I have a data the below below format:
Code | Company Name | Item | 2019 |
DIN | DIN Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 16,925,931.00 |
DIN | DIN Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 135,487.00 |
DIN | DIN Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 5,109,045.00 |
DIN | DIN Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
DIN | DIN Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | -4,270,815.00 |
DIN | DIN Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 60,273.00 |
DIN | DIN Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 172,389,923.00 |
DIN | DIN Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 50,855,027.28 |
I would like to convert to a wide format as shown below:
Code | Company Name | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) |
DIN | DIN Limited | 16,925,931.00 | 135,487.00 | 5,109,045.00 | 0.00 | -4,270,815.00 | 172,389,923.00 | 50,855,027.28 |
Why do you want this? Is this for reporting purposes?
I want to be able to generate descriptive statistics for the individual variables( Annual Balance Sheet-Total Equity, Annual Balance Sheet-NCA PP&E, Annual Balance Sheet-NCA Intangibles(ExGW)...) under ITEM
You do not need a wide format to do that. Please show us your desired descriptive statistics from the posted data.
What I am seeking to do is to be able to generate descriptive statistics for the various variables under ITEM. For example the mean, median for Annual Balance Sheet-Total Equity . This is the original data:
ASX Code | Company Name | Item | 2019 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 16,925,931.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 135,487.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 5,109,045.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | -4,270,815.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 60,273.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 172,389,923.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 50,855,027.28 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 7,491,109.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 138,105.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 0.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | -5,918,193.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 3,538,774.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 150,569,426.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 24,091,108.16 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 6,470,870.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 72,894.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 0.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | 931,424.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 754,415.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 148,777,688.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 5,653,552.14 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 25,429,610.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 11,776,045.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 21,360.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | 2,090,162.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 48,520,677.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 130,015,920.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 111,813,691.20 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 3,130,856.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 32,140.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 961,872.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 2,500,456.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | -4,304,092.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 3,958,459.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 355,386,134.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 24,166,257.11 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 21,628,097.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 16,814,696.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 275,223.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | 1,499,053.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 31,661,019.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 243,142,400.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 65,648,448.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 103,163,003.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 780,759.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 366,828.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 1,090,493.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | -41,326,006.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 85,365,401.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 146,492,067.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 461,450,011.05 |
Is the purpose of the transform to make something to read? Or analysis?
If you want a report that people will read then proc report is likely the easiest
With something like
Proc report data=have; columns code companyname item,<name of numeric variable goes here>; define code /group; define companyname /group; define item / across; define <name of numeric variable goes here> /format comma16.2; run;
Since you show to column headers that are not typically valid SAS variable names, "Company Name" and "2019" I have to ask what your actual variable names are as well.
The proposed structure has multiple column headings that cannot be valid variable names but could be used as labels.
If you really need a data set then perhaps, if the data is sorted by code and company name
proc transpose data=have out=want; by code companyname; idlabel item; var <name of numeric variable goes here>; run;
2019 shows the figures for year 2019. My aim is to transform for analysis for each company. This is the full data.
ASX Code | Company Name | Item | 2019 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 16,925,931.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 135,487.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 5,109,045.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | -4,270,815.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 60,273.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 172,389,923.00 |
14D | 1414 Degrees Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 50,855,027.28 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 7,491,109.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 138,105.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 0.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | -5,918,193.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 3,538,774.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 150,569,426.00 |
1AD | AdAlta Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 24,091,108.16 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 6,470,870.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 72,894.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 0.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | 931,424.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 754,415.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 148,777,688.00 |
1AG | Alterra Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 5,653,552.14 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 25,429,610.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 11,776,045.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 21,360.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | 2,090,162.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 48,520,677.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 130,015,920.00 |
1AL | OneAll International Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 111,813,691.20 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 3,130,856.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 32,140.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 961,872.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 2,500,456.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | -4,304,092.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 3,958,459.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 355,386,134.00 |
1ST | 1ST Group Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 24,166,257.11 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 21,628,097.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 16,814,696.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 275,223.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 0.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | 1,499,053.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 31,661,019.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 243,142,400.00 |
2BE | Tubi Limited | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 65,648,448.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Balance Sheet - Total Equity | 103,163,003.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA PP&E | 780,759.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Intangibles(ExGW) | 366,828.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Balance Sheet - NCA Goodwill | 1,090,493.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Profit and Loss - Reported NPAT After Abnorma | -41,326,006.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Profit and Loss - Total Revenue Excluding Int | 85,365,401.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Profit and Loss - Shares Outstanding at Perio | 146,492,067.00 |
360 | Life360 Inc | Annual Ratio Analysis - Market Cap.($) | 461,450,011.05 |
You don't need a transpose, see this example:
proc summary data=have;
class item;
var '2019'n;
output out=want sum()=;
what does n represent?
Since "2019" is not a valid SAS name, we have to use a "name literal" and
options validvarname=any;
_2019, OTOH, would be a valid SAS name.
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