Hello all,
I want to use PRXPARSE function to get sub strings like these:
'10-30 oz' or '25 lb' or '2.5 - 55 lbs' ,..... ect
I use this
PATTERN =PRXPARSE("/(\d+\.*\d+ *-* *\d+\.*\d+ *)|(\d+\.?\d+-\d+\.?\d+ (lb|oz))|(\d+\.?\d+\.?\d+ (lb|oz))|(\d+\.?\d+? (lb|oz))|(\d+? *(lb|oz))|(\d *- *\d *(lb|oz))|(\d+?.\d+? *(lb|oz))|(\d+.\d+ *- *\d *(lb|oz))|(\d *- *\d+.\d+ *(lb|oz))/");
but this is not good.
please help,
We need to know what your full text looks like. Also, what issues are occurring in with your current code.
Can you provide a few test strings that cover the range of your input text: things that should match and strings that shouldn't?
Maybe this is good :
(not tested much)
data have;
length x $ 100;
x='10-30 oz';output;
x='25 lb';output;
x='2.5 - 55 lbs';output;
data _null_;
set have;
if prxmatch('/([\s\d\.]+\-)?[\s\d\.]+(oz|lb|lbs)/i',x) then putlog 'Matched';
else putlog 'Not Matched';
Xia, please note that you must name the longer alternatives first, (oz|lbs|lb) for example, because the parser stops at the first match, so that (oz|lb|lbs) will never match the s in lbs.
A comparison
data test;
length str $64;
do str =
"The Wizard of Oz says",
"There are 10-30 oz of potatoes",
"or 25 lb of onions",
"and 2.5 - 55 lbs of lard in this delicious recipe.";
data amtPG;
length subStr $20;
if not prx1 then prx1 +
set test;
if prxmatch(prx1, str) then do;
subStr = prxposn(prx1, 0, str);
drop prx1;
title "PG's pattern";
proc print data=amtPG noobs; run;
data amtXK;
length subStr $20;
if not prx1 then prx1 +
set test;
if prxmatch(prx1, str) then do;
subStr = prxposn(prx1, 0, str);
drop prx1;
title "XK's pattern";
proc print data=amtXk noobs; run;
PG's pattern subStr str 10-30 oz There are 10-30 oz of potatoes 25 lb or 25 lb of onions 2.5 - 55 lbs and 2.5 - 55 lbs of lard in this delicious recipe. XK's pattern subStr str Oz The Wizard of Oz says 10-30 oz There are 10-30 oz of potatoes 25 lb or 25 lb of onions 2.5 - 55 lb and 2.5 - 55 lbs of lard in this delicious recipe.
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