data have; item1 = 'central'; item2 = ''; item3 = 'Pacific'; run;
I want to apply a formula that gives me the total number observations by row and displays a field called row_cnt. So in this case the total would be 2 since there are two observations. The variables however are character in nature
Let me know if this is what you're looking for.
data have;
item1 = 'central';
item2 = '';
item3 = 'Pacific';
proc sql;
select count(name) into: total
from dictionary.columns
where upcase(libname)='WORK' and upcase(memname)='HAVE';
%put &=total;
data have2;
set have;
num=totalvar-cmiss(of item:);
Please show what you want the output to look like.
Note: "Observation" is SAS for "row" or "record". So your example data only has 1 observation and 2 non-missing values.
One way for what I think you are asking for:
data have; item1 = 'central'; item2 = ''; item3 = 'Pacific'; row_cnt = countw(catx('*',item1,item2,item3),'*'); row_cnt2= countw(catx('*',of item:),'*'); run;
which creates a string of your values with * between the ones that are not missing and then uses the Countw function to count how many separations are there.
If you have more than 3 or 4 variables you might use an Array or a list such as the "of item:" to use all the variables whose names start with Item to build the string before counting.
@Q1983 wrote:So in this case the total would be 2 since there are two observations.
No. You have one observation containing three variables, of which two have values.
(deleted non-working code)
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