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Obsidian | Level 7

I would like for the text to wrap under the word purpose. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance!




Here's my code:


ods text= "^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=black textdecoration=underline}Project 1^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=black}: A comprehensive list can be found in^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=blue} Attachment II^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=black}. The following includes the analyses. ";



ods text= "^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=black indent=.25in}1. ^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=black textdecoration=underline}Purpose^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=black}: The details are provided in ^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=blue}Table 3^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=black} and displayed in ^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=blue}Figure 1^S={font_face = 'Times New Roman' just=j fontweight=light fontsize=12pt color=black}. These results show that it is significant. More text, more next, more next, more next, more next, more next, more next, more next, more next, more next, more next, more next, more next, more next,more next, more text. I would like for this whole paragraph to be indented and aligned to the word PURPOSE.";


Super User

You might want to try adding Leftmargin= and Rightmargin= options to the beginning of each paragraph.


I've had better luck with controlling output text by using ODS RTF TEXT instead of just ODS TEXT on occasion. It seems like ODS TEXT goes through some sort of generic text processor and will result in different appearance when using somewhat destination specific options.



  I was able to produce this using ODS RTF TEXT and by splitting your Purpose paragraph into 2 chunks, as shown below:



I know it is a bit tiny, in the screen shot, but I achieved the wrapping you want by taking the first couple of sentences that would fit on 1 line and gave them a leftmargin=.25in. Then I took the rest of the text on a new ODS RTF TEXT statement and gave it a leftmargin=.4in, as shown above.



Obsidian | Level 7

Thank you Cynthia!


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