Is there a SAS created variable like _all_ or _numeric_ for date variables?
I'm automating reports and the following code works but I was wondering if I could get more specific and say "format all date values as" instead of "format all numeric values as"
proc report data=data;
columns _all_;
define _numeric_ /style={TAGATTR='format:m/d/yyyy'};
It would like be (untested):
Define date_: / format=..... ;
This assumes all and only date variables start with DATE_.
@sfridy wrote:
What is the colon shortcut and how would it be implemented using proc report?
Nope. Date variables are numbers/numeric.
If you have a naming convention you can use the colon shortcut. Make all your date variables start with a common prefix such as:
@sfridy wrote:
Is there a SAS created variable like _all_ or _numeric_ for date variables?
I'm automating reports and the following code works but I was wondering if I could get more specific and say "format all date values as" instead of "format all numeric values as"
proc report data=data; columns _all_; define _numeric_ /style={TAGATTR='format:m/d/yyyy'}; run;
What is the colon shortcut and how would it be implemented using proc report?
It would like be (untested):
Define date_: / format=..... ;
This assumes all and only date variables start with DATE_.
@sfridy wrote:
What is the colon shortcut and how would it be implemented using proc report?
No. Dates are merely formatted integers. SAS doesn't know which numeric variables are interpreted as dates and which are not.
Since "date" variables are inferred based on their assigned SAS formats, you could also create a list of these (regardless of name) by examining the FMTINFO function, "Cat" attribute. Some testing required 😉
%let lib=SASHELP;
%let mem=AIR;
proc sql noprint;
select into: dateVars separated by ' '
from sashelp.vcolumn t1
where libname="&lib." and memname="&mem"
and fmtinfo(scan(t1.format,1),'Cat')="date"
%put &=dateVars;
proc report data=&lib..&mem.;
columns _all_;
define &datevars. / display style={TAGATTR='format:m/d/yyyy'};
@ChrisHemedinger wrote:
Since "date" variables are inferred based on their assigned SAS formats, you could also create a list of these (regardless of name) by examining the FMTINFO function, "Cat" attribute. Some testing required 😉
%let lib=SASHELP; %let mem=AIR; proc sql noprint; select into: dateVars separated by ' ' from sashelp.vcolumn t1 where libname="&lib." and memname="&mem" and fmtinfo(scan(t1.format,1),'Cat')="date" ; quit; %put &=dateVars; proc report data=&lib..&mem.; columns _all_; define &datevars. / display style={TAGATTR='format:m/d/yyyy'}; run;
The DEFINE statement is a bit eccentric about the difference between a "SAS Variable List" and a "list of SAS variables".
81 proc report data=&lib..&mem.;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable LIB resolves to SASHELP
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable MEM resolves to class
82 columns _all_;
83 define height weight / display style={TAGATTR='format:m/d/yyyy'};
ERROR: HEIGHT does not have a numeric suffix.
ERROR 79-322: Expecting a -.
84 run;
My SAS does not have SASHELP.AIR;
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