Looking for suggestions in order to flag agents who agree to Lend $ vs those who decline to Lend.
The objective is for management to see if there are any education opportunities for either agents who are either deviating from peers /have a bias toward declining, or have a bias toward lending.
Example data set (where agree_lend 1=lend, and 0=not lend:
name agreed_lend date
Marc 1 01mar2017
Marc 0 01mar2017
Marc 1 03mar2017
James 0 02mar2017
Summary table for Month:
name agreed_lend_sum agreed_lend_count ratio
Marc 336 562 60%
James 32 33 97%
*As James' overall volume of decisions is small, the ratio is not very meaningful.
I appreciate any suggestion anyone as to offer, many thanks
Just to get things started. Let's assume that the incoming data set is reasonable sized - so that it can be sorted. Here is a DATA step that will get you a summary. The boundary conditions are arbitrary here.
* Fake data;
data have;
input name $ approved;
frank 1
joe 1
joe 0
mary 1
joe 1
frank 1
mary 0
mary 1
frank 1
joe 0
bill 0
frank 1
mary 1
proc sort data=have;
by name;
data want(keep=name loancnt lendcnt ratio flag);
set have;
by name;
if first.name then do;
if last.name then do;
ratio = lendcnt/loancnt;
if not(.2 le ratio le .8) then flag="*";
if loancnt>2 then output want;
thanks for your feedback... my question is likely too broad. I am looking for suggestions on a means of identifying/highlighting meaningful outliers in my ouput, either through summary, or statistical procedure.
Looking at the few examples below, the approval ratio for Marc, Mary and John is around 60%.
I'd like to be able to flag Jane and Abe as too conservative/liberal in terms of their peer average. I would not consider James, as his overall decisions is too low.
name agreed_to_lend total_decisions Approval_ratio
Marc 336 562 60%
James 32 33 97%
Jane 100 500 20%
Mary 310 515 60%
Abe 450 498 90%
John 350 575 61%
Just to get things started. Let's assume that the incoming data set is reasonable sized - so that it can be sorted. Here is a DATA step that will get you a summary. The boundary conditions are arbitrary here.
* Fake data;
data have;
input name $ approved;
frank 1
joe 1
joe 0
mary 1
joe 1
frank 1
mary 0
mary 1
frank 1
joe 0
bill 0
frank 1
mary 1
proc sort data=have;
by name;
data want(keep=name loancnt lendcnt ratio flag);
set have;
by name;
if first.name then do;
if last.name then do;
ratio = lendcnt/loancnt;
if not(.2 le ratio le .8) then flag="*";
if loancnt>2 then output want;
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