here am writing d code to check missing day month year from the input below & display the correct format according to the given values below. my input dates are
the values to display according to the coressponding input value in the output are-->
DD-MMM- = DD-MMM-0000
here is my code to take string & display it but it gives a missing output what can i do to read the input then see wats missing then display the respective outputs
data date;
str ='-jan-1988';
date1= input(str,anydtdte11.);
format date1 mmddyyd10.
Part of your issue is you haven't broken the code up to identify all of your possible cases. 1) all values missing, 2) all but day missing, 3) all but month missing, 4) all but year missing, 5) ony missing day, 6) only missing month, 7) missing only year and finally 😎 missing no values.
For instance with your third record and the value of 02--1978
None of this code gets executed:
if day eq "-" and month eq "-" then year=substr(birthdate,3,4); else if day eq "-" and month ne "-" then year=substr(birthdate,6,4); else if year eq "-" then year="0000"; else if month eq "-" then year=substr(birthdate,5,4);
because "day" = 0, "month"=2 and "year"=7
And for the case where day is ne - and month ne - you never re-read the year so you get that single digit.
I'm answering this away from my SAS install and have an idea I can't test at this time that may be much simpler over all.
What is your rules for what gets replaced in the missing parts. SAS dates can only have all parts presetn, so you need rules like:
If day is missing then assume 01
If month is missing then assume Jan
If Year is missing then assume 2015
Then you code those rules in:
data want; set have; day=substr(date,1,2); month=substr(date,3,3); year=substr(date,6,4); if day="--" then day="01"; if month="--" then month="JAN"; if year="--" then year="2015"; converted_data=input(cats(day,month,year),date9.); format converted_date date9.; run;
The above is to show the working.
Yes, what you want to do is to check each part of the string provided in date. You do this by using:
if <condition> then <result>;
Setup (or similar select when).
Converting the string to date will just create missings where the complete date is not present, as SAS does not have a "default" for missing data.
As for "can i use it as macro..", not directly, this code is written in Base SAS, for use with datasets - i.e. the language used to process data. Macro is a text generation facility, it is not advisable to start doing data related processing in a text generation language, otherwise you will end up with messy obfuscated code. The most important thing to learn about any technology is when to use it, and more impoartantly when not to use it.
@RW9here my input datastep
data have;
input birthdate $;
& its log
1 -Jan-197
2 --1977
3 02--1978
So what is your logic here, your data doesn't seem to match. Take two of the examples:
In the first, month is one single "-", in the second month is two "-". It shiould either be one - for missing, or 3 - missing -.
What are the rules to identify the three parts from the date?
I have done what I can with the data, its really not good to accept un-logical data like this though:
data have; length day $2 month $3 year $4 birthdate $11; input birthdate $; cards; -Jan-1975 --1977 02--1978 03-Jan- run; data want; set have; length day $2 month $3 year $4; month=compress(birthdate," ","ka"); birthdate=tranwrd(compress(tranwrd(birthdate,month,"")," "),"--","-"); day=substr(birthdate,1,index(birthdate,"-")); birthdate=substr(birthdate,index(birthdate,"-")+1); year=birthdate; run;
Sorry, I don't see any "--" in that exampe data. From that example data I would just use scan, but this doesn't show missings. Post smoe test data which shows your data, exactly, with each of the combinations.
Sorry, we are back to my previous point then:
So what is your logic here, your data doesn't seem to match. Take two of the examples:
In the first, month is one single "-", in the second month is two "-". It shiould either be one - for missing, or 3 - missing -.
What are the rules to identify the three parts from the date?
There's no logic provided which states in one record month could be --, in another record it could be -.
To add to that, how do you know that --1977 should be 05-jan-1977? What are your rules on the data, how are you going to clean it. The code I provided should give you a good start in splitting the string up, you now need to work out what your logic and rules will be on missing data.
Yes, so as mentioned before its two part. First separate out the individual parts. You are ignoring my point with regards to logical assignment of -- versus -, so I will just make assumptions. The second part is to assign the required replacements for missing values, and then input the result.
In the datastep below, the first part of the datastep separates out the components, the second adds in your rules.
data have; length day $2 month $3 year $4 birthdate old $11; input birthdate $; old=birthdate; cards; -Jan-1975 --1977 02--1978 03-Jan- run; data want; set have; length day $2 month $3 year $4; month=compress(birthdate," ","ka"); birthdate=tranwrd(compress(tranwrd(birthdate,month,"")," "),"--","-"); day=tranwrd(substr(birthdate,1,index(birthdate,"-")),"-",""); birthdate=substr(birthdate,index(birthdate,"-")+1); year=birthdate; /* Your rules here */ if day="" and month ne "" and year ne "" then new_date=input(cats("01",month,year),date9.); else if day="" and month="" and year ne "" then new_date=input(cats("01JAN",year),date9.); else if day ne "" and month="" and year ne "" then new_date=input(cats(day,"JAN",year),date9.); else if day ne "" and month ne "" and year="" then new_date=input(cats(day,month,"2000"),date9.); format new_date date9.; run;
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