Suddenly the problem was there and I can't get rid of it: whenever I open a dataset for viewing by double clicking its icon in the 'contents only' part of SAS I get the below, lengthy error message. For completeness I include the full content of the log window to prove that (after closing SAS, restarting the computer and reopening SAS) I only made one very innocent data step that cannot have been the source of the problem. But what is, and how do I get rid of it?
Log output:
NOTE: Copyright (c) 2002-2012 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.4 (TS1M3) Licensed to NKI-AVL - 7 PC USERS (SUPP5), Site XXXXXXXX. NOTE: This session is executing on the X64_7PRO platform. NOTE: Updated analytical products: SAS/STAT 14.1 SAS/IML 14.1 NOTE: Additional host information: X64_7PRO WIN 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Workstation NOTE: SAS initialization used: real time 0.86 seconds cpu time 0.65 seconds 1 data cow; 2 sheep = 1; 3 dog = 2; 4 horse = 3; 5 run; NOTE: The data set WORK.COW has 1 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds ERROR: Invalid list identifier 0. Parameters passed to method _SETTITLEFONT: 1 (Numeric Expression $T3) = 0 2 i = 1 Program returning prematurely at line 403 AF Program: SASHELP.FSP.DATAVIEW.SCL absrow = . access = '' applid = . attach = . attrlist = . bottom = . bottomMargin = . cat = '' cattrlist = . cattrlst = . cattro = . cattrt = . cattrtask = . classid = . clist = . cmd = '' cmdlist = . cmdval = '' cname = '' collist = . collst = . colname = '' colnum = . colnum = . columns = '' column_popup = 4431 commands[1] = 'ACCESS' commands[2] = 'ACCESSL' commands[3] = 'ACCESSLEVEL' commands[4] = 'ADD' commands[5] = 'ADDROW' commands[6] = 'BACKWARD' commands[7] = 'BOTTOM' commands[8] = 'BROWSE' commands[9] = 'BROWSEMODE' commands[10] = 'CANCELROW' commands[11] = 'COLATTRS' commands[12] = 'COLHEADING' commands[13] = 'COLLABELS' commands[14] = 'COLNAMES' commands[15] = 'COLS' commands[16] = 'COLUMNS' commands[17] = 'COMMIT' commands[18] = 'COMMITROW' commands[19] = 'COPY' commands[20] = 'COPYROW' commands[21] = 'DATA' commands[22] = 'DATAFORM' commands[23] = 'DELETE' commands[24] = 'DEL' commands[25] = 'DELETEROW' commands[26] = 'DF' commands[27] = 'DOWN' commands[28] = 'DROP' commands[29] = 'DSOPT' commands[30] = 'DUP' commands[31] = 'EARMARKS' commands[32] = 'EDIT' commands[33] = 'EDITMODE' commands[34] = 'EXECCMD' commands[35] = 'FIND' commands[36] = 'FORM' commands[37] = 'FORMVIEW' commands[38] = 'FORWARD' commands[39] = 'GOTO' commands[40] = 'GRID' commands[41] = 'HEADING' commands[42] = 'HIDE' commands[43] = 'HOLD' commands[44] = 'HTML' commands[45] = 'INCLUDE' commands[46] = 'KEEP' commands[47] = 'LABELS' commands[48] = 'LEFT' commands[49] = 'LIKE' commands[50] = 'MDDB' commands[51] = 'MDDBLAYOUT' commands[52] = 'MENU=' commands[53] = 'MODE' commands[54] = 'MODEL' commands[55] = 'MODELSCL' commands[56] = 'NAMES' commands[57] = 'NEW' commands[58] = 'OPEN' commands[59] = 'OPENMODE' commands[60] = 'PAGENAVIGATOR' commands[61] = 'PAGEPROPERTIES' commands[62] = 'PRINT' commands[63] = 'PRINTDIALOG' commands[64] = 'PRINTPREVIEW' commands[65] = 'PRINTSETUP' commands[66] = 'PRTDIALOG' commands[67] = 'PRTPREVIEW' commands[68] = 'PRTSETUP' commands[69] = 'RELEASE' commands[70] = 'RFIND' commands[71] = 'RIGHT' commands[72] = 'ROWACCESS' commands[73] = 'ROWLABELS' commands[74] = 'ROWNAVIGATOR' commands[75] = 'SAVE' commands[76] = 'SAVEAS' commands[77] = 'SHOW' commands[78] = 'SORT' commands[79] = 'TABATTRS' commands[80] = 'TABLE' commands[81] = 'TABLEACCESS' commands[82] = 'TABLEVIEW' commands[83] = 'TBLACCESS' commands[84] = 'TBLATTRS' commands[85] = 'TBLVIEW' commands[86] = 'TOP' commands[87] = 'UNHIDE' commands[88] = 'UP' commands[89] = 'VIEW' commands[90] = 'VTEXPORT' commands[91] = 'VTHELP' commands[92] = 'VTIMPORT' commands[93] = 'VTQUERY' commands[94] = 'WHERE' commands[95] = 