I'm trying to sort out certain instances of a character variable. The data in the variable is in the form either:
The difference being the roman numeral "I' after data. The numbers "1" can vary. I want only data_, and to drop instances of dataI_. Thus:
proc sql; create table info
as select *
from data
where var like 'data_%'
Surprisingly, this does not drop instances of dataI_
Can anyone recommend a fix?
Underscore is a special character to the LIKE operator used to match any single character. So your query will match any string of five or more characters that start with 'date'.
You will need to escape it if you want LIKE to treat it as a literal underscore.
var like 'data^_%' escape '^'
I suspect this won't work with your real data.
data stuff;
input myvar $20.;
proc sql;
create table only_no_Is
as select *
from stuff
where substr(myvar, 5, 1) not in ("I");
myvar data_1 data_2 data)_1
prxmatch would probably be better. I would use it.
data no_Is;
set stuff;
if not prxmatch("m/I/",myvar);
Underscore is a special character to the LIKE operator used to match any single character. So your query will match any string of five or more characters that start with 'date'.
You will need to escape it if you want LIKE to treat it as a literal underscore.
var like 'data^_%' escape '^'
If you're allowed to use a DATA step, the problem is trivial:
data want;
set have;
if var = : 'datal_' then delete;
IN the data step there is the '=:' operator, which first shortens the longer operand to lenght of the shorter, then compare for equality:
data want;
set have;
where var =: 'data_';
PROC SQL does not support '=:' but it does have EQT (and GET and LET) "truncated string comparison operators":
data have;
var='data_1'; output;
proc sql;
create table info2
as select *
from have
where var EQT 'data_';
I don't have an answer for the "like" issue, but the following works fine:
data info;
Set data;
if LowCase(var) =: "data_";
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