In this particular case, one must do a little gymnastics to fix the beginning and end of the series :
data temp(drop=i first:) first(keep=first:);
set have end=done;
array v{*} v:;
array first{1024} (1024*.);
do i = 1 to dim(v);
if v{i}=0 then call missing (v{i});
else if missing(first{i}) then first{i} = v{i};
output temp;
if done then output first;
proc expand data=temp out=expanded;
id id;
convert v: / method=join;
data want;
if _n_=1 then set first;
set expanded;
array v{*} v:;
array first{*} first:;
do i = 1 to dim(v);
if missing(v{i}) then
if missing(first{i}) then v{i} = 0;
else v{i} = first{i};
else call missing(first{i});
drop i first:;
I posted a PROC EXPAND example and another using PROC TRANSREG for good measure.
For further reading I would recommend the following topic from SAS-L:
In this particular case, one must do a little gymnastics to fix the beginning and end of the series :
data temp(drop=i first:) first(keep=first:);
set have end=done;
array v{*} v:;
array first{1024} (1024*.);
do i = 1 to dim(v);
if v{i}=0 then call missing (v{i});
else if missing(first{i}) then first{i} = v{i};
output temp;
if done then output first;
proc expand data=temp out=expanded;
id id;
convert v: / method=join;
data want;
if _n_=1 then set first;
set expanded;
array v{*} v:;
array first{*} first:;
do i = 1 to dim(v);
if missing(v{i}) then
if missing(first{i}) then v{i} = 0;
else v{i} = first{i};
else call missing(first{i});
drop i first:;
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Learn the difference between classical and Bayesian statistical approaches and see a few PROC examples to perform Bayesian analysis in this video.
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