I am trying to compute the Relative Strengh Index (RSI) of 500 stocks but on a monthly basis. I wrote the following code based on a paper found online, however, there are some mistakes but I do not know how to fix them. Moreover, there are some statements that I do not understand what "%do i=16 %to 7570;" stand for in the code.
data Project.MonthlyPrice;
set RSI;
lprc = lag(prc);
if prc>lprc then gain = prc-lprc;
if prc<lprc then loss = lprc-prc;
if first.PERMNO then do;
gain = .;
loss = .;
retain months 0;
if first.PERMNO then months = 1;
if gain = . then gain = 0;
if loss = . then loss = 0;
retain sumgain 0;
sumgain = sumgain + gain;
retain sumloss 0;
sumloss = sumloss + loss;
if months=15 then do;
AveGain = (sumgain-gain) / 14;
AveLoss = (sumloss-loss) / 14;
RS = AveGain / AveLoss;
RSI = 100-100/(1+RS);
drop sumgain sumloss;
%macro calRSI();
%do i=16 %to 7570;
data Project.MonthlyPrice;
set RSI;
lAveGain = lag1(AveGain);
lAveLoss = lag1(AveLoss);
if months = &i then do;
AveGain = (lAveGain*13+gain)/14;
AveLoss = (lAveLoss*13+loss)/14;
RS = AveGain / AveLoss;
RSI = 100-100/(1+RS);
data Project.MonthlyPrice;
set RSI;
Thank in advance
Please provide a link to the paper and some example data. Makes it a lot easier to help you.
here's the link to the paper: http://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings12/163-2012.pdf
I am using CRSP from WRDS Monthly stock return and S&P500 returns in my dataset. I used the past 10 years of data (from December 2007 to December 2017) and the entire database (almost 7200 stocks).
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