On the first day this is how the table would look like
| ID | Load_Date
------ -------------
| 100 | 01JUN2020:12:13:56
| ID | Load_Date | DT_FLAG
------ --------------------- ---------
| 100 | 01JUN2020:12:13:56 | 1
On Day 2
| ID | Load_Date
------ ------------
| 101 | 02JUN2020:12:13:56
| ID | Load_Date | DT_FLAG
------ --------------------- ---------
| 100 | 01JUN2020:12:13:56 | 2
| 101 | 02JUN2020:12:13:56 | 1
The new data should be loaded with the DT_FLAG of 1 and old records DT_FLAG should be incremented by 1. Load_Date is the pivotal point. I have written a SAS code but it seems a bit messy, can someone please help me with a SAS Datastep
%macro Cntl_archive(table_name=,arch_table_name=); %GLOBAL WRK; %if %sysfunc(exist(&arch_table_name.)) %then %do; proc append base=&arch_table_name. data=&table_name. force; run; proc sql; Create table TEMP as Select distinct Load_Date,Load_Date as WRK from &arch_table_name. order by Load_Date desc ;quit; proc rank data=TEMP descending out=TEMP; var WRK; ranks count; run; data &arch_table_name. (drop=DT_FLAG); set &arch_table_name.; run; proc sql; Create table &arch_table_name. as Select T0.*,T1.count as DT_FLAG from &arch_table_name. T0 inner join TEMP T1 on T0.Load_Date=T1.Load_Date ;quit %end; %else %do; data &arch_table_name.; set &table_name.; DT_FLAG= 1; IS_ACTIVE=''; run; %end; %mend Cntl_archive;