'WRITEHTML' copylist = . cregion = . dataform = '' datal = . datalist = . dataobj = . dataobj_class = '' dataobj_id = . dataobj_list = 4433 dataview_id = . dataview_id = . data_model = 'SASHELP.FSP.VT_DATA_M.CLASS' delete_id = . delitem = '' dflag = . dfrc = . dim = . displayed = . displaylst = . dsopt = '' endcol = . endrow = . entry = '' event = '' execcmd = '' exist = . existlst = . exportid = . fileDialogRC = . findl = . flag = . footLen = . footList = -1 formid = . formid = . formid = . formid = . formid = . formid = . form_viewer = 'SASHELP.FSP.DVFORM.CLASS' h = . i = 1 importid = . include = '' incmd = '' index = . infolist = . infolst = . initflag = . isdat = . item = '' itemlist = . iviewer_class = '' j = . jlen = . k = . l = . label = '' left = . leftMargin = . legalones[1] = 'ACCESSLEVEL' legalones[2] = 'ACCESSLEVEL' legalones[3] = 'ACCESSLEVEL' legalones[4] = 'ADD' legalones[5] = 'ADD' legalones[6] = 'BACKWARD' legalones[7] = 'BOTTOM' legalones[8] = 'BROWSE' legalones[9] = 'BROWSE' legalones[10] = 'CANCELROW' legalones[11] = 'COLATTRS' legalones[12] = 'COLHEADING' legalones[13] = 'LABELS' legalones[14] = 'NAMES' legalones[15] = 'COLUMNS' legalones[16] = 'COLUMNS' legalones[17] = 'COMMITROW' legalones[18] = 'COMMITROW' legalones[19] = 'COPY' legalones[20] = 'COPY' legalones[21] = 'OPEN' legalones[22] = 'DATAFORM' legalones[23] = 'DELETE' legalones[24] = 'DELETE' legalones[25] = 'DELETE' legalones[26] = 'DATAFORM' legalones[27] = 'DOWN' legalones[28] = 'HIDE' legalones[29] = 'DSOPT' legalones[30] = 'COPY' legalones[31] = 'EARMARKS' legalones[32] = 'EDIT' legalones[33] = 'EDIT' legalones[34] = 'EXECCMD' legalones[35] = 'FIND' legalones[36] = 'FORMVIEW' legalones[37] = 'FORMVIEW' legalones[38] = 'FORWARD' legalones[39] = 'GOTO' legalones[40] = 'GRID' legalones[41] = 'COLHEADING' legalones[42] = 'HIDE' legalones[43] = 'HOLD' legalones[44] = 'WRITEHTML' legalones[45] = 'INCLUDE' legalones[46] = 'COLUMNS' legalones[47] = 'LABELS' legalones[48] = 'LEFT' legalones[49] = 'LIKE' legalones[50] = 'MDDBLAYOUT' legalones[51] = 'MDDBLAYOUT' legalones[52] = 'OPEN' legalones[53] = 'OPENMODE' legalones[54] = 'MODELSCL' legalones[55] = 'MODELSCL' legalones[56] = 'NAMES' legalones[57] = 'NEW' legalones[58] = 'OPEN' legalones[59] = 'OPENMODE' legalones[60] = 'PAGENAVIGATOR' legalones[61] = 'PAGEPROPERTIES' legalones[62] = 'PRINTDIALOG' legalones[63] = 'PRINTDIALOG' legalones[64] = 'PRINTPREVIEW' legalones[65] = 'PRINTSETUP' legalones[66] = 'PRINTDIALOG' legalones[67] = 'PRINTPREVIEW' legalones[68] = 'PRINTSETUP' legalones[69] = 'RELEASE' legalones[70] = 'RFIND' legalones[71] = 'RIGHT' legalones[72] = 'ROWACCESS' legalones[73] = 'ROWLABELS' legalones[74] = 'ROWNAVIGATOR' legalones[75] = 'SAVE' legalones[76] = 'SAVEAS' legalones[77] = 'COLUMNS' legalones[78] = 'SORT' legalones[79] = 'TABATTRS' legalones[80] = 'TABLEVIEW' legalones[81] = 'TABLEACCESS' legalones[82] = 'TABLEVIEW' legalones[83] = 'TABLEACCESS' legalones[84] = 'TABATTRS' legalones[85] = 'TABLEVIEW' legalones[86] = 'TOP' legalones[87] = 'UNHIDE' legalones[88] = 'UP' legalones[89] = 'VIEW' legalones[90] = 'VTEXPORT' legalones[91] = 'VTHELP' legalones[92] = 'VTIMPORT' legalones[93] = 'VTQUERY' legalones[94] = 'WHERE' legalones[95] = 'WRITEHTML' len = . lflag = . lib = '' libname = '' libname = '' libname = '' like = '' list = . lst = . margList = -1 maxrow = . mddbflag = 0 mddb_model = 'SASHELP.FSP.VT_MDDB_M.CLASS' mem = '' membertype = '' membertype = '' memname = '' memname = '' memname = '' memtype = '' memtype = '' menu_gray = 4435 menu_state = 4437 methodId = . mflag = . mode = '' model = . modeler = . modelscl = '' msg = '' msg = '' multicol = . multirow = . myname = '' n = . name = '' needname = . new = . newmsg = '' newtable = '' new_model = 'SASHELP.FSP.VT_SENTRY_M.CLASS' nextid = . num = . numlst = . numpages = . numper = . numpieces = . numpieces = . numpieces = . numvars = . nvars = . ocolname = '' ocolnum = . odataform = '' odataobj_id = . ok = . old = . omodelscl = '' omulticol = . omultirow = . opt = '' optionString = '' order = '' osrc='' otable_name = '' otable_view = '' outcmd = '' outdsn = '' outdsn = '' oviewer_id = . oviewer_id = . ownerid = . pageList = -1 piece4 = '' piece4 = '' piece4 = '' popup = . pos = . prompt = '' properties = . proplist = . queryid = . rc = 10371 rc = . rc = . rc = . RcE = 0 rclst = . RcM = 0 refill = 0 refresh = . region = . relrow = . retcode = . right = . rightMargin = . rowlist = . rowlst = . rownum = . saveaslist = . savefind = . sel = . selfid = . sellist = . sortflag = . sortlst = . sourcestring = '' src='' status = '' status = '' status = '' status = '' strtcol = . strtrow = . sublist = 10369 sysFontList = 10371 sysrc=. tab = . table = '' table = '' tablemsg = '' tablen = . tableopt = '' table_access = ' ' table_mode = ' ' table_name = '' table_view = ' ' table_viewer = 'SASHELP.FSP.TABLE_E.CLASS' tabnum = . taccess = '' temp = '' temp = 'Column Attributes...' temp = '' temp = '' temp = '' templ = . templist = . templst = . titlLen = 1 titlList = 10367 tmode = '' top = . topMargin = . two_table = '' two_table = '' two_table = '' typ = '' type = '' type2 = '' units = '' userdata = . v = . validmem = '' value = '' varnum = . vdeflist = . view = '' viewer = . viewer_class = '' viewer_id = . viewer_list = 4439 where = '' wherelst = . _APPL_ = . _CURROW_ = . _ERROR_ = . _event_ = '' _frame_ = 4445 _method_ = '_INIT' _MSG_ = '' _self_ = 4419 _STATUS_ = ' '
That is a bazaar one.
What dataset did you click on? Was it the COW dataset or some other? If another then make sure you can use that dataset with SAS code to rule out that the dataset itself is what is broken.
If the dataset you are trying to view is fine then most likely your SAS installation is corrupted.
Yes it was the cow one. I specifically made this stupid dataset to see that the error would still occur even if I did nothing but making this innocent dataset and clicking on it.
Which environment are you working in?
I might guess that somehow you have associated the "click on SAS data" with a SAS/FSP program instead of a more typical Viewtable command from this bit in the log:
ERROR: Invalid list identifier 0. Parameters passed to method _SETTITLEFONT: 1 (Numeric Expression $T3) = 0 2 i = 1 Program returning prematurely at line 403 AF Program: SASHELP.FSP.DATAVIEW.SCL
For example, in Foundation, or Base of Display Manager, if I make the Explorer window active, click on the menu bar Tools>Options>Explorer and select the Members tab then click on the Tables icon I get a list of the menu items and for &Open I see: VIEWTABLE %8b."%s".DATA ;
Which means the default (open) action for data sets is the VIEWTABLE command.
(For those interested the & in the &Open sets the key board alternative to mouse click to select when the window is open).
If someone changed that command to an FSP program then that could be an issue. But if you are working in another environment I am not sure what the default should be.
That specific error IIRC means that an SCL list object was likely not created properly or possibly even at all (lists are identified by integer values returned when the proper list create method is used)
ERROR: Invalid list identifier 0. Parameters passed to method _SETTITLEFONT: 1 (Numeric Expression $T3) = 0 2 i = 1 Program returning prematurely at line 403 AF Program: SASHELP.FSP.DATAVIEW.SCL
Hi, thanks for the reply. I work in SAS 9.4, I'm not sure if it has another name, the standard environment with editor, log, explorer etc...
When I go to the explorer options as you described it says the same as with you: VIEWTABLE %8b."%s".DATA
I must say that indeed it *does* display the data in a viewtable window, but it also produces a 'ding' sound and the above quoted error in the log.
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