Hello everyone,
I have a table (HAVE) that needs to be joinned with others 180 (WANT_YYMMDD) sas data sets. The WANT_YYMMDD is generated daily, so i need to join with the last 6 months WANTs data sets and then to make a sum of the following results:
if total_pay / total_bill - 1 le 0.99 then revolving = 1; else revolving = 0;
The idea is to count how many times the client has already had in revolving in the last six months.
i imagine to do it in a loop.
small example.
data want;
have (in = _a)
want_yymmdd (in = b);
by id;
if total_pay / total_bill - 1 le 0.99 then revolving = 1; else revolving = 0;
-- this small example is missing the sum of the variable revolving
Observation: Its likely that there is one or more month with 27 or less WANT_YYMMDD data set
Thanks alot
Not sure if I got your issue:
You want to join with 240 WANT_mmdd datasets OR you want to merge last 6 months daily generated WANT files?
columns in HAVE and WANT%?
Do you want to consolidate all the total_pay and total_bill from all the WANT% datasets and then set 'revolving' based on that?
I am still not sure on the structure of Have and want datasets. Assuming that Have will have the client_name and want_mmdd contains client_name, bill and pay value, here is a dataset to consolidate the pay and bill values.
%let cur_month=%sysfunc(month(%sysfunc(today())));
data result;
retain pay_idx 1 bill_idx 2 ;
array agg[3,2] 8 _temporary_; /* As an example i took 3 clients.*/
if _n_=1 then do;
dcl hash clients();
do until(clientsEof);
set have end=clientsEof;
%do month=%sysevalf(&cur_month.-6) %to &cur_month.;
%do date=1 %to 31;
%if %sysfunc(exist(work.want_%sysfunc(putn(&month.,z2.))%sysfunc(putn(&date.,z2.)))) %then %do;
do until (eof);
set want_%sysfunc(putn(&month.,z2.))%sysfunc(putn(&date.,z2.)) end=eof;
/*use client_idx to query the summarized value for each client */
/* Calculate here */
Not sure if this helps!
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