Hi All,
I am currently trying to format my output tables in HTML of PROC LIFETEST.
I am able to play around with the font, text size and alignment in side the table. But is there any way I can align the tables in the way I want to? I.e. Position them in different location in the HTML.
This is the code I have right now,
/*TITME TO EVENT ANALYSIS: KAPLAN-MEIER ESTIMATE */ proc format; value sexFmt 1 = "male" 2 = "female"; run; data os; format patid 10.; format sex sexFmt.; call streaminit(6875687); do patid = 5213 to 9899; sex = rand("integer",1,2); event_fl = rand("integer",1,0); duration_months = rand("integer",6,120); output; end; run; %macro product_limit_template; proc template; source Stat.Lifetest.ProductLimitEstimates; define table Stat.Lifetest.ProductLimitEstimates; notes "Product-Limit Survival"; column GrpNumVar GrpChrVar Timelist GenericTime Censor NumberAtRisk ObservedEvents Survival Failure StdErr Failed Left Freq GenericIDNumeric GenericIDCharacter; header h1; define h1; text "Product-Limit Survival Estimates"; space = 1; spill_margin; first_panel; end; parent = Stat.Lifetest.ProductLimitEstimates0; end; define table Stat.Lifetest.ProductLimitEstimates0; notes "Survival and Cumulative Hazard"; dynamic TimeNDec TimelistNDec NumWidth NumDec; column GrpNumVar GrpChrVar Timelist GenericTime Censor NumberAtRisk ObservedEvents Survival Failure StdErr CumHaz StdErrCumHaz Failed Left Freq Weight GenericIDNumeric GenericIDCharacter; header h1 h2 h3; define h1; text "Survival Function and Cumulative Hazard Rate"; space = 1; spill_margin; first_panel; just=c; end; define h2; text "Product-Limit"; start = Survival; end = StdErr; just=c; end; define h3; text "Nelson-Aalen"; start = Cumhaz; end = StdErrCumhaz; just=c; end; define GrpNumVar; dynamic GrpVarLab; translate _val_=._ into ""; label = GrpVarLab; id; generic; end; define GrpChrVar; dynamic GrpVarLab; label = GrpVarLab; id; generic; end; define Timelist; define header t; text "Timelist"; vjust=m; end; header = t; just = c; format_width = 8; format_ndec = TimelistNDec; style = RowHeader; id; justify=on; end; define GenericTime; define header t; text "Duration (&duration_type.)"; vjust=m; end; header=t; format_width = 8; format_ndec = TimeNDec; just = c; space = 0; style = RowHeader; id; generic; justify=on; end; define Censor; header = " "; translate _val_=1 into "*", _val_=0 into "", _val_=. into ""; format = 1.0; id; end; define Survival; define header t; text "Survival"; vjust=m; end; header = t; format = D8.; just = c; justify=on; end; define Failure; define header t; text "Failure"; vjust=m; end; header = t; format = D8.; just = c; justify=on; end; define StdErr; define header t; text "Survival Standard Error"; vjust=m; end; header=t; format = D8.; just = c; justify=on; end; define CumHaz; header = ";Cumulative;Hazard;"; format = D8.; just = c; end; define StdErrCumHaz; header = ";Cum Haz;Standard;Error"; format = D8.; just = c; end; define Failed; define header t; text ";Number;Failed;"; just = c; end; header = t; just = c; format_width = NumWidth; format_ndec = NumDec; justify=on; end; define Left; define header t; text ";Number;Left;"; just = c; end; header = t; just = c; format_width = NumWidth; format_ndec = NumDec; justify=on; end; define NumberAtRisk; define header t; text ";Number;at Risk;"; just = c; vjust= middle; end; header = t; just = c; format_width = NumWidth; format_ndec = NumDec; end; define ObservedEvents; define header t; text ";Observed;Events;"; just = c; end; header = t; just = c; format_width = NumWidth; format_ndec = NumDec; end; define Freq; header = "Freq"; format_width = NumWidth; format_ndec = NumDec; end; define Weight; header = "Weight"; format = D8.; end; define GenericIDNumeric; format = BEST8.; generic; data_format_override; end; define GenericIDCharacter; generic; end; required_space = 5; col_space_max = 4; col_space_min = 1; end; define table Base.Template.Table; end; run; %mend product_limit_template; %macro km_curve(data=, duration_variable=, event_variable=, censor_value=, duration_type=, timelist=, graph_title=, x_axis_title=, y_axis_title=, stratification_variable=, condition=1, km_curve_tag=); %product_limit_template; ods trace on/ listing; ods html path="/home/u48457160/OS_HTML/"; ods escapechar="^"; proc odstext; h "Time To Event Analysis- Kaplan Meier Estimate"/ style={font_size=10 textdecoration=underline}; run; proc odstext; h "^S={leftmargin=0.25in} 1. What is Time To Event Analysis?"/ style={font_size=5}; p "Time-to-event analysis is a branch of statistics that studies the amount of time it takes before a particular event occurs, say, death, or failure of a component. Furthermore, the time to event can be measured in days, weeks, years, etc."/style={font_size=5}; h "^S={leftmargin=0.25in} 2. What is Kaplan Meier Estimate?"/ style={font_size=5}; p "Kaplan-Meier (KM) is non-parametric estimates of survival function that is commonly used to describe survivorship of a study population and to compare two study populations. It is used to estimate and graph survival probabilities as a function of time"/style={font_size=5}; h "^S={leftmargin=0.25in} 3. Vocabulary"/ style={font_size=5}; p"a. Event: Outcome of interest, for e.g., death, disease occurrence etc ^n b. Observation time: The time until which a subject’s activities has been captured ^n c. Censoring: If a subject does not have an event during the observation time, they are censored (nothing is observed or known about that subject after the time of censoring) ^n d. Right censoring: This is done if a subject leaves the study before the event occurs ^n e. Left censoring: This is done if the event in interest happens before the start of the study ^n f. Interval censoring: This is done if they don’t know when exactly the event has occurred but know at what period it has occurred ^n g. Survival probability: It is also known as the survivor function S(t), is the probability that an individual survives from the time of origin to a specified future time t ^n h. Median survival: It is the point in time where half the patient population has survived ^n i. Mean survival: Mean KM estimates are calculated by finding the area under the KM curve "/ style={font_size=5}; run; title1 height=10 underlin=1 justify=left "^S={leftmargin=0.25in} Result Generation" ; title2 height=5 underlin=1 justify=left "^n ^S={leftmargin=0.25in} &graph_title." ; proc lifetest data=&data. method=km plots=survival(cb=hw test atrisk) timelist=&timelist.; %if (&stratification_variable.) ne '' %then %do; strata &stratification_variable.; %end; time &duration_variable.*&event_variable.(&censor_value.); where &condition.; ods output quartiles=quartiles; ods output means=means; ods output censoredsummary=censoredsummary; ods output productlimitestimates=productlimitestimates; run; title1; title2; ods html close; ods trace off; %mend km_curve; %km_curve(data=os, duration_variable=duration_months, event_variable=event_fl, censor_value=0, duration_type=months, timelist=12 24 36 48 60, graph_title=OS for All patients, x_axis_title=Time to Event (Month), y_axis_title=Survival Prob, stratification_variable=, condition=, km_curve_tag=);
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