric:" display ;
define FY20 / analysis 'FY20' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY20p.];
define FY21 / analysis 'FY21' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY21p.];
define FY22 / analysis 'FY22' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY22p.];
define FY23 / analysis 'FY23' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY23p.];
So here is what I am getting:
And this is what I am looking for:
* If Levels:
- Revenue to 1 decimal with comma separator, ADV to zero decimals (with comma separator), Yield to 2 decimals
* If YoY %:
- All metrics to 1 decimal, color red and in brackets if negative
Desired table:
Maybe there is a better way to code this?
Here is my solution. I have only applied it to column FY23, you can do the extra work to make it apply to the other columns.
proc report data=trial nowd spanrows center;
where prod='fast' and type='West';
column calcs metrics1 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23;
define calcs / " " group ;
define metrics1 / "Metric:" display ;
define FY20 / analysis 'FY20' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY20p.];
define FY21 / analysis 'FY21' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY21p.];
define FY22 / analysis 'FY22' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY22p.];
define FY23 / analysis 'FY23' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY23p.];
compute before calcs;
compute fy23;
if metrics1=:'Rev' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.1');
if metrics1='ADV' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','comma10.0');
if metrics1='Yield' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.2');
if _c=:'YOY' then call define(_col_,'format','10.1');
This works great, thanks for the reply!
One modification....I need to add a section showing YoY change section in my table, but when I add the code to format, the formatting is not coming out correctly.
Here is a modified version of the data above:
DATA trial;
length prod $4 calcs type metrics1 $11 FY20 8 FY21 8 FY22 8 FY23 8 FY24 8;
infile cards dsd dlm='|' truncover ;
INPUT prod calcs type metrics1 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24;
fast|Levels:|West|Revenue $M|35.459918|57.877013|63.33193078|63.47928713|63.91890371
fast|YoY %:|West|Revenue $M|.|63.21812419|9.425016073|0.232673083|0.692535469
fast|YoY %:|West|ADV|.|62.97324632|4.100489522|-3.094234271|-3.055613651
fast|YoY %:|West|Yield|.|-0.248748522|5.535254101|3.433136645|3.45247803
fast|Levels:|East|Revenue $M|161.1857336|144.475665|146.7144394|152.5800064|159.3485751
fast|YoY %:|East|Revenue $M|.|-10.366965|1.54958578|3.997948032|4.436078429
fast|YoY %:|East|ADV|.|-15.16104766|-2.245085151|0.585854137|0.892070469
fast|YoY %:|East|Yield|.|5.229884164|4.297348405|3.392220431|3.100271361
fast|Levels:|Total|Revenue $M|196.6456516|202.352678|210.0463701|216.0592935|223.2674789
fast|YoY %:|Total|Revenue $M|.|2.902187956|3.802120246|2.86266475|3.336207025
fast|YoY %:|Total|ADV|.|-0.580170226|-0.303947973|-0.589634219|-0.337123498
fast|YoY %:|Total|Yield|.|3.090318413|4.535060926|3.472775642|3.272665411
fast|YoY Chg:|West|Revenue $M|.|22.417095|5.45491778|0.14735635|0.43961658
fast|YoY Chg:|West|ADV|.|4253.72188|451.40362|-354.59719|-339.33618
fast|YoY Chg:|West|Yield|.|-0.05223303|1.15941957|0.75891251|0.78938931
fast|YoY Chg:|East|Revenue $M|.|-16.7100686|2.2387744|5.865567|6.7685687
fast|YoY Chg:|East|ADV|.|-4463.72535|-560.78498|143.05125|219.09791
fast|YoY Chg:|East|Yield|1.14527666|0.99027997|0.81529497|0.77040354
fast|YoY Chg:|Total|Revenue $M|.|5.7070264|7.6936921|6.0129234|7.2081854
fast|YoY Chg:|Total|ADV|.|-210.00347|-109.38136|-211.54594|-120.23827
fast|YoY Chg:|Total|Yield|.|0.67154718|1.0159546|0.81326088|0.79301401
I modified the PROC REPORT code to include the data above:
proc format;
value FY20p low -< 0 = 'red';
value FY21p low -< 0 = 'red' ;
value FY22p low -< 0 = 'red';
value FY23p low -< 0 = 'red' ;
proc report data=trial nowd spanrows center;
where prod='fast' and type='West';
column calcs metrics1 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23;
define calcs / " " group ;
define metrics1 / "Metric:" display ;
define FY20 / analysis 'FY20' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY20p.];
define FY21 / analysis 'FY21' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY21p.];
define FY22 / analysis 'FY22' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY22p.];
define FY23 / analysis 'FY23' format=negparen7.1 style(column)=[foreground=FY23p.];
compute before calcs;
compute fy20;
if metrics1='Rev' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.1');
if metrics1='ADV' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','comma10.0');
if metrics1='Yield' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.2');
if _c='YoY%' then call define(_col_,'format','10.1');
compute fy21;
if metrics1=:'Rev' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.1');
if metrics1='ADV' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','comma10.0');
if metrics1='Yield' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.2');
if metrics1='Rev' and _c='YoY Chg:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.1');
if metrics1='ADV' and _c='YoY Chg:' then call define(_col_,'format','comma10.0');
if metrics1='Yield' and _c='YoY Chg:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.2');
if _c='YoY%' then call define(_col_,'format','10.1');
compute fy22;
if metrics1=:'Rev' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.1');
if metrics1='ADV' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','comma10.0');
if metrics1='Yield' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.2');
if metrics1=:'Rev' and _c='YoY Chg:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.1');
if metrics1='ADV' and _c='YoY Chg:' then call define(_col_,'format','comma10.0');
if metrics1='Yield' and _c='YoY Chg:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.2');
if _c='YoY%' then call define(_col_,'format','10.1');
compute fy23;
if metrics1=:'Rev' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.1');
if metrics1='ADV' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','comma10.0');
if metrics1='Yield' and _c='Levels:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.2');
if metrics1=:'Rev' and _c='YoY Chg:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.1');
if metrics1='ADV' and _c='YoY Chg:' then call define(_col_,'format','comma10.0');
if metrics1='Yield' and _c='YoY Chg:' then call define(_col_,'format','8.2');
if _c='YoY%' then call define(_col_,'format','10.1');
But when I view the results, the rows for YoY Chg ADV and YoY Chg Yield are not coming out to zero and 2 decimal places respectively even though I specify this in the code above:
How do I fix this?
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