Get the dataset names from dictionary.tables and filter according to your requirements:
data data_2015Q4; x=1; run;
data data_2015Q3; x=2; run;
data data_2015Q2; x=3; run;
data data_2015Q1; x=4; run;
data data_2014Q4; x=5; run;
data data_2014Q3; x=6; run;
data data_2014Q2; x=7; run;
data data_2014Q1; x=8; run;
data data_2013Q4; x=9; run;
data data_2013Q3; x=10; run;
data data_2013Q2; x=11; run;
data data_2013Q1; x=12; run;
%let rptDate=31Dec2015;
proc sql noprint;
create table rptList as
select memname
from dictionary.tables
where libname="WORK" and
memname like "DATA_____Q_" and
intnx("QTR",input(scan(memname,2,"_"), ? yyq6.),0,"END") between
intnx("QTR", "&rptDate"d, -8, "END") and
select memname
into:setList separated by " "
from rptList order by memname desc;
select catx("_", "inp", min(scan(memname,2,"_")), max(scan(memname,2,"_")))
into:setName trimmed
from rptList;
drop table rptList, &setName;
data &setName;
set &setList;
proc print; run;
I would change your process so that it appends the dataset to the 'master' dataset at the end of the process.
Alternatives are to store all the output with a consistent naming structure in a library.
If you use a prefix that isn't used with any other datsets you can refer to it with a colon to append all datasets with the same prefix.
Ie this would append all datasets starting with IMP.
data want;
set imp: ;
data have; input date date9.; cards; 31Dec2015 31mar2016 ; run; data temp; set have; length list $ 400; do i=-1 to -9 by -1; list=catx(' ',list,'data_'||put(intnx('qtr',date,i),yyq.)); end; data=catx('_','inp',put(intnx('qtr',date,-9),yyq.),put(date,yyq.)); drop i; run; data _null_; set temp; call execute(catx(' ','data',data,';set',list,';run;')); run;
Still the same thing : %let date=31dec2015; data temp; length list $ 400; do i=-1 to -9 by -1; list=catx(' ',list,'data_'||put(intnx('qtr',"&date"d,i),yyq.)); end; data=catx('_','inp',put(intnx('qtr',"&date"d,-9),yyq.),put("&date"d,yyq.)); drop i; run; data _null_; set temp; call execute(catx(' ','data',data,';set',list,';run;')); run;
Still the same thing : %let date=31dec2015; data temp; length list $ 400; do i=-1 to -9 by -1; list=catx(' ',list,'data_'||put(intnx('qtr',"&date"d,i),yyq.)); end; data=catx('_','inp',put(intnx('qtr',"&date"d,-9),yyq.),put("&date"d,yyq.)); drop i; run; data _null_; set temp; call execute(catx(' ','data',data,';set',list,';run;')); run;
Get the dataset names from dictionary.tables and filter according to your requirements:
data data_2015Q4; x=1; run;
data data_2015Q3; x=2; run;
data data_2015Q2; x=3; run;
data data_2015Q1; x=4; run;
data data_2014Q4; x=5; run;
data data_2014Q3; x=6; run;
data data_2014Q2; x=7; run;
data data_2014Q1; x=8; run;
data data_2013Q4; x=9; run;
data data_2013Q3; x=10; run;
data data_2013Q2; x=11; run;
data data_2013Q1; x=12; run;
%let rptDate=31Dec2015;
proc sql noprint;
create table rptList as
select memname
from dictionary.tables
where libname="WORK" and
memname like "DATA_____Q_" and
intnx("QTR",input(scan(memname,2,"_"), ? yyq6.),0,"END") between
intnx("QTR", "&rptDate"d, -8, "END") and
select memname
into:setList separated by " "
from rptList order by memname desc;
select catx("_", "inp", min(scan(memname,2,"_")), max(scan(memname,2,"_")))
into:setName trimmed
from rptList;
drop table rptList, &setName;
data &setName;
set &setList;
proc print; run;
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