Newbie to using some of SAS' statistical procedures. I have SAS 9.4. Normally, I am only comparing one variable at a time for a test and control group to see if they statistically differ, but now I want to combine multiple variables together and see if grouped they differ between the test and control group (or even among-st each other in the test group).
My variables are like Region (west coast, south, northeast, etc), age cohort (<30, 30 -39, 40 - 49, etc) , ADI (< 25, 25-49, etc), etc. So, as an example, I want to know if my population in the West Coast aged between 30 - 49 with an ADI of 25 - 49 statistically differ from any other combo in either the control or test group.
What is the best way/procedure to do this?
I thank you for any help/insight you can provide.
Example of data:
data data_set;
input Group $ 1-7 Region $ 8-10 Age_Cohort $ 11-16 Key 17-20 Targeted 21-22 Gap_Closed 23-24;
Control WC 30-39 123 1 1
Target WC 30-39 456 1 1
Control WC 30-39 789 1 0
Target WC 30-39 012 1 1
Control WC 40-49 345 1 1
Target WC 40-49 678 1 0
Control S 50-59 901 1 0
Target S 50-59 234 1 0
Control S 60-69 567 1 1
Target S 60-69 890 1 1