Hi I am getting this error while giving the above code. I am using SAS in mac through virtual box.
If you are using Univerisity Edition. You can not write sas table into SASUSER.
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Do you get this independent of data set?
Perhaps the -RSASUSER option i set.
First of all: Welcome to the SAS Support Communities!
Never say die! There are so many experienced SAS programmers active in this community, that you will almost certainly get sufficient support to overcome your initial difficulties with SAS. It's just a steep learning curve.
Issues, like yours, with access permissions can really be annoying. @LinusH's idea could already explain why you cannot write to the SASUSER library. In fact, I cannot do that either, because -RSASUSER is one of the SAS system options I set at SAS invocation.
But I wouldn't want to write my datasets to that specific library anyway. If your data are sales data (as the filename suggests), it's much better to store them in a project-specific (sub-)directory. If it's just test data for learning purposes, you can create a directory in any suitable place where you do have access permissions.
Let's say you are working on a Windows computer and have created a subfolder sasdata in C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\.
Then you would submit a LIBNAME statement to make this target directory available through a short reference (called libref in the SAS documentation):
libname mylib 'C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\sasdata';
Here, "mylib" (the libref) can be replaced by any valid SAS name (up to 8 characters) you like. Of course, "YourUsername" must be replaced by your Windows user name.
After the LIBNAME statement you can write your SAS code with references to the library like in the following example:
data mylib.mysalesdata;
/* ... */
/* your code here */
/* ... */
Submitting this DATA step would then create your permanent dataset: a file C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\sasdata\mysalesdata.sas7bdat.
Good luck!
If you are using Univerisity Edition. You can not write sas table into SASUSER.
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