hi, i am trying to find the % of missing in a number of character variables in monthly basis
my problem is var2 has no missing values and creates an empty table (miss_a) which is this one with headers:
month | var2 | COUNT | PERCENT |
I want when miss_a is empty then to add in column PERCENT = 0. However, no action to be taken if miss_a is NOT empty
i would prefer this to be in a separate step rather than in proc freq
data A;
input month $ var1 $ var2 $;
1 2 5
1 . 8
1 . 7
1 5 2
2 7 0
3 3 2
3 2 9
3 . 2
4 7 4
4 . 5
5 6 2
5 2 2
5 . 3
5 2 2
5 . 4
6 8 2
6 2 2
proc freq data=A;
table var2 / noprint missing out=miss_a;
WHERE var2="";
by month;
Hi @Toni2,
@Toni2 wrote:
hi, i am trying to find the % of missing in a number of character variables in monthly basis
proc freq data=A; table var2 / noprint missing out=miss_a; WHERE var2=""; by month; run;
By using that WHERE condition you exclude observations with non-missing VAR2 values, but you need them to compute the percentage.
In PROC SQL the computation is very clear: For each month divide the number of observations with missing VARn by the number of all observations, then multiply by 100.
proc sql;
create table want as
select month, nmiss(var1)/count(*)*100 as misspct_var1,
nmiss(var2)/count(*)*100 as misspct_var2
from A
group by month;
misspct_ misspct_ month var1 var2 1 50.0000 0 2 0.0000 0 3 33.3333 0 4 50.0000 0 5 40.0000 0 6 0.0000 0
Hi @Toni2,
@Toni2 wrote:
hi, i am trying to find the % of missing in a number of character variables in monthly basis
proc freq data=A; table var2 / noprint missing out=miss_a; WHERE var2=""; by month; run;
By using that WHERE condition you exclude observations with non-missing VAR2 values, but you need them to compute the percentage.
In PROC SQL the computation is very clear: For each month divide the number of observations with missing VARn by the number of all observations, then multiply by 100.
proc sql;
create table want as
select month, nmiss(var1)/count(*)*100 as misspct_var1,
nmiss(var2)/count(*)*100 as misspct_var2
from A
group by month;
misspct_ misspct_ month var1 var2 1 50.0000 0 2 0.0000 0 3 33.3333 0 4 50.0000 0 5 40.0000 0 6 0.0000 0
you may also try making a Boolean variable first before doing proc freq like this:
data A2;
set A;
proc freq data=A2;
tables var2miss*month / missing outpct out=freq1;
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