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Calcite | Level 5

Hi All, 


I have a below piece of code, where it creates a 3 output per iteration and between the iteration 1 minutes sleep. But now I want For each iteration separate log needs to be created in some location. I tried doing that. But for 1st iteration from 1 to 3 log is not creating.  from 4 to 10 is creating.  Please help me


%macro caller();

%do j=1 %to &npts;



%if  %sysfunc(mod(&j,3))=0 %then


proc printto new log ='"/ctshared/cdr/dev/RAMYA/archive/logfile_&j..log";


%let rc=%sysfunc(sleep(60,1));



%mend caller();



Accepted Solutions

With all suggested changes:


%macro caller();

%do j=1 %to &npts;


%if  %sysfunc(mod(&j,3))=1 %then


proc printto new log ='"/ctshared/cdr/dev/RAMYA/archive/logfile_&j..log";


%let rc=%sysfunc(sleep(60,1));




%mend caller();


Should be OK.  Try it and see.  Careful programming might eliminate an unnecessary SLEEP.

View solution in original post

Diamond | Level 26

Please run this program again, with the following line as the first line of code to execute



options mprint mlogic symbolgen;



Are there errors in the SAS log file?


Please click on the {i} icon and paste the Log into the window that opens.


To tell you the truth, I would be surprised you get any logs at all because you have an error in this statement:


proc printto new log ='"/ctshared/cdr/dev/RAMYA/archive/logfile_&j..log";

You have a single quote followed by a double quote, the single quote doesn't belong there.

Paige Miller
Calcite | Level 5

Apologies, Posted the code with typo error. In Program I have used proper quotes.
Diamond | Level 26

Also, wouldn't you want the corrected PROC PRINTTO higher in the code instead of where it is, such as:


%macro caller();
%do j=1 %to &npts;
proc printto new log ="/ctshared/cdr/dev/RAMYA/archive/logfile_&j..log";
proc printto;
%let rc=%sysfunc(sleep(60,1));
%mend caller();


And lastly, why do you need to test if MOD(3,&j)=0? That doesn't seem to be doing anything useful to me. 

Paige Miller
Calcite | Level 5
I need to use MOD(3,&j)=0 because, I need to execute 3 outputs at a time. the above will create 1 output each with a execution break of 1 minutes. But need 3 outputs together needs to be creted with the execution break of 1 minutes. Suppose if I have 10 subjects. 3 should execute and sleep for 1 minutes. Next 4 to 6 should execute and sleep for 1 minutes. And so on.
Diamond | Level 26

I still need to see the SAS log, with the command options mprint mlogic symbolgen;

executed at the start of the program, and pasted into the {i} window (DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP)


@Ramya2 wrote:
I need to use MOD(3,&j)=0 because, I need to execute 3 outputs at a time. the above will create 1 output each with a execution break of 1 minutes. But need 3 outputs together needs to be creted with the execution break of 1 minutes. Suppose if I have 10 subjects. 3 should execute and sleep for 1 minutes. Next 4 to 6 should execute and sleep for 1 minutes. And so on.

This was not explained previously. Now your MOD(3,&j) makes sense.

Paige Miller
Calcite | Level 5
what is this i window?
Diamond | Level 26

click on the {i} icon

Paige Miller
Calcite | Level 5
Sorry, I am unable to find that icon.
Super User

I think that you may want


%if  %sysfunc(mod(&j,3))=0 or &j=1 %then

mod (1,3) = 1


mod (2,3) = 2

so the mod function would prevent the printto code from running.

I don't know what your "looper" macro does but perhaps you want it run AFTER the proc printo if you want log results from looper to go to the printto file.

Calcite | Level 5

Here is my Looper macro, just before caller..

***checking whether any new entry for the onsetdt rslt endptid****;

/*data final_1;
merge final (in=a) test.History (in=b);
by _all_;
if a and not b;

******relpacing the history file with current one****;

data test.history;
set final;

******creating macro variable for site and subject to creat the output for each subject;

data _NULL_;
set final_1 end=eof;
call symput('pt'||compress(put(_n_,best.)),trim(left(upcase(subject))));

if eof then call symput('npts',compress(put(_n_,best.)));

****creating macro variable to create or run the report conditionally******;

%let count=0;

data _null_ ;
set final_1 end=eof NOBS=COUNT;;
countc = put(count,best.);
if _n_ = 1 then call symput('count',countc);
%put &count;

%macro new_entry;

%if &count ne 0 %then %do;

*****genrating the report and sent patient profile in attached the mail if new entry****;
*****selecting the subject only who have value for the endptid,event and onsetdt*****;

proc sql;
create table demo as
select *
from demog_1_
where subject in (select subject from final_1)
order by subject,site;

********************** Create profile for each patient*******************;

%macro looper(subject=,);

options papersize = A4 orientation = landscape nodate center nonumber bottommargin = 0.25in
topmargin = 0.25in leftmargin = 0.25in rightmargin = 0.25in ;
ods listing close;
/*ods pdf body = "/ctshared/cdr/prod/a423_20110203/AMG423_20110203_Patient_Profile/rms32763/AMG423_20110203_&subject._Patient Profile.pdf";*/
ods pdf body = "/ctshared/cdr/dev/RAMYA/AMG423_20110203_&subject._Patient Profile.pdf";
ods noresults;

footnote2 justify=left height=0.5 "Report Creation Date/Time: &sysdate. &systime. AM PDT" ;
footnote3 justify=left height=0.5 "For Internal Use Only. Amgen Confidential.";

Title1 Bold "AMG423_20110203_&subject._Patient Profile";
Title4 italic justify=left "Demographics";

PROC REPORT DATA=demo NOWD split='*' ;
where subject in ("&subject" "Subject");
column ("Demographics" site subject age_y_c sex svstdt_raw);

define site / Center Display "Site" style=[cellwidth=15mm];
define subject / Center Display "Subject" style=[cellwidth=22mm];
define age_y_c / Center Display "Age" style=[cellwidth=20mm];
define sex / Center Display "Sex" style=[cellwidth=20mm];
define svstdt_raw / Center Display "Screening Date" style=[cellwidth=20mm];


ods PDF close; /* must close tagsets.ExcelXP here*/
ods listing;
ods results;

ods listing;

%mend looper ;

You are looking for mod(&j,3)=0 but that is the wrong logic. It means there are no proc printtos until &j=3. Try switching to mod(&j,3)=1 instead.
Diamond | Level 26

I think @Astounding has solved the problem, provided the code involving mod(&j,3)=1 is moved to above the %looper macro call.

Paige Miller
Calcite | Level 5

I have tried giving mod(&j,3)=1, But it is not coming as expected. Kindly find the details below.

My total number of subjects:10

My caller macro;
%macro caller();
%do j=1 %to &npts;

%if %sysfunc(mod(&j,3))=1 %then
proc printto new log ="/ctshared/cdr/dev/RAMYA/archive/logfile_&j..log";
%let rc=%sysfunc(sleep(60,1));
%mend caller();


Log file details.
Logfile_1.log - 2nd subject to 4th subject
Logfile_4.log - 5th subject to 8th subject
Logfile_7.log - 9th subject to 10th subject
Logfile_10.log - no entry

But, I want 1st to 3rd , 4th to 6th ,7th to 9th and 10th
Diamond | Level 26

Your PROC PRINTTO needs to be before %looper, not after.

Paige Miller

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