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Pyrite | Level 9

Hello All,


Below is the part of the code which I use to create different data set based on the macro variable 'cnt_crr_saa_limit' value using Do loop but I am getting below error messages. Can any one help me out?

/* Do process only when some records available in cr_saa_rating_benchmrk */
%if &cnt_crr_saa_limit. ne 0 %then
		%do i=1 %to &cnt_crr_saa_limit;

			data grp_bbb_below_&i;
				set work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk
					(keep=portfolio_name bbb_below_benchmark bbb_below_leeway bbb_below_current_level total_exposure
					rename=(bbb_below_benchmark=benchmark bbb_below_leeway=leeway bbb_below_current_level=current_level)
					firstobs=&i obs=&i);
				length rating $ 50;
				rating = 'BBB & Below';

			data grp_bb_below_&i;
				set work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk
					(keep=portfolio_name bb_below_benchmark bb_below_leeway bb_below_current_level total_exposure
					rename=(bb_below_benchmark=benchmark bb_below_leeway=leeway bb_below_current_level=current_level)
					firstobs=&i obs=&i);
				length rating $ 50;
				rating = 'BB & Below';

			data grp_nr_&i;
				set work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk
					(keep=portfolio_name nr_benchmark nr_leeway nr_current_level total_exposure
					rename=(nr_benchmark=benchmark nr_leeway=leeway nr_current_level=current_level)
					firstobs=&i obs=&i);
				length rating $ 50;
				rating = 'Not Rated';



74         %if &cnt_crr_saa_limit. ne 0 %then
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable CNT_CRR_SAA_LIMIT resolves to        3
75             %Do;
76                 %do i=1 %to &cnt_crr_saa_limit;
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable CNT_CRR_SAA_LIMIT resolves to        3

ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.

Jade | Level 19

At least an %end statement is missing to close

%if &cnt_crr_saa_limit. ne 0 %then

The following simplification runs without errors. So the problem must be before the code posted.


%macro box;
   %if &cnt_crr_saa_limit. ne 0 %then %Do;

      %do i=1 %to &cnt_crr_saa_limit;
         %put &=i;

%let cnt_crr_saa_limit =        3;
options symbolgen mprint mlogic;

SAS Employee

you should use it inside the macro body  in addition to every %if statement should have close %end for example


%macro test;

%if &cnt_crr_saa_limit. ne 0 %then    

%mend test ;


Pyrite | Level 9

Here is the actual code, I have declared macro

%macro Info;
proc sql noprint;
		*connect to oracle (user=&ora_user. password="&ora_pw." path=&ora_path.);
		insert into work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk 
			/*		select * from connection to oracle (*/
		select * from work.A;

		/*	DISCONNECT FROM oracle;*/

	/*proc print data=work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk;*/
	proc sql noprint;
		select count(*) into :cnt_crr_saa_limit from work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk;

	%put #### number of records read from REP_SAA_LIMIT#### &cnt_crr_saa_limit.;

	/* Do process only when some records available in cr_saa_rating_benchmrk */
	%if &cnt_crr_saa_limit. ne 0 %then
			%do i=1 %to &cnt_crr_saa_limit;

				data grp_bbb_below_&i;
					set work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk
						(keep=portfolio_name bbb_below_benchmark bbb_below_leeway bbb_below_current_level total_exposure
						rename=(bbb_below_benchmark=benchmark bbb_below_leeway=leeway bbb_below_current_level=current_level)
						firstobs=&i obs=&i);
					length rating $ 50;
					rating = 'BBB & Below';

				data grp_bb_below_&i;
					set work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk
						(keep=portfolio_name bb_below_benchmark bb_below_leeway bb_below_current_level total_exposure
						rename=(bb_below_benchmark=benchmark bb_below_leeway=leeway bb_below_current_level=current_level)
						firstobs=&i obs=&i);
					length rating $ 50;
					rating = 'BB & Below';

				data grp_nr_&i;
					set work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk
						(keep=portfolio_name nr_benchmark nr_leeway nr_current_level total_exposure
						rename=(nr_benchmark=benchmark nr_leeway=leeway nr_current_level=current_level)
						firstobs=&i obs=&i);
					length rating $ 50;
					rating = 'Not Rated';

Super User

When I run that code as posted, I only get ERRORs from the Base SAS code because of the missing libs/datasets, but NO problem at all with the macro code.

Please post the log from this code as is.

@arunrami wrote:

Here is the actual code, I have declared macro

%macro Info;
proc sql noprint;
		*connect to oracle (user=&ora_user. password="&ora_pw." path=&ora_path.);
		insert into work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk 
			/*		select * from connection to oracle (*/
		select * from work.A;

		/*	DISCONNECT FROM oracle;*/

	/*proc print data=work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk;*/
	proc sql noprint;
		select count(*) into :cnt_crr_saa_limit from work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk;

	%put #### number of records read from REP_SAA_LIMIT#### &cnt_crr_saa_limit.;

	/* Do process only when some records available in cr_saa_rating_benchmrk */
	%if &cnt_crr_saa_limit. ne 0 %then
			%do i=1 %to &cnt_crr_saa_limit;

				data grp_bbb_below_&i;
					set work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk
						(keep=portfolio_name bbb_below_benchmark bbb_below_leeway bbb_below_current_level total_exposure
						rename=(bbb_below_benchmark=benchmark bbb_below_leeway=leeway bbb_below_current_level=current_level)
						firstobs=&i obs=&i);
					length rating $ 50;
					rating = 'BBB & Below';

				data grp_bb_below_&i;
					set work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk
						(keep=portfolio_name bb_below_benchmark bb_below_leeway bb_below_current_level total_exposure
						rename=(bb_below_benchmark=benchmark bb_below_leeway=leeway bb_below_current_level=current_level)
						firstobs=&i obs=&i);
					length rating $ 50;
					rating = 'BB & Below';

				data grp_nr_&i;
					set work.cr_saa_rating_benchmrk
						(keep=portfolio_name nr_benchmark nr_leeway nr_current_level total_exposure
						rename=(nr_benchmark=benchmark nr_leeway=leeway nr_current_level=current_level)
						firstobs=&i obs=&i);
					length rating $ 50;
					rating = 'Not Rated';



Pyrite | Level 9

Hi Brem, You are right. I was incorrectly using data step with dataline statment , thats what the cause of an error. Now working fine.


Thanks!! 🙂


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