Hi all,
I'm creating a table output using proc tabulate and proc template. The table is a population demographic report. The rows are the various demographics and the column has the output statistical values. See example below:
Variable Stat Value
Age n 200
mean 62.1
std 9.35
Gender n 200
female 100 (50%)
male 100 (50%)
I would like to align the values in the third column so that they appear with decimal points aligned eg
Age n 200
mean 62.1
std 9.35
Gender n 200
female 100 (50%)
male 100 (50%)
I've tried justifying the column both to the left and right neither of which aligns the decimal point. When I justify using the decimal alignment, d, all of the decimals align but this causes the (%) statistic to right align rather than the count (100) aligning with the decimal point eg
Age n 200
mean 62.1
std 9.35
Gender n 200
female 100 (50%)
male 100 (50%)
Any advice on this issue would be much appreciated